Category Archives: Special Events

2014 Advent Happenings

Advent_abstractAN ADVENT GIFT FOR YOU – Special small books to nourish your mind and heart as you prepare for Christmas. Available beginning the weekend of November 29-30 at the Glen Road entrance to the Church.

Tuesday, December 2
EVENING FOR WOMEN – Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND
A wonderful way to begin our Advent journey! Through prayer, reflection and sharing, we will interweave this year’s theme, ‘Pondering Grace’ with Mary’s extraordinary ‘yes’ and journey with her. 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel/Social Hall

Saturday, December 6
Holiday market with trees, wreaths, decorated boxwoods, bakeshop, toy raffle, silent auction, Fontaine raffle, kid’s corner, photo with Santa—not to be missed! Saturday, December 6 – one day only, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at St. John School

December 13-14
During this Advent season, our Service Commission invites us, as a Parish, to assist in supplying ‘Birthing Kits’ as a way to reduce the mortality rates for mothers and newborns in Haiti. Birthing Kit Collection will take place at all the Masses on the weekend of December 13-14.

Sunday, December 14
Our Parish Choir, Family Mass Musicians, Christmas Youth and St. John School Chorus come together to provide a concert of Christmas music that will delight all ages at 2:00 p.m. in the Church!

Tuesday, December 16
All are welcome to this experience of joy!, Tuesday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church.

Sunday, December 21
Religious Education First Grade classes will be in costume as they present the Christmas Gospel—Sunday, December 21 at the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass in the Church.

Wednesday, December 24
There is no better way to prepare for Christmas! Come for this special gift of Confession on Christmas Eve from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Chapel.


Wednesday, December 24
4:00 pm (Upper and Lower Church)
5:30 pm Family Mass
7:00 pm
10:00 pm (9:30 Choir Program)

Thursday, December 25
10:30 am (10:00 Choir Program)
No 5:00 pm Mass on Christmas Day

Parish Pancake Breakfast – Sunday, September 21

pancakesPlease join us on Sunday, September 21 for our Parish Pancake Breakfast following our Sunday morning Masses. We will have pancakes in the Social Hall along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more outside on the grounds!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, October 5 at 2:30pm

Blessing of the Animals LogoJoin us this Sunday, October 5 at 2:30pm for the “Blessing of the Animals”.  All loved animals are welcome – real, toy and photo!  Free balloon animals for kids of all ages!  (Behind the Church)

For their safety, all real animals should be leashed or in a carrier.  Please consider donating gently used blankets and towels for local animal shelters.

Welcome Weekend September 20-21

During “Welcome Weekend” we lift high the banner of WELCOME to one and all as we celebrate the life of this community and the countless ways this life continues to grow and deepen in faith and love and service. Each September is always a new beginning! Come, join us to make this year the best!

Our annual Parish Pancake Breakfast follows our morning Masses on Sunday – join us for pancakes in the Social Hall and games, pony rides, a petting zoo and more outside!

It’s Appreciation Weekend!

All Masses this weekend, June 7-8, will be in Thanksgiving for you who make our parish all that it is and continues to become! Thank You All!

Please join us Sunday morning for refreshments after the 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am Masses.

April 8 at 7:30pm: “The American Catholic Experience” with Fr. Mark S. Massa, S.J.

Fr. Mark MassaPlease join us on Tuesday, April 8 at 7:30pm in the Social Hall for a Lenten Lecture with Fr. Mark S. Massa, S.J.,  Dean of the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.  Fr. Massa will be speaking on “The American Catholic Experience.”

Here is Fr. Massa describing his work and areas of interest:

For the past decade my research interest has focused on the Catholic experience in the United States since World War II.  Catholics and American Culture sought to provide a non-“master narrative” approach to understanding how Catholics left their secure ghetto after 1945 to enter the verdant pastures of middle class affluence, with somewhat mixed results.  And precisely because of those mixed results, I utilized Reinhold Niebuhr’s rich category of “theological irony to tell my tale.  Anti-Catholicism in America mined David Tracy’s protean distinction between “analogical” and “dialectical” pre-conceptual languages to explain how – and – why – Catholics and other Americans actually do see the world differently, a difference that has contributed significantly to “prejudice” against Catholics in the U.S. And I use that term in neutral sense (and not in its more usual pejorative) sense: prejudice comes from two Latin words that mean “prejudgment.”  I thus attempted an ideologically neutral approach to anti-Catholic “prejudice.”  My latest book, The American Catholic Revolution (Oxford 2010) examines what happened after Vatican II when historical consciousness (i.e., the awareness that everything in history changes) was let loose in the American Catholic community. The book starts with Vatican II, and examines the reception of Humanae Vitae, the “Catonsville Nine” anti-Vietnam War protest, the reform of women’s religious orders, and Avery Dulles’ classic work, Models of the Church.

Wednesday, February 26 at 7pm: AFFC Lecture with Prof. Jeff Bloechel – “The Jesus Prayer”

Jesus Prayer-sinai-christ-pantokratorPlease join us in the Social Hall on Wednesday, February 26 at 7pm for a lecture on The Jesus Prayer with Jeff Bloechel, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Boston College.  From Prof. Bloechel: “The ‘Jesus Prayer’ is distinguished by its simplicity (in Greek it is only five words long) and by its age (explicit references date to the 5th century). It is generally understood as a prayer by which the mind is taken into the heart, where God’s love touches us most deeply. In modern times, the Prayer was revived in Russia and brought to Mt. Athos, where it has become the center of an entire spirituality for many Greek Orthodox monks. My own encounter with the Prayer was shaped by three visits to Mt. Athos, and so I will include some discussion of the Holy Mountain in my thoughts on the Prayer.”

Wednesday, January 22 at 6pm: Come, Pray for Life

Holy Hour for LifePlease join us this Wednesday,  January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel as we join in prayer with thousands of others in the Archdiocese of Boston Holy Hour for Life. The Holy Hour for Life will unite the Archdiocese of Boston in prayer, asking forgiveness on behalf of all people for sins against the dignity of the human person, committed through acts of abortion and many other offenses against human life. All are welcome. Please call Tom Smith at (781) 235-6442 with any questions.

Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, September 29 at 2pm

Blessing of the Animals LogoJoin us on Sunday, September 29 at 2pm for the “Blessing of the Animals”.  All loved animals are welcome – real, toy and photo!  Free balloon animals for kids of all ages!  (Behind the Church)

For their safety, all real animals should be leashed or in a carrier.  Please consider donating gently used blankets and towels for local animal shelters.

Parish Family Picnic – Sunday, September 22

pancakesPlease join us this Sunday for the St. John Parish Family Picnic Brunch following our Sunday morning Masses. We will have pancakes along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Note: There are still spaces for Confirmation Candidates who would like Community Service hours.  Go to our Volunteer Sign Up Page and select the shifts you would like to serve.  If you require slightly different hours but would still like to help, please email Susan Calcio.  Thank you to all the parishioners who have offered to lend a hand – we can put you to work as needed when you drop by to enjoy the day!