A Christmas Wish Thank You!

The Christmas Wish Committee would like to thank all the parishioners who participated in the 2011 Christmas Wish Program. We volunteered to sponsor, shop for, or donate funds to help buy Christmas gifts and clothing for over 320 children in 137 families. The contributions from St. John assisted families and children of St. Patrick’s in Brockton, St. Patrick’s in Lowell,  St. Katharine Drexel in Roxbury, St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley, and Julie’s Family Learning Program in South Boston. Over 200 St. John families took part in the program to bring the true meaning of Christmas through family sponsorship, financial donations, and program coordination.  A special thanks to Sue and Bill Logan of McCabe Movers who generously donated moving services to transport clothing, toys and wrapping materials to these parishes. We would also like to thank Kathy Maher, Christine Kehoe, Becky Kannam, Peg Tally, Paula Gomez, Marcia Gargone, Pat Colton, Joyce Farah, Corinne Spinale, Donna Buckley, Joanne Sheppard, and Steve DuFour for a great job on the committee.  We extend a special invitation to all parishioners to join us next year in the 2012 Christmas Wish to share the joy of this program.  Happy Holidays!

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