New Members Named to Parish Council

PPCAs you know during the month of October, we invite the congregation to nominate individuals for our Parish Pastoral Council. Those nominated were contacted and from those who were willing to serve, we drew the names of two men and two women. We did this at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, October 12. We congratulate our new members: Tony DeProspo, Ronda Dew, Rose Mary Donahue and Paul Rolincik.

Out going members are: Kate Donovan, Jack Kapples, Stephanie Morgan and Ed Nelson. They have been an enormous help to us over the three years, and we are genuinely grateful to them for their service.

Our newest members now join with current members: Art Greenwood, Steve Healy, Mark Kelley, Marci Loeber, Mary Mullen, Suzanne Pasko (Chair) Christian Rubio and Sheelah Sullivan.

For more information on the Parish Council, please visit our Parish Pastoral Council page.

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