“So Others May Eat” – Sandwiches Needed This Sunday July 22

We need your help to provide hundreds of sandwiches this Sunday, July 22 (and next Sunday, July 29) for the Bristol Lodge in Waltham.  Since 1995, St. John’s  has helped serve the homeless by providing sandwiches on the 4th and 5th (when there is one) Sunday of each month.  The sandwiches provide a nourishing mid-day meal for the residents of shelters which are closed during the daytime hours. Please bring sandwiches (wrapped and without condiments) to the church kitchen refrigerator. For more information please contact Liz Phillips at (781) 237-4430 or email Liz.phillips@comcast.net

Pray the Rosary

For those with special devotion to the Blessed Mother, Marian Movement continues throughout the summer.  Every Tuesday, all are invited to pray the Rosary at 7 p.m. in the Chapel.

When Traveling This Summer…

When traveling within the United States, call 1-800-MASSTIME or visit www.masstimes.org for the location and schedule of a nearby church for Mass.  To keep up with what’s happening here, you can get all the news posted to our website via RSS feed or email update – just click the FOLLOW US! links below.

Workshop on Visiting the Sick – Starts Wednesday, October 3

Starting Wednesday, October 3 and running for six weeks (Oct 3, 10, 17, 24 and Nov 7, 14), a workshop on Pastoral Care to the Sick and Homebound will be offered at St. John the Evangelist from 7pm-9pm.   Continue reading

First Communion Pictures Available for Pickup at the Rectory

Pictures of this year’s First Communicants are available for pickup in the vestibule of the rectory. Parents, please collect your child’s pictures.

This Weekend: Food Pantry Collection for St. Katharine Drexel

Please bring non-perishable items to assist our sister parish in Roxbury, Saint Katharine Drexel.  This weekend (and every second Sunday) we gratefully receive your donations at our Glen Road entrance.  Contact is Angela Spinale, 781-431-0008.

50th Wedding Anniversary

Julie and Frank McConville, with their children, spouses and grandchildren, will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the 11:00 a.m. Mass this Sunday, July 1. All friends and parishioners are invited to join with them on this joyous occasion for a reception in the Social Hall immediately following the Mass.

“Fortnight for Freedom” and a Town Hall Meeting with Cardinal Sean

Please participate in the U.S. Bishops “Fortnight for Freedom” by praying the religious freedom prayer and by watching Cardinal Sean’s Town Hall Meeting on CatholicTV (Verizon 296, Comcast 268, Charter 101, RCN 85), as well as 1060AM WQOM, Relevant Radio Network, and CatholicTV.org. The Town Hall Meeting will be broadcast on Saturday June 30 at 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday July 4 at noon. The “Fortnight for Freedom” runs from June 21 to July 4. Let us treasure and defend religious freedom this Independence Day! (See BostonCatholic.org/Freedom for more information.)

This is not a Catholic issue. This is not a Jewish issue. This is not an Orthodox, Mormon, or Muslim issue. It is an American issue.

Cardinal Sean is asking Catholics to recite a prayer for religious liberty during this fortnight.

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty

O God our Creator, Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome – for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us – this great land will always be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please Help Bridge the Gap

We still need your HELP with the offertory if we are to make our budget. If you can help us bridge the $20,000 gap before June 30 we thank you in advance. (For details, please click HERE for the bulletin.)  Remember, Parish Pay is available for online giving.  Thank you all for your support.

Tell Us Which Programs Interest You!

AFFC LogoTo assist in our planning the Adult Faith Formation Commission is looking for expressions of interest in one or more of the following programs –

1) Scripture study – small groups, meeting either in homes or at church; mornings or evenings, weekdays or weekends; systematic reading and discussion of sections of old and new testaments.
2) Book discussion group – reading and discussing one book a month (generally about 200 pages) on a range of topics.
3) Discussions of general issues of concern to Catholics – broad-ranging discussions of issues, challenges and opportunities of concern to Catholics; weekday mornings or evenings.
4) Lectures and discussions – 30-45 minute talks by knowledgeable men and women followed by questions and discussions; weekday mornings or evenings or Sunday afternoons or evenings.
5) Film discussion group — viewing and discussing one film a month, documentary or fiction with religious theme; weekday or Saturday evenings.

Please send us an email message or call with your name and the program(s) of interest: AFFC@stjohnwellesley.org or 617 969 0950 (John Stewart).  There is no obligation, no commitment! Thanks.

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission
Linda Colozzi, Pat Kelleher (chair), Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor), John Salvati, John Stewart and Anne Wachtmeister