Appreciation Weekend
May 19–20
Celebrating St. John Parish Life
All Masses will be in Thanksgiving for you who make our parish all that it is and continues to become!  Thank you all!

Two Important Outreach Programs Coming in Early June!

June 2-3: St. John’s Parish 8th Annual Baby Shower for Crisis Pregnancies – watch for a list of most needed items in the bulletin and on the website.

June 9-10: St. Francis House Annual Men’s Clothing Drive – St. John’s conducts an annual Men’s Clothing Drive in June to collect everyday clothing needs such as jeans, socks and hats for St. Francis House, the largest day shelter in New England, serving over 800 men and women on a daily basis.  More information will be coming soon in the bulletin and on the website, but you can start “spring cleaning” your closets now!  If you have questions about this annual collection, please contact Shilan Yeung 508-801-7072.

To learn more about these programs and all the opportunities for service at St. John the Evangelist please visit the Service Commission page on our website.

Adult Faith Formation Calendar

AFFC LogoMay 23, 7:30 p.m. Reflections on Vatican II: The Roles of Yves Congar and Marie-Dominique Chenu by Fr. Maury Schepers, O.P. – Social Hall

Fr. Schepers, a Dominican priest from Kenya, is completing a year of study as a resident scholar at the Lonergan Institute of Boston College.  As Father Hehir pointed out in his recent lectures on Vatican II, Pope John invited several distinguished but controversial scholars to participate in the planning of the Council. Father Congar was a driving force in the ecumenical movement of the mid-twentieth century. He died in 1995, after being honored by Pope John Paul II who named him a cardinal. Father Chenu was a very progressive theologian who was influential in the drafting and ratification of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.

June 5, 7:30 p.m.  Lecture and Discussion on John Henry Newman by Father Robert Imbelli – Social Hall
Fr.  Imbelli is an Associate Professor of Theology at Boston College.
Newman is considered one of the theological “giants” of the 19th century, an age when belief in God seemed in deep trouble in many countries. His extensive writings reflect his drive to make sense of the Christian vision, to appreciate in greater detail just how we arrive at faith. We too live in an age when many are struggling to understand the role that God plays in our lives. The thoughts and inspirations of Newman are as relevant today as they were when he died in 1890.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

Confirmation 2012

St. John the Evangelist Parish is pleased to recognize the following students who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 1, 2012. Students prepared for Confirmation over a two-year period. Each performed many hours of service to their communities, attended classes and deepened their relationship with God through group and personal activities. With the reception of this sacrament, these seventy students completed their initiation into the Catholic Church. We welcome them!

Dierdrah Bellevue
Daniel Biotti
Nicole Bramley
Evan Callaghan
William Carlin
Joseph Cataldo
Aidan Cort
Matthew Creonte
John Curtin
Alexandra DiBiase
Lauren Dillon
Cara Donovan
Caroline Dubuque
William DuFour
Luisa Escallon
John Fadule
Michael Feigenbaum
Cosimo Ferrante
John Michael Ferrera
John Fitzpatrick
Katharine Fortin
Nicholas Friscia
Gabriel Gager
Peter Garland
Cleo Greenwood
Jack Griffin
Emily Griffin
Thomas Harding
Phillip Heilbron
Laurel Hennessee
Kyle Jacobs
Catherine Joyce
Allison Kannam
Lucy Kapples
Caroline Kelliher
Allison Kelliher
Ian Kinney
Jamie Liu
Theodore Loughborough
Rose Maalouf
Abraham Maalouf
Joey Maalouf
Caitlin Mahoney
Patrick McNamara
Emma Megan
Caroline Melly
Payton Moran
John Morgan
Liam Muir
Megan Nilles
Justin O’Brien
Garrett O’Toole
Henry Palmier
Isabelle Paredes
Amanda Pasko
Nicholas Peretti
Madeleine Picher
William Richardson
Brian Rolincik
John Rourke
Emily Ryan
Shannon Seidl
Monica Skelly
Hailey Tortorella
Mary Katherine Tuomey
Christopher Ulian
Elizabeth Van Flandern
Bonaventure Wilde
Thomas Wynn
Elizabeth Young

Parish Report to the Archdiocese on the Pastoral Planning Commission’s Proposal Available!

Please visit the Proposed Pastoral Collaborative page to read the Report to the Archdiocese on the Pastoral Planning Commission’s Proposal which was submitted to the Archdiocese on May 1.  

May 1, 2012: Parish Report on the APPC Proposal Submitted to the Archdiocese

The St. John the Evangelist Parish Report to the Archdiocese on the Pastoral Planning Commission’s Proposal was submitted to the Archdiocese on May 1, 2012.  A draft of this report was reviewed by the Parish’s Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Staff Council and Planning Group at a meeting held for that purpose, and the report was modified based on feedback received at that meeting. Much of the input reflected in this report was received at consultation meetings held following each of the liturgies on the weekend of March 24-25, with an additional meeting held Monday, March 26 to accommodate those who were unable to be present at one of the weekend sessions. An online survey option was also provided for those unable to attend a meeting, and both email and paper responses were solicited as well. Approximately 180-200 members of the parish community participated in the consultations (meetings and online responses), which provided a much needed opportunity for parishioners to share their thoughts, concerns, and hopes and in some instances their frustrations.

The report’s conclusion appears below;  the entire report is available under the Links and Downloads menu on the Proposed Pastoral Collaborative page.


Collaboration will bring many opportunities to revitalize and strengthen the parishes of the Archdiocese.  It will be important to continue to stress the positive aspects of the new model as parishes become bogged down in the difficult decisions that are inevitable.  In some instances, the Archdiocese might consider providing professional facilitators to assist parishes in sorting through difficult issues.

Careful planning for the transition will be critical to the successful implementation of the new structure.  At this point it is difficult to see how we will get from our current structure to the proposed collaborative model. Development of any plan needs to be done in stages, starting from the grass roots level in the parish.  Parishioners see the need for, and want to be engaged in, strategic planning, particularly with regard to the Pastoral Service Team and mechanisms in place to ensure that parishes share equally in decision-making.  This information will help people to understand and plan for the transition ahead.

Mutual respect and trust will be critical to the success of any collaboration. While these will develop organically, some recommendations might be offered on how to promote these qualities.  We will learn a great deal as we work through the process, and there are opportunities to learn from each other.

Communication as we begin this transition will be important, as will documentation of the process at the Archdiocesan and local parish level.

This Weekend – Collection for St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry

Collection of non-perishable items to assist our sister parish in Roxbury will take place this weekend, May 12 & 13 (and every second Sunday). Please bring your donations to our Glen Rd. entrance to benefit Saint Katharine Drexel Food Pantry.  For more information, contact Angela Spinale at 781-431-0008.

To learn more about all the opportunities for service at St. John the Evangelist please visit the Service Commission page on our website.

Golden and Silver Anniversary Mass

Sunday, June 3, 2012 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston.  Celebrated by His Eminence, Sean Cardinal O’Malley O.F.M

Mass will include a renewal of vows. Family members and friends are welcome to attend.  A formal invitation will be mailed to registered couples beginning in May.  Register at the Parish Office or online by clicking HERE.  Please register by May 25, 2012 in order to have your names included in the printed list of Anniversary Couples.  (Late registration will be accepted, but names will not appear on the list.) If you have any questions, please call (617) 746-5814.

May 21 – Annual Golf Tournament to Support Seminarians

The 20th Annual Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, May 21st at The Weston Golf ClubThis premier charity event is held to benefit the educational program for the seminarians. Tuition covers only half the cost of educating a seminarian and the proceeds from this tournament will help bridge the gap and keep the cost of educating them affordable. The $250 player entry includes lunch at the Club, 18 holes of golf with cart, and door prizes; followed by a social hour, silent auction and dinner for each golfer and a guest at the seminary.

To register, call Kate Folan at 781-899-5500 or visit

St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry Collection – May 12 & 13

Collection of non-perishable items to assist our sister parish in Roxbury will take place next weekend (and every second Sunday)  May 12 & 13. Please bring your donations to our Glen Road entrance to benefit Saint Katharine Drexel Food Pantry. For more information, contact Angela Spinale at 781-431-0008.

To learn more about all the opportunities for service at St. John the Evangelist please visit the Service Commission page on our website.