Reminder: Dinner for Rosie’s Place Volunteers – Food Drop Off on Saturday, February 4th between 3:15 and 3:30

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for this effort!   We look forward to seeing you when the food is dropped off on Saturday, February 4th between  3:15 and 3:30 at St. John’s school parking lot.  The next opportunity to provide food will be on Saturday, March 3rd.  On behalf of the women at Rosie’s, thank you.  If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Tully at, (781)235-6182 or Pam McCourt at, (781)235-0612.

Congratulations Fr. Bryan Hehir

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Fr. Hehir who received The Monika K. Hellwig Award from The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities on January 28 in Washington, D.C. Fr. Hehir was honored this weekend for his outstanding contributions to Catholic intellectual life. We congratulate Fr. Hehir for this honor and thank him for the tireless way he shares his gift with our Parish community.

Adult Faith Formation Update – January 29, 2012

AFFC LogoThere are a host of terrific periodicals available to Catholics. Most have short articles on an assortment of topics and issues and can be read either in bits and pieces, as time is available, or in an hour or so.  (For a sample of these magazines visit the small parish library on the lower level.)  The January 13, 2012 issue of Commonweal is a good example of the range of subjects covered by Catholic magazines. (Commonweal was founded in 1924 as a “review of religion, politics and culture”.  Its orientation is “progressive”, compared, for example, to the somewhat “conservative” journal First Things.)

In addition to the usual fare of editorials, book and film reviews and letters to the editor, the January 13 issue contains a long article entitled “A Modus Vivendi? Sex, Marriage and the Church”. The article consists of brief commentaries by nine leading spiritual writers and theologians in the country.

The commentaries respond to an introduction describing the dramatic cultural shifts of the last forty or so years that have seen the percentage of married Catholics in America drop from 79% in 1979 to 53% in 2010 and polls that indicate large numbers of Catholics conflicted by the disconnect between their practices and the official teachings of the Church. How, the writers were asked, should the Church respond, pastorally and doctrinally, to this very difficult situation?

The answers provided in the essays are both interesting and varied. While there is no consensus among the essays on what lies ahead, they lay out a wonderful range of ideas, opinions and options. If you are not a subscriber to Commonweal  and cannot borrow the January issue from someone who is, contact John Stewart and he will get a copy of the article to you ( or 617-969-0950).

Adult Faith Formation Schedule

February 4Men’s Group in the Social Hall after the 7:00am Mass for coffee, donuts and good conversation.

February 9 – Book Discussion Group in the Parish Center at 7:30pm.  A Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Joseph Pieper.

February 7 – Evening for Women in the Social Hall at 6:30pm. “A Journey into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel”.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission: Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin, Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart, and Anne Wachtmeister •Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor).


Religious Education News – First Reconciliation

This weekend the altar is covered with a unique quilt that was created by the Religious Education Grade 2 students in celebration of their First Reconciliation.  Each child created a personal square of artwork, and the pieces were woven together to produce this truly meaningful expression of their sacramental experience.

January 29, 2012: Proposed Pastoral Collaborative – Please Let Us Know Your Thoughts

Changes are coming that will affect all parishes in the Archdiocese, including St. John the Evangelist.  Please read the following summary of important information on pastoral planning from the Archdiocese.  Every parishioner needs to be aware of, and to consider carefully, this information as we move into a different structure for sharing resources among parishes. Your input is very important in this process.

For the past ten months, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission has been working on a pastoral planning document, entitled Disciples in Mission, which proposes a vision for the Archdiocese that flows directly from the mission that Jesus Christ has given to his Church.

On December 5, 2011, Cardinal O’Malley and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission met with priests of the Archdiocese of Boston and those serving in Archdiocesan parishes to begin the consultation process regarding the next phase of Pastoral Planning in the Archdiocese.

As stated, the principal thrust of the current draft of this Pastoral Plan is “to form stronger Christian disciples by strengthening our identity as a Christ-centered, mission-minded, welcoming and evangelizing Eucharistic community of faith.”

There are five “Mission Initiatives” listed to accomplish this challenging vision:

  1. Becoming a Church that More Readily and Actively Welcomes Every Man, Woman and Child to conversion of Life in Christ Jesus;
  2. Strengthening our Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith;
  3. Growing the Church through Evangelization;
  4. Developing Excellence in Faith Formation for Catholics of All Ages;
  5. Re-energizing Pastoral Leadership.

This draft of the Pastoral Plan focuses on the second initiative listed above, in order to strengthen parishes as welcoming, nourishing, thriving and evangelizing Eucharistic communities.

The proposal creates a new structure called a Pastoral Service Team (PST), comprised of both laity and clergy (priests, deacons, pastoral associates, lay ecclesial ministers, parish pastoral and finance councils) who will provide pastoral services to multiple parishes, which partner with one another to exercise the mission of evangelization. This plan hopes to provide pastoral services to parishes without altering the parishes themselves.

Each PST will work under the leadership of one pastor, with two goals:

  1. to meet the specific pastoral and spiritual needs in each parish; and
  2. to draw these parishes into a tighter and more effective bond for the work of the New Evangelization.

This proposed new structure does not involve changing the parishes themselves. Parishioners will continue to be members of their own parish, and each parish will retain responsibility for its own assets and liabilities. It is hoped that PSTs will enable each parish to determine how best to use their resources through a culture of partnering and collaboration. Each grouping will be known as a “Pastoral Collaborative.” The pastor in a PST will not have been the pastor of a parish served by that PST.

There are 290 parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston; there will be approximately 125 PSTs. Each parish will be served by one PST, and each PST will serve more than one parish. In each local area, the PST, “in dialogue and discernment with their parishes, will develop a Pastoral Plan for how best to utilize and apportion their resources, property and facilities to strengthen the parishes as Eucharistic communities rooted in Jesus Christ and to advance the Gospel mission of the Church.”

Since the December 5th meeting, three rounds of consultations have been organized, and are ongoing. The First Round, throughout the month of January, includes parish staff members (Deacons, Pastoral Associates, Parish Business Managers, DRE’s, School Principals, Music Ministers, etc.), to review the new mission initiatives and the basic principles of the PST model and elicits insights and response from the participants. The Second Round continues in January to present the groupings or “Pastoral Collaboratives.”

The Third Round begins in February and, as with the others, includes all the parishes in the archdiocese (in eleven separate meetings). This meeting is for Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish Finance Councils. The date for our Vicariate is set for March 6th.

After the completion of all the Third Round of consultations, representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Parish Planning Group will be provided with suggested models or frameworks for Parish Town Hall Meetings, FAQ’s and other necessary material.

There is a lot more information on the Archdiocesan website, including several video presentations and all the materials and feedback by the priests from the December 5th meeting.  Please visit:  Included on the website you will find the following documents:

  1. Strengthening Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith (PDF),
  2. Frequently Asked Questions Document (PDF) and
  3. Executive Summary of Presbyteral Feedback from Convocation

Note that the Archdiocese has stressed that this is a proposed draft, with consultation rounds for input from all members. Now is the time to voice your opinions, concerns, support and/or constructive criticism.  PLEASE LET US HEAR FROM YOU! For now, this can be done through the St. John Pastoral Planning Group (PPG) e-mail or individual members (listed below), or written and placed in a “Comments Box” that will be placed at the entrances of the church.

As the plan indicates there are three phases of the consultation of this plan. This past week, we participated in Phase II in which Parishes were given Pastoral Collaboratives that they would work in. St. John has been asked to collaborate with St. Paul’s. Phase III of this plan will be to consult with Parish Councils, Finance Councils and with Parishes as a whole.  During this Phase Parishes will be asked to reflect on the challenges and the possibilities of this proposal.

Current members of the PPG: Carolyn Anderson, John Calcio, Rose Mary Donahue, Svea Fraser, Gerald J. Kehoe (Chair), Dan Kenslea, Mike Nilles, Sister Evelyn Ronan and Fr. Tom Powers.

Pastoral Planning Group Email:

Can You Help A Parishioner in a Time of Special Need?

The Service Commission is currently compiling a new list of parish volunteers who would like to be contacted to assist other parishioners in times of special need (most frequent example: to provide a meal). If you would like to be on this “contact list” please e-mail Deirdre Heilbron at  Thank you!

Dinner for Rosie’s Place – Thank You!

Thank you all for your generous and prompt response to the request for food to feed the women of Rosie’s Place.  All needs have been met!  We look forward to seeing everyone when the food is dropped off at St. John’s school parking lot on February 4th between 3:15 and 3:30.  The next opportunity to provide food will be on Saturday, March 3rd. On behalf of the women at Rosie’s, thank you. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Tully at, (781)235-6182 or Pam McCourt at, (781)235-0612.

January 24, 2012: Proposed Pastoral Collaborative: Saint John the Evangelist – Saint Paul

On January 22, the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning Commission (APPC) met with parishes in the West Region to discuss the proposed pastoral collaboratives.  The St. John the Evangelist – St. Paul Proposed Pastoral Collaborative is one of 127 proposed collaboratives in the Archdiocese of Boston.  Important information on the proposed collaborative, as well as the APPC process, can be found on our new Proposed Pastoral Collaboritive page.


Attention Young Singers! Easter Youth Choir

Children in grades 1-8 are invited to participate in the St. John’s Easter Youth Choir.  High School Assistants are welcome. Two rehearsals remain: March 25, and April 1 (all from 10:50-11:50am in the Chapel.)  The children will sing at the 9am Family Mass on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012. For more information call Maria Wardwell 781-237-2148 or

Religious Education News – January 22, 2012

In December students in several grades wrote Christmas cards to our home-bound parishioners. We received several heartfelt notes of thanks. One 97-year-old woman wrote:

When I opened each envelope of Christmas wishes from the pupils of Religious Education, my heart filled with joy realizing the effort put into these thoughtful wishes in a note from these fine students.

Please share this message with your children to let them know the happiness they brought to many through their simple gesture.

During the Friends for Good sessions on January 8, students in grades 7 – 10 prepared toiletry kits for and wrote personal notes to the homeless men who use the day shelter at St. Francis House in Boston. Toiletries contained in the kits were donated by these students in November.