Adult Faith Formation Update – January 22, 2012

AFFC LogoThe Adult Faith Formation Commission (AFFC) meets monthly to plan programs and activities aimed at helping members of St. John’s parish to expand their understanding of all aspects of their faith. Our approach, quite simply, is to try to figure out what people want and need and somehow deliver it to them!  We have from time to time asked for your ideas and suggestions and we have received some, but the need for feedback is ongoing, so we encourage you to write or call and let us know just what we can do to help you.  At our meeting last week, we discussed our Programs for Lent.  The parish has purchased the ten-part documentary video, Catholicism, produced by Father Robert Barron, S.J.  This production has been broadcast on WGN America, EWTN, Relevant Radio and the Word of Fire You Tube Channel.  Also, Father Barron has a website ( that offers daily blogs, articles, commentaries and weekly sermon podcasts.  The ten segments begin with Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man and end with World Without End: Last Things.  Accompanying the DVDs are detailed study guides for each “lesson”, discussion questions and background notes.  We are not quite certain how we will organize the viewing and discussion of these presentations, but clearly they constitute a terrific overview of our basic beliefs as Catholics, a wonderful “refresher course” that would benefit all of us.  If you have ideas on how to use this material, please contact us right away!  In addition to making maximum use of Father Barron’s videos, we will have discussions of the slender book by Michael Paul Gallagher Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger, and Father Bryan Hehir will enrich us with several lectures.  The February 12 St. John’s Book Discussion Group meeting will be devoted to Josef Pieper’s Guide to Thomas Aquinas.  Professor Pieper was at the forefront of 20th century Catholic philosophy and his book provides both an overview of 13th century religious ideas and a wonderful (though brief) analysis of the life and works of one of the most influential Catholic thinkers since St. Augustine.

Program of Interest:  Sunday, January 22, 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Centre.  Social Security and Medicare: Protecting the Most Vulnerable in an Era of Cuts with Ellen Bruce, University of Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Parish Justice and Peace Commission

Evening for Women: Tuesday, February 7, 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  Theme: A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel. Come with one of your favorite winter recipes to share!  All Welcome! Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

January 20, 2012: APPC Proposed Pastoral Plan – Please Let Us Know Your Thoughts

Changes are coming that will affect all parishes in the Archdiocese, including St. John the Evangelist. Please read the following summary of important information on pastoral planning from the Archdiocese. Every parishioner needs to be aware of, and to consider carefully, this information as we move into a different structure for sharing resources among parishes. Your input is very important in this process.

For the past ten months, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission has been working on a pastoral planning document, entitled Disciples in Mission, which proposes a vision for the Archdiocese that flows directly from the mission that Jesus Christ has given to his Church.  On December 5, 2011, Cardinal O’Malley and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission met with priests of the Archdiocese of Boston and those serving in Archdiocesan parishes to begin the consultation process regarding the next phase of Pastoral Planning in the Archdiocese. As stated, the principal thrust of the current draft of this Pastoral Plan is “to form stronger Christian disciples by strengthening our identity as a Christ-centered, mission-minded, welcoming and evangelizing Eucharistic community of faith.”

There are five “Mission Initiatives” listed to accomplish this challenging vision:

  1. Becoming a Church that More Readily and Actively Welcomes Every Man, Woman and Child to conversion of Life in Christ Jesus;
  2. Strengthening our Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith;
  3. Growing the Church through Evangelization;
  4. Developing Excellence in Faith Formation for Catholics of All Ages;
  5. Re-energizing Pastoral Leadership.

This draft of the Pastoral Plan focuses on the second initiative listed above, in order to strengthen parishes as welcoming, nourishing, thriving and evangelizing Eucharistic communities.  The proposal creates a new structure called a Pastoral Service Team (PST), comprised of both laity and clergy (priests, deacons, pastoral associates, lay ecclesial ministers, parish pastoral and finance councils) who will provide pastoral services to multiple parishes, which partner with one another to exercise the mission of evangelization. This plan hopes to provide pastoral services to parishes without altering the parishes themselves.  Each PST will work under the leadership of one pastor, with two goals: (1) to meet the specific pastoral and spiritual needs in each parish; and (2) to draw these parishes into a tighter and more effective bond for the work of the New Evangelization.

This proposed new structure does not involve changing the parishes themselves. Parishioners will continue to be members of their own parish, and each parish will retain responsibility for its own assets and liabilities. It is hoped that PSTs will enable each parish to determine how best to use their resources through a culture of partnering and collaboration. Each grouping will be known as a “Pastoral Collaborative.” The pastor in a PST will not have been the pastor of a parish served by that PST. There are 290 parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston; there will be approximately 125 PSTs. Each parish will be served by one PST, and each PST will serve more than one parish. In each local area, the PST, in dialogue and discernment with their parishes, will develop a Pastoral Plan for how best to utilize and apportion their resources, property and facilities to strengthen the parishes as Eucharistic communities rooted in Jesus Christ and to advance the Gospel mission of the Church.

Since the December 5th meeting, three rounds of consultations have been organized, and are ongoing. The First Round, throughout the month of
January, includes parish staff members (Deacons, Pastoral Associates, Parish Business Managers, DRE’s, School Principals, Music Ministers, etc.), to review the new mission initiatives and the basic principles of the PST model and elicits insights and response from the participants. The Second Round continues in January to present the groupings or “Pastoral Collaboratives.”  The Third Round begins in February and, as with the others, includes all the parishes in the archdiocese (in eleven separate meetings). This meeting is for Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish Finance Councils. The date for our Vicariate is set for March 6th.  After the completion of all the Third Round of consultations, representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Parish Planning Group will be provided with suggested models or frameworks for Parish Town Hall Meetings, FAQ’s and other necessary material.

There is a lot more information on the Archdiocesan website, including several video presentations and all the materials and feedback by the priests from the December 5th meeting.  More information is available at:  Included on the website, you will find the following documents: 1. Strengthening Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith (PDF), 2. Frequently Asked Questions Document (PDF) and 3. Executive Summary of Presbyteral Feedback from Convocation.  

Note that the Archdiocese has stressed that this is a proposed draft, with consultation rounds for input from all members. Now is the time to voice your opinions, concerns, support and/or constructive criticism.  PLEASE LET US HEAR FROM YOU!  For now, this can be done through the St. John Pastoral Planning Group (PPG) e-mail or individual members (listed below), or written and placed in a “Comments Box” that will be placed at the entrances of the church.

Current members of the PPG: Carolyn Anderson, John Calcio, Rose Mary Donahue, Svea Fraser, Gerald J. Kehoe, Dan Kenslea, Mike Nilles,
Fr. Tom Powers, Sister Evelyn Ronan

Pastoral Planning Group Email:

So Others May Eat (S.O.M.E.) – January 22 and January 29

We need your help to provide hundreds of sandwiches on Sunday January 22 and Sunday January 29 for the Bristol Lodge in Waltham.  Please bring sandwiches (wrapped and without condiments) to the church kitchen refrigerator.  Since 1995, our parish has helped serve the homeless by providing sandwiches  on the 4th and 5th (when there is one) Sunday of each month.  The sandwiches are distributed to the clients of the Bristol’s various programs for the needy and provide a nourishing mid-day meal for the residents of shelters which are closed during the daytime hours.   For more information please contact Liz Phillips at (781) 237-4430 or


Help Needed: Dinner for Rosie’s Place on Saturday February 4

A refuge for poor and homeless women since 1974, Rosie’s Place offers emergency and long term assistance to women who have nowhere else to turn. For many years, St. John’s Parish has taken a turn providing evening dinner for the women.  February 4th is our next opportunity to share in this gift. In the past, we have provided meals for 70 women, but the need has more than doubled and on February 4, we will provide meals for approximately 150 women.

  • Rosie’s place is currently in need of sliced ham, baked potatoes, frozen vegetables, rolls and cupcakes.
  • Volunteers are needed to prepare food and deliver it to St. John’s parking lot between 3:15 and 3:30pm on February 4.
  • As the increase in food is substantial, it would be extremely helpful if offers to provide food were made by January 30.

If you are interested in supporting this event and for specific needs, please contact Barbara Tully (781) 235-6182 or Pam McCourt at (781) 235-0612.

2011 Tax Donation Statements

Please contact our Business Office if you would like to receive a tax statement of your 2011 donations to St. John the Evangelist.  Please call 781-235-0045 or e-mail

Your support of our community is very much appreciated.

Business Office Closed Monday January 16

St. John Business Office will be closed on Monday, January 16 for the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Special Collection for Catholic Charities This Sunday

This weekend’s collection will go to support the work of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston. This ministry is focused on support of children and families as well as new arrived immigrants in the Archdiocese. Programs include food pantries, residential care for women and children in poverty, substance abuse counseling and assistance with rent and heating oil. Catholic Charities regularly serves over 175,000 people each year. It is focused on direct personal and social support of those in need.

AFFC Update – January 15, 2012

AFFC LogoScripture Study Groups – We are off to a great start! Four groups have either started or will soon begin their study of the Gospel of St. Matthew.  There is room for more, so if you are interested please contact Marcia Grondin ( or 781-237-6249).  There are groups meeting weekday mornings and weekday evenings, usually for an hour and a half either once or twice a month. The book we are using is The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible ($10).

Book Discussion Group – The meeting on February 9 will focus on A Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Joseph Pieper. These gatherings are the second
Thursday of each month, in the Parish Center, from 7:30 to 9pm. There is no formal membership procedure.  To participate simply send your name to
Peter Mongeau, the chair of the group (, read the scheduled book and come to the meeting prepared to discuss it.  A list
of discussion questions and topics is sent to everyone on the email list a week or so before the meeting.  Please visit our page on the Parish website for more  information on the Book Discussion Group.

Lenten Programs – Lent will arrive in a little over five weeks! Among the Parish faith formation opportunities, we will have several groups discussing
a wonderful book by Michael Gallagher, Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger. (Paulist Press, $16.95)  Father Gallagher’s
goal is to present to readers searching for wisdom and understanding (all of us!) the essence of the faith of ten major thinkers of the last hundred or so years.  The content is challenging, to be sure, but written with an acute awareness of the questions ordinary people are asking, and in a style very appealing to the busy non-academic reader.

Holy Hour for Life – Sunday January 22 at 3pm

Please join us as St. John Parish joins with nearly 200 other parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston for a Holy Hour for Life to be held next Sunday, January 22 at 3pm in our Chapel on the vigil of the National Day of Prayer and Penance. The bishops of the United States have established January 22 as a particular day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life.

NEW TIME! The Contemporary Music Ensemble Presents a Free Concert – Sunday, January 22 at 1pm

The Contemporary Music Ensemble (CME) at St. John the Evangelist will host a free concert in the upper church on Sunday, January 22 from 1-2pm, with refreshments following in the Social Hall.  Musical selections will include contemporary liturgical music with an upbeat flair, as well as some pop tunes that have an uplifting message, such as People Get Ready, done by Rod Stewart and others, Oh Heavenly Day, written and recorded by folk artist Patty Griffin and The Rose recorded by Bette Midler.

The Contemporary Music Ensemble grew out of a community project that Julie Freeman developed over a year ago.  Ms. Freeman, director of the group, envisioned a project that would touch and inspire people of all ages to participate in uplifting and meaningful music, while raising money for local mental health agencies who reach out to our teens affected by anxiety and depression.  The concert, Power Of One, took place at St. John’s on November 3, 2010, and was successful in doing just that.  Since that time, our pastor Fr. Tom Powers and the Religious Education team asked if the group could become more of a regular part of the Music Ministry and we are pleased to say that we are in our first year coming together as a group.

The backbone of the group are folks who have been playing at St. John’s in various capacities for many years.  Chris Holownia, Director of the Family Mass and 5pm Sunday Mass, brings years of vocal and piano talent.  Jamie Walker, leader of the professional band The Swinging Steaks and solo vocalist on albums directed toward spiritual healing, brings vocals, guitar and experience with all the technology that goes into making a live sound with electric instruments!  MaryJo Tecce, former Music Director of the Family Mass, lends harmony and on occasion, guitar.  Ashley Freeman and Caroline Eldridge, vocalists, have been singing with the Family Mass and now the 5pm Sunday Mass since making their First Communion.  They have been very loyal to participating, enrolling other friends and growing in their own talents over these years.  Elizabeth Szabo and Marie and Stephen Brown have participated in St. John’s music for many years and were part of the original folk group under the direction of MaryJo.  Newest members to our group this year include four high school students.  Jack Griffin is a talented guitar and bass player who participates in many special band groups at Wellesley High School, as well as having his own band that frequents occasions here in town.  Ian Kinney is a talented sax player who is also involved in special bands at the high school, and Ben Wardwell participates in various choral groups and a jazz band.  Jess Ober is a parish member fromWestonHigh School, where he is a talented choral member and has been in many productions directed by Chris Holownia.

We have an amazing group of young and “young at heart” that come together to praise God while having fun!  We continue to be open to inviting new members to our group and look forward to having the church filled with enthusiasm.  For more information about the concert or to join the group, contact Julie Freeman,