To Everyone Who Helped Make This Christmas Season So Very Blessed…

For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church at the Christmas Concert and during the Christmas Liturgy; for all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for the Christmas season; to everyone who helped make Christmas Wish a great success and brought joy to so many families; for those who were involved in making the Christmas pageant a delight which brought joy to our hearts; for everyone who made Trees and Trimmings a success by raising money for the school and bringing a community together; to all of you who sent a card or delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone, bringing a little cheer into their lives; and for all of you whose presence at Christmas Mass made the celebration complete.  We thank you all for your time, treasure and talents.

Thank You For Supporting Our Retired and Infirmed Priests

Last week’s Christmas collection was for the retired and infirmed priests. Thanks to your support, our Parish raised $29,427 for the Clergy Fund. Our parish contribution will have a significant impact on the health and well being of our priests, now and in the years to come. Thank you for your generous support.

Become a “Host Family” for the Family Mass!

Sundays at the 8:45am Family Mass – a wonderful way for your family to participate! We will provide you with all the information you need. We would love your participation. The Sign-up chart is located in the Church Social Hall, or even better, contact Sr. Evelyn at

Welcome Deacon Shuler!

Upon the recommendation of Very Reverend William B. Palardy, Rector of Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, Cardinal Sean is assigning Reverend Mister Thomas B. Shuler as a Transitional Deacon to St. John the Evangelist Parish. Deacon Shuler’s assignment with us will be in addition to his academic studies at the Seminary. During this time he will spend 4-5 hours per week participating in various Parish programs. We warmly welcome him into our St. John community.

Christmas Tree Pick-Up Service from St. John School – Saturday, January 7th

Enjoy a restful holiday, and let us pick up your tree after the holidays and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF for you!  · Saturday, January 7th · Pick up starts at 10:00am  · Donation: $25 · Sign up and more info at: or call Melanie Campbell at 508-740-1194  ***Please note: This service is for Wellesley residents only***

St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry Collection – January 7th & 8th

Collection of non-perishable items to assist our sister  parish in Roxbury will take place this weekend (and every second Sunday), January 7 & 8.  Please bring your donations to our Glen Road entrance to benefit Saint Katharine Drexel Food Pantry.  For more information, contact Angela Spinale at 781-431-0008.  To learn more about all the opportunities for service at St. John the Evangelist please visit the Service Commission page on our website:

Hearing Equipment Available for Mass

St. John Parish now has hearing equipment which may be borrowed during Mass for those who have a need. Please see our pastoral staff for more information.

Scripture Study Group Meeting – Wednesday January 4th at 7pm

There will be a meeting of those interested in participating in the scripture study
groups at 7pm on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 in the Social Hall.  We will begin at 7pm with refreshments and socializing, and the meeting will run from 7:30 to 8:45pm.  At this meeting we will distribute the books ($10); discuss location, frequency, and time of meetings; begin forming groups; and gather any ideas or input you may have regarding the sessions. As we have said, our goal is to have enough groups so that everyone can find a meeting time and day and a frequency that fits their schedule, whether weekends, weekday evenings, weekday mornings, etc.  Please mark your calendar now! If you cannot attend the meeting and definitely want to participate, contact Marcia Grondin at marciaryan918@gmail. com. If you want to pick up a copy of the book in advance you can get it at the rectory.

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission

Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin,
Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart, and
Ann Wachtmeister, Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor).

Business Office Closed Monday, January 2

The Business Office will be closed January 2, 2012 for New Year’s Day.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Resumes Thursday, January 5th

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will not take place this Thursday, December 29, but will resume Thursday, January 5.  Please contact Deacon Tom Smith (781-235-6442) if you have any questions.