January 1: Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God

Mary_DevotionShe brought forth into the world eternal light, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Mass will be celebrated with the regular weekend Mass schedules at both St. John and St. Paul.

Christmas Collection – Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

Boston Priests are there for us. They share the Good News of Jesus Christ, by doing Good Works as His devoted disciples. By their words and example they are catalysts for Christ in a community of Good Faith, where together we live in love and service to God and one another. Our only collection at all Christmas Masses will be to support The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust (The Trust), which was established by the Archbishop of Boston to provide a continuum of care for the health and well-being of all diocesan priests in good standing. This Trust is separate from all other diocesan finances to ensure that the funds are used solely for this purpose. Please take a moment to view the video below about one of our Boston priests, Msgr. John McDonough. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance for your generosity.

“Because they serve the country, they should not be denied their faith.”
– Msgr. John McDonough. There for us.

Msgr. John McDonough: A Priest and a General from Clergy Health & Retirement Trust on Vimeo.

Family Mass Coffee & Donuts

coffee_&_donuts_DDDonuts & Coffee will be on break for the holidays after December 18th and will resume on January 8th. Thank you to all the families who have volunteered to host the donuts since September:  Alexander Family, Barrett Family, Cassa Family, Gibbons Family, Hill Family, Loftus Family, McDonough Family, Meraw Family, Montague Family, Morales Family, O’Boyle Family, Shortsleeve Family, Songer Family, Rubio Family.

Thank You from Christmas Wish!!!

Christmas Wish and TreeThe Christmas Wish 2016 Committee would like to thank everyone who generously supported the program by sponsoring children with outfits and special wish gifts, providing financial donations to be used for gifts and food cards, shopping for children’s needs, entering data of all applicants and volunteers, contacting volunteers, and delivering packages. Your generosity has made this holiday season very special for many families in need. We worked with 170 families and over 420 children in St. Patrick-Brockton, St. Patrick-Lowell, St. Katharine Drexel-Roxbury, Julie’s Family Learning Program-South Boston, and St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley to provide gifts of clothing, toys, special gift wishes, and even food cards. Hundreds of St. John families helped make this program possible. We extend a special thanks to our committee of Kathy Maher, MaryAnne Ulian, Christine Kehoe, Becky Kannam, Paula Gomez, Peg Tally, Ned Kelleher, Corinne Spinale, Joyce Farah, Anne Theriault, Liz Corcoran, Susan Logan, Patti DuFour, Deidre O’Kelly-Lynch, Maria Brown, Lauren Cohen, Nikole Park, and the Parish Office Staff of Sarah Connolly, Tricia Fraser, and Tricia Bombara.

Sacrament of Reconciliation on Christmas Eve

Christmas_PeaceThere is no better way to prepare for Christmas! Come for this special gift of Confession on Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Chapel.

December 18: This Week in Religious Education

Grade 1: Christmas Pageant 9:00 a.m. Family Mass

NEXT WEEK:  Merry Christmas!
No classes.  Classes resume January 8.

Christmas Flowers and Music Memorial Donations

poinsettia-at-christmas-nightWould you like to make a donation towards Christmas Music or Christmas Flowers in memory of a loved one this holiday season? If so, you may make your donation by using an offertory envelope, the collection basket, Parish Pay, or by dropping your donation in the mail or at the Parish Office. Please be sure to include the name(s) of those you want remembered in this special way, and to print their name(s) clearly. The deadline to submit the name of a loved one is this Thursday, December 15 at noon.

This Week in Religious Education

Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 7 – 8: Christmas Celebration – Philbin Hall 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Grade 1: Christmas Pageant Practice 2:30 p.m.

Grade 1: Christmas Pageant 9:00 a.m. Family Mass
No classes.  Classes resume January 8.

Advent Penance Service – Wednesday, December 14 at 7:00pm at St. Paul Church

advent-penance-service_imageOur Collaborative Advent Penance Service will be held on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00pm at St. Paul Church.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation  during the Season of Advent in preparation for the Birth of our Lord. Please join us!

2016 Collaborative Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve
4:00 pm Masses
Church* and School Hall
*Simulcast in Powers Hall (Lower Church)
5:30 pm Mass
Family Mass with Youth Choir
10:00 pm Mass
9:30 Prelude and Carol Sing
Christmas Day
10:30 am Mass

10:00 Prelude and Carol Sing


Christmas Eve
4:00 pm Masses
in the Church and Parish Hall
6:00 pm Mass

with Children’s Pageant and Choir
8:00 pm Mass
7:30 pm Carols with Adult Choir
12:00 Midnight Mass
11:30 Carols with Youth Music Group

Christmas Day
11:00am Mass

10:30 pm Carols with Adult Choir