Religious Education Schedule

2016-2017 Class Schedule

Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1 – 6:
Sunday, September 25, from 10 – 10:45 a.m. or
Wednesday, September 28, from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Grades 7 – 10:
Sunday, September 25, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

In an effort to make our opening days for Religious Education as successful as possible for our students, staff, and teachers we will NOT be accepting new registrations/students on opening day. Please register immediately if you plan on having your children attend Religious Education and you have not done so already. All registered families should have received an email detailing opening day procedures with links to the final calendar and program information on the Parish website. If you registered and did not receive the email please contact Linda Messore.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 18, at 10 a.m. in Philbin Hall. Please make every effort to attend.

Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Monday, September 19, at 7:00 p.m. in Powers Hall in the basement of the church. Lesson plans will be distributed. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Messore.

Our Regular Mass Schedule & Family Mass Program Resume This Weekend

Our Regular Mass Schedule resumes on Sunday, September 11 with Masses at  7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, and 5:00pm.

Family Mass_AltarOur Family Mass Program also returns from summer vacation. What does that mean? It means our music, readings, & homilies will be geared towards families with young children. There are also a lot of helpers – families and children bringing up the gifts to the celebrant, children helping with the collection baskets, parent lectors. If you think you or your child would enjoy helping during the Family Mass – we’d love to have your help! Please contact our Family Mass Coordinator, Chrissy Cassa.

And, yes, right after the Family Mass there is our Donut & Coffee Social Hour downstairs in Powers Hall. Please consider helping one Sunday this year. It’s easy – everything is delivered to the church you just need to set-up and clean-up. The kids love to help out! You can sign-up at:

Calling All Teens! Sunday 5:00pm Mass

Contemporary MusicWe are very excited to share that starting this Sunday, September 11, the St. John Sunday 5:00pm Mass will feature contemporary music appealing to teens and young adults and their families, and will include teen participation in the various ministries of the Mass. We will be seeking additional teen volunteers in the coming months, so please stay tuned!  All are welcome!

Update on the Special Second Collection for Fr. John Amuda’s “Association of Mama Theresa”

Fr_John_Amuda_SMALast week, Fr. John Amuda left our Collaborative to return to the Central African Republic. St. John’s and St. Paul’s are grateful for his dedicated service to our parishes. During the last two weekends, Fr. John spoke at all Masses about his missionary work in the Central African Republic and the Association of Mama Theresa, a non-governmental organization he headed. Thanks to the generosity of parishioners at both parishes, over $20,000 was collected to help the important work of Fr. John and his Association. Thank you so much for your generosity. If you would like to keep in contact with Fr. John, you may e-mail him.

World Youth Day “Thank You Celebration” – Sunday, September 11th at 6:00pm in St. Paul Parish Hall

WYD_LogoThe group of young people from our collaborative who attended World Youth Day would like to invite all parishioners to attend their World Youth Day “Thank You Celebration on Sunday, September 11th from 6:00 to 8:00pm in St. Paul Parish Hall. There will be refreshments, a presentation from the pilgrims and a slideshow of the pilgrimage. Please come and hear about this life changing event for our young people. We will also be sharing some of our young people’s reflection on WYD in the bulletin starting next week.

2016-2017 Religious Education Program Material: Did You Receive Your Email?

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLInformation for the 2016-2017 year, including a link to the calendar and opening day procedures, was emailed to registered families this past week. If you registered for classes and did not receive the information please email Linda Messore.

Episcopal Ordination

On Friday, June 3 the Holy See announced that Pope Francis named Fr. Robert P. Reed and Fr. Mark O’Connell auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Boston. On Wednesday, August 24, Bishops Elect Reed and O’Connell will be ordained at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston. As bishops, they will shepherd us and encourage a spirit of prayer, celebrate the sacred liturgy and all the sacraments for the sanctification of all people, and promote the work of peace and justice, especially for the poor and disenfranchised.

Bishop-elect Mark O’Connell pictured June 10, 2016. Photo by Gregory L. Tracy/ The Pilot

Bishop-elect Mark O’Connell pictured June 10, 2016.
Photo by Gregory L. Tracy/ The Pilot

Bishop-elect Mark O’Connell was born in Toronto, Canada of American parents, his family returned to Massachusetts when he was 12 years old. His father, Thomas who passed away in 2013, was a University Librarian first at York University in Toronto and then at Boston College. His mother, Margaret, lives at Bethany Health Care Center in Framingham. The youngest of four children and his late uncle was a Boston Priest Father David F. Delaney ’61 and his aunt is a Dominican Sister, Sr. Jean Delaney, O.P. A graduate of Dover Sherborn Regional High School ’82, he earned degrees from Boston College ’86 and Saint John Seminary ’90. Following his ordination in 1990, he served five years at Saint Barbara in Woburn and two years at Saint Mary of the Annunciation in Danvers during which time he was one of the Chaplains at Salem State. He continued his studies in Rome in Canon Law in 1997 and received his License in Canon Law (JCL) and his Doctorate in Canon Law (JCD). From 2001 to 2007 he served as Assistant to the Moderator of the Curia for Canonical Affairs. Bishop-elect O’Connell been Judicial Vicar since 2007 and is on the faculty at both Saint John Seminary and Pope St. John XXIII Seminary. The Bishop-elect is Chaplain to the Catholic Lawyers’ Guild.

Bishop-elect Robert Reed pictured June 10, 2016. Photo by Gregory L. Tracy/ The Pilot

Bishop-elect Robert Reed pictured June 10, 2016.
Photo by Gregory L. Tracy/ The Pilot

Bishop-elect Robert P. Reed was born in Boston, MA and is the son of the late William and Jeanne Reed and Charles Boland and the youngest of five children. Ordained to the priesthood on July 6, 1985, his first parish assignment was as parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception Parish in Malden. Other parish assignments include, Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Norwood, Pastor of Saint Matthew Parish in Dorchester, Saint Theresa of Avila Parish in West Roxbury, All Saints Parish in Haverhill and as Pastor of Holy Ghost Parish in Whitman. He was educated at Saint John’s Preparatory School and he prepared for the priesthood at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton and the Pontifical North American College in Rome. Bishop-elect Reed also holds an advanced degree in Television Management from Boston University’s College of Communication. His work at The CatholicTV Network has included serving as Director of Educational Development, Assistant Director and President. He currently serves as Cabinet Secretary for Catholic Media in the Archdiocese of Boston and is the President/CEO of iCatholic Media, Inc. He regularly assists at Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Parish in Newton and St. Bonaventure Parish in Plymouth, MA.

Information regarding their ordination can be found at The ordination will be broadcast on Comcast – Ch 268, Verizon FIOS – Ch 296, RCN – Ch 85 and Charter – Ch 101.

Facilities Update

The St. John Parish Center (the former convent) is getting cleaned and organized inside to be more purposely utilized for office space, Religious Education and other ministries for our Collaborative. Dumpsters will be onsite to facilitate the disposal of trash and old furniture.

Year of Mercy: Year of RCIA?

footsteps-on-beachPope Francis dedicated this
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy to living out in our daily lives the mercy which God constantly extends to all of us. As he says, “Let us allow God to surprise us. He never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of repeating that he loves us and wants to share his love with us.”

Are you ready to be surprised? Please consider the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The doors of the RCIA are flung open wide for you if…

  •  You have been worshiping with us, but never officially took the step to become Catholic;
  • Have been away from the Church … and have now returned, but want to know more;
  • Have been a Catholic all your life, but never celebrated all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist);
  • Have joined us from a different faith community and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church;
  • Are seeking a deeper personal relationship with Jesus but have never been baptized.

If you answer yes to any of these situations, please consider saying yes to joining us when we begin our journey this autumn. Everyone is welcome. There will be more information forthcoming. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact Alan LaFleur and Svea Fraser at with your questions.

We Welcome Ronda Dew to the Religious Education Team as Confirmation Preparation Program Coordinator!

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLSt. John the Evangelist is pleased to announce that Ronda Dew is joining the Religious Education Team as Confirmation Preparation Program Coordinator. Ronda is a St. John’s parishioner, former Parish Council member, Religious Education teacher and mother of four children who were confirmed at St. John’s. She will be responsible for our grade 7-10 program including coordination of the sacrament of Confirmation. We are excited to have Ronda on board.