POWIR Update – How You Can Help!

As many parishioners have heard, our SJSP POWIR Group, in partnership with Catholic Charities, have begun supporting two refugee families who have been resettled in Dorchester. Chantal and her two boys, Jeremie and Emmanuel, are from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Maria and Marcos from Honduras. Generous parishioners are already reaching out to make material and financial contributions for the family.  Please prayerfully consider making your own donation to the efforts! Please visit our POWIR page to see how you can help.

Annual “Coats for Kids” Collection Coming Soon! November 9-10 and 16-17

Each year in November, St. John’s participates in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for children, teens, adults and babies. Anton’s cleans all the donated coats and coordinates their distribution to those in need.  Please bring gently used, warm winter coats of all sizes for children, teens, adults and babies in good quality with no rips, tears, broken zippers or permanent stains – coats you would give to a friend (click the flyer for more details) – to the Rectory garage after Mass on the weekends of November 9-10 and 16-17.



NPH Host Families Needed!

We are hoping to have six families identified by October 11 to host youths (ages 16-22) or a chaperone from the NPH musical group that will be visiting our Collaborative in November – click here for more information.

Christmas Wish Committee – New Members Welcome!

Please consider joining our Christmas Wish Committee. Help bring joy to the lives of over 400 children in our own parish and the communities of Roxbury, Lowell, Boston and Brockton. Many hands are needed in this effort. Whether you have an hour to stuff envelopes, enter data or check gifts we would love to hear from you. Please contact Deirdre O’Kelly-Lynch at dokellylynch@mac.com if you are interested in being a part of this wonderful team!

Attention Young Singers! Join the Christmas Youth Choir!

Our 19th Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, November 3 from 10:50-11:50AM. All students in grade 1-8 are invited to participate. High School Grade 9-12 Assistants are also welcome (counts towards confirmation community service credit)! Seven rehearsals will take place on the following Sunday mornings (rehearsals do not conflict with Sunday morning Religious Education):

November 3 – 10:50-11:50am
November 10 – 10:00-11:00am
November 17 – 10:50-11:50am
November 24 – 10:50-11:50am
December 8 – 10:50-11:50am
December 15 – 10:00-11:00am
December 22 – 10:00-11:30am

Registration closes Sunday November 10.  Children will participate in the 4:00pm Family Mass Christmas Eve (3:30 candlelight procession and prelude). All rehearsals are in St. John’s Chapel.

For more information, please contact Maria Wardwell at 781-237-2148 or maria.wardwell@stjohnwellesley.org

POWIR Update – “Who is a Refugee?”

As many parishioners are now aware, we are in the formative stages of a partnership with Catholic Charities to welcome a Refugee family this year. A group of over forty parishioners have committed to helping the effort in the areas of housing, pre-arrival and post-arrival needs. As we prepare for this family to arrive, our passionate volunteers have created this communication space to answer any questions that may surface throughout the process. Stay tuned here for all the exciting developments! We trust in God’s timing and purpose as we wait in anticipation of a family who could arrive from any country!

What is a refugee? A refugee is an individual or family who have been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. There are currently 65.6 million persons who have been forcibly displaced worldwide.

Is the family we are welcoming here legally? Absolutely. Refugees resettled by Catholic Charities have undergone a 15-step legal process which includes interviews with the United Nations and U.S. officials, vetting, security, medical, and fingerprint screenings, and cultural orientations.

The ceiling for refugee arrivals has been set for the fiscal year 2020 at a historic low of 18,000 individuals. We ask for your prayers that we may be able to help one of these individuals as we seek ways to “welcome the stranger”.


Scenes from Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass

This gallery contains 11 photos.

Please Join Us for a Youth Ministry NPH Trip Presentation on Sunday, September 29 after the 5pm Mass

Our high school students who traveled to the NPH home in the Dominican Republic this summer with Fr. Jim and our Youth Ministry Team would like to invite you to a presentation about their experience.  Please join us on Sunday, September 29 at 6:00pm (immediately following the Sunday 5pm Mass) at St. John Powers Hall.

September 23 at 7pm: “What About Women Deacons?” with Dr. Phyllis Zagano


Please join us on Monday, September 23 at 7pm at St. John the Evangelist Church for an evening with Dr. Phyllis Zagano.

Phyllis Zagano is an internationally acclaimed Catholic scholar and lecturer on contemporary spirituality and women’s issues in the Church. Her award-winning books include Holy Saturday: An Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in the Catholic Church (First Place, 2001 Catholic Press Association and 2002 College Theology Society), Women & Catholicism: Gender, Communion, and Authority (Second Place, 2012 Catholic Press Association) and Women Deacons? Essays with Answers (First Place, 2017 Catholic Press Association).

Her writing is widely translated — her best-selling On Prayer: A Letter for My Godchild is in Indonesian, Spanish and Italian as well as English — and she edited the Liturgical Press’ “Spirituality in History” series. She is a member of the Papal Commission for the study of the diaconate of women. Winner of two Fulbright awards, her biographical listings include Marquis Who’s Who. Her professional papers are held by the Women in Leadership Archives, Loyola University, Chicago. She holds a research appointment at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.

Catholic Charities POWIR Training Session at St. John – September 25 at 6:00pm

Our Collaborative, in partnership with Catholic Charities’ Refugee and Immigration Services, will be welcoming a refugee family in the coming year.  If you are interested in volunteering, please come to this training session by the expert team at Catholic Charities on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00pm in St. John’s Powers Hall.

Email kelly.meraw@sjspwellesley.org for more information or if you would like to help.