October 6 at 6:30pm: Evening for Women

Duc-in-Altum_event-imageThis Tuesday, October 6 at 6:30pm, our Evening for Women program begins again for the 16th year. We gather every first Tuesday in the Church and Powers Hall (Social Hall) for an evening to reflect, pray, share and enjoy a wonderful potluck! Pope Francis sets the theme for this year’s program with the announcement of his Jubilee Year of Mercy – Putting Out Into The Deep… Where Mercy Dwells

So come join us for this year’s journey into the Deep  – All Welcome! Moderated by: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND (Bring your favorite Fall recipe)

Food Pantry Collection for St. Katherine Drexel will be NEXT Weekend, October 18

feed the hungryThis month’s delivery date for the St. Katharine’s Food Pantry will be moved from Sunday, October 11 to the following Sunday, October 18 due to the long holiday weekend.

Please contact Angela Spinale at (781) 431-0008 with any questions.

Coming October 17 & 18: St. Francis House Men’s Clothing Drive

stfrancishouse_largeThis year, we are adding a Winter Men’s Clothing Drive for St. Francis House, the largest day shelter in New England serving over 800 men and women on a daily basis. St. Francis House is the largest distributor of clothing to the poor and homeless in Greater Boston, distributing more than 750 changes of clothing every month.  To help meet this ongoing need, we hope you will take the time for a quick closet downsizing and bring the items to our parish garage on the weekend of October 17 & 18. We will be collecting men’s gently-used everyday clothing such as jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats, hats, and gloves as well as *new* socks for their Foot Clinic, which provides foot care and new socks to homeless clients.  Donations may be dropped off over the weekend of October 17 & 18 in the garage (behind the church) any time during the day (until 5pm.)

The items in highest demand for winter include:
• Footwear (men’s sneakers or winter boots)
• Men’s pants (especially jeans – given out on a daily basis)
• Sweaters & Sweatshirts
• Coats, hats, gloves, and scarves (Men’s coats most needed during winter)
• T-shirts (extremely important – given out on a daily basis)
New (unused and still packaged) socks & undergarments (men’s)
• Backpacks/duffel bags

They DO NOT accept children’s items or used under garments or discolored items. If you can put your items in boxes or secured bags, and label it with the general contents, it would be a great help with sorting.  Thank you for your generosity!


Questions? Please email Shilan Yeung or call 781-707-8290.

Tricia Fraser Joins the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Staff

tricia.fraserTricia Fraser has joined the SJSP Collaborative staff as Director of Finance and Operations effective September 21, 2015. Tricia comes to the Collaborative staff after having many years of experience as a financial consultant for parishes and schools throughout the Archdiocese of Boston. Tricia is on board to support the parishes, school and councils with financial, administrative and operational matters. Tricia’s office is located at St. John the Evangelist Parish and she may be reached by calling the office phone number or by email.

Collaborative Pastoral Council

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe Collaborative Pastoral Council advises the Pastor in his role in forming and implementing the mission of the Parishes in the Collaborative. Since there is one Pastor for the Collaborative, there will be one Collaborative Pastoral Council (CPC).  St. John the Evangelist and St. Paul Parishes will soon begin the process of forming their first CPC. The CPC will include parishioners from each parish.

Expectations of CPC members include ongoing meetings (up to twice a month initially) and participation in council training sessions for Disciples in Mission where three topics will be addressed at three separate training seminars. More information on the process for CPC nominations will be in the bulletins in the next few weeks. We ask that you prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve this important ministry.

6:45am Weekday Mass at St. Paul

St_PaulThe daily Mass survey has been conducted at both St. Paul and St. John and the results are in. Clearly those attending the 6:45 at St. Paul are unable to travel to St. John for the 7:00 a.m. due to traffic, and an earlier Mass at St. John would not alleviate this issue. Unfortunately the 6:45 daily Mass currently celebrated at St. Paul parish will end Friday, October 2. I know this is not only an inconvenience but a painful loss for many. I ask for your understanding and prayerful support as I, Fr. Arthur and our pastoral staff continue to work hard to address the pastoral needs of the St. John / St. Paul Collaborative.
– Fr. Sepe

An Invitation for New Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Altar_AnniversaryA special invitation for you to consider: to become a Eucharistic Minister or Lector. For many years we have been blessed to have the opportunity to serve our Parish in this way. There is need now to increase the number of Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors for our Masses. Please pray about this and email  Sr. Evelyn  or call (781) 235-0045. Many, many thanks!

Training Programs:
Saturday, Oct 17 at 2:00 p.m. for new Lectors
Sunday, October 25 at 2:30 p.m. for Eucharistic Ministers

Oct. 8 Book Discussion Group: “Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home”

laudato siSt. John’s Book Discussion Group will continue the conversation on “Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home”, Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter. Sponsored by the St. John’s Book Discussion Group Thursday, October 8, 7:30 p.m. Parish Center. Chapters 4-6 will be discussed at this session. Please email John Stewart for a copy of the questions to be discussed and for any additional information (or 617-969-0950).

Some suggested resources for helpful reading:

Embracing Our Limits The Lessons of Laudato Si’  by Rowan Williams published in Commonweal Magazine, September 23, 2015

A Readers’ Guide To ‘Laudato Si’  by Thomas Reese published in the National Catholic Reporter June 26, 2015

Evening for Women Begins October 6

Duc-in-Altum_event-image In October, our Evening for Women program begins again for the 16th year. We gather every first Tuesday, beginning October 6 at 6:30 p.m., in the Church/Social Hall (Powers Hall) for an evening to reflect, pray, share and enjoy a wonderful potluck!

Pope Francis sets the theme for this year’s program with the announcement of his Jubilee Year of Mercy. Putting Out Into The Deep… Where Mercy Dwells So come join us for this year’s journey into the Deep  – All Welcome! Moderated by: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND (Bring your favorite Fall recipe)

St. John Parish Service Fair This Weekend

Service FairCelebrating Who We Are
and How We Care

Have you been hearing Christ’s call to serve, but not sure how? We can help! The specific work of the Service Commission is to be a catalyst for Christ’s call to serve, that it be continually heard and responded to in all aspects of parish life. Join us outdoors after all the Masses this weekend (October 3-4)  for refreshments and information on the many ways you can participate.  Sponsored by Parish Service Commission.