Category Archives: Adult Faith Formation

FAITH MATTERS: Marian Apparitions

Our_Lady_of_Knock_Stained_GlassA Marian apparition is a supernatural appearance of the Virgin Mary. One of the most famous examples from our history is Mary giving St. Bernard of Clairvaux the ‘Hail Mary’. The Church treats apparitions as private revelations that can never add anything new to the faith. An authentic apparition is believed not to be a subjective experience, but a real and objective intervention of divine power. The purpose of such apparitions is to recall and emphasize some aspect of the Christian message. The Church states that cures and other miraculous events are not the purpose of Marian apparitions, but exist primarily to validate and draw attention to the message. Marian apparitions are regarded as evidence of Mary’s continuing active presence in the life of the church, through which she ‘cares for the brethren of her Son who still journey on the earth’ (Lumen Gentium, 62).The Roman Catholic Church may pronounce an apparition as worthy of belief, but belief in an apparition is never required by divine faith. According to the Church, the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last living apostle. Continue reading

October 27: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC LogoCONVERSATIONS IN PRAYER: Prayer is always God’s initiative. It is our response to God’s presence in our lives. Various forms of meditative and contemplative prayer can help us be more open and present to God.  Missed the first few sessions of Meaningful Conversations about Prayer? Please join us this Monday, Oct 21st for Session 4 in the Parish Hall Chapel from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

AFFC BLOG: For the month of October, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing Mary, the Mother of God. Please visit our website to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information, such as St. John’s on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

OCTOBER, THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY: The Rosary has been loved for generations as a scripture – based prayer honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. During October we encourage you to experience this beautiful devotion. To assist you there are some rosaries and pamphlets at our Church entrance. Also, every Tuesday at 7:00pm you are welcome to pray the rosary with parishioners in the lower Chapel.

Proclaim the Lord’s Death Until He Comes in Glory
Tuesday, November 12 at 7:00pm in the Social Hall

How does our faith in Jesus Christ influence the way we meet the challenges that face the church and the world in times of economic, political, ecclesia and personal uncertainty? In 1932 the German Benedictine Odo Casel wrote that Christian life and worship is an insertion into the “mystery of Jesus Christ”. Although not well known, the influence of Casel on the Second Vatican Council and beyond has been significant. This lecture presents some of the ideas of Casel that may well inspire women and men of faith today.

Liam Bergin is a priest of the diocese of Ossory (Ireland). He has been teaching sacramental theology at Boston College since 2011. Previously he was rector of the Pontifical Irish College in Rome for ten years. He has written and edited a number of articles and books in theology and has commented on many contemporary Church issues in the media. Since transferring to Boston, he has become an incurable Red Sox fan!

AFFC Calendar:

Monday, October 28: Conversations in Prayer
7:00–8:30 p.m., Parish Center

Wednesday, October 30: John Allen Lecture at B.C.
The Francis Papacy: Reform, Renewal and Resistance,
6:00 p.m., Robsham Theater, BC

Tuesday, November 5: Evening for Women
6:00 p.m., Social Hall/Chapel

Saturday, November 9: Film/Supper Night
Following the 5:00 p.m. Mass, Social Hall

Tuesday, November 12: Liam Bergin Lecture
7:00 p.m., Social Hall

October 20: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC LogoCONVERSATIONS IN PRAYER: Prayer is always God’s initiative. It is our response to God’s presence in our lives. Various forms of meditative and contemplative prayer can help us be more open and present to God.  Missed the first session of Meaningful Conversations about Prayer? Please join us this week, Oct 21st for Session 3 in the Parish Hall Chapel from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

AFFC BLOG: For the month of October, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing Mary, the Mother of God. Please visit our website to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information, such as St. John’s on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

BOOK GROUP: Upcoming Book Selections
November 14: New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton
December 5: Faith in Poetry, TS Eliot – The Journey of the Magi and more
January 16: Tenth of December, Donald Saunders
February 13: Paul Among the People, Sarah Ruden
March 13: Pope Francis I, Selected Articles
April 10: Trent: What Happened at the Council?, John W. O’Malley
May 8: Life of the Virgin: Maximus the Confessor, Stephen J. Shoemaker

OCTOBER, THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY: The Rosary has been loved for generations as a scripture – based prayer honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. During October we encourage you to experience this beautiful devotion. To assist you there are some rosaries and pamphlets at our Church entrance. Also, every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. you are welcome to pray the rosary with parishioners in the lower Chapel.

AFFC Calendar:

Mondays, October 21 & 28 Conversations in Prayer
7:00–8:30 p.m., Parish Center

Wednesday, October 30 John Allen Lecture at B.C.
The Francis Papacy: Reform, Renewal and Resistance,
6:00 p.m., Robsham Theater, BC

Saturday, November 9 Film/Supper Night
Following the 5:00 p.m. Mass, Social Hall

Tuesday, November 12, Liam Bergin Lecture
7:00 p.m., Social Hall

FAITH MATTERS: Some Reflections on Catholic Devotion to Mary

Mary_DevotionWho is ‘Mary’? As far as the gospels tell us she is the mother of Jesus. Nothing more is revealed about her; mother of Jesus is her identity. Interestingly most of the other women in the gospels are also called Mary too! This fact reminds me of how it is assumed that every Irishman’s name is Paddy or every Scotsman is called Jock, even after their true name has been given. It is as if their real name had no consequence – they have no consequence. Is this how women were viewed in Mary’s time? Apart from her motherhood, does this mean that Mary is a blank canvas upon whom the hopes and dreams (and fears) of the developing Christian Church are expressed? Continue reading

Wednesday, October 16: Faith Maps Lecture Series with Fr. Robert Imbelli

ImbelliThe “Faith Maps” Lecture Series is back,  with Fr. Robert Imbelli speaking on Benedict and Francis: Light of Faith and New Evangelization on Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm in the Social Hall.  The “Year of Faith” is also the historic year of two Popes: Benedict and Francis. There has been much comment about the “Francis effect,” and there is little doubt that a new style has characterized Pope Francis’ first six months as Bishop of Rome. But there is not only great respect between the two, but also a deep continuity, best seen in “the Encyclical written with four hands:” Lumen Fidei.  Father Robert Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, has taught theology at B.C. for twenty-seven years. He studied in Rome during the Second Vatican Council and had the opportunity to return for the fiftieth anniversary of the Council and the inauguration of the Year of Faith. He also was present in Rome when Pope Francis was elected. His book, “Rekindling the Christic Imagination” will be published in June (fingers crossed!).

AFFC LogoAdult Faith Formation Commission

October 13: AFFC News and Events

AFFC LogoCONVERSATIONS IN PRAYER: Join us this Monday evening, October 14th for Conversations in Prayer from 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the Parish Center. This program is a four-part video/discussion series centered on different aspects of Prayer. You may attend one session or all four, and each session will have a short video (approx. 25 min.) followed by small group discussions facilitated by Linda Collozi and Anne Wachtmeister.

FAITH MATTERS: For the month of October, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing Mary, the Mother of God. Please visit our blog to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information, and Like us on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

FAITH MAPS LECTURE SERIES: Fr. Robert ImbelliBenedict and Francis: Light of Faith and New Evangelization
Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm in the Social Hall
The “Year of Faith” is also the historic year of two Popes: Benedict and Francis. There has been much comment about the “Francis effect,” and there is little doubt that a new style has characterized Pope Francis’ first six months as Bishop of Rome. But there is not only great respect between the two, but also a deep continuity, best seen in “the Encyclical written with four hands:” Lumen Fidei. Father Robert Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, has taught theology at B.C. for twenty-seven years. He studied in Rome during the Second Vatican Council and had the opportunity to return for the fiftieth anniversary of the Council and the inauguration of the Year of Faith. He also was present in Rome when Pope Francis was elected. His book, “Rekindling the Christic Imagination” will be published in June (fingers crossed!).


Mondays, October 14, 21 & 28 Conversations in Prayer
7:00–8:30 p.m., Parish Center

Wednesday, October 16 Faith Maps Lecture Series
Fr. Robert Imbelli, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
“Benedict and Francis: Light of Faith and New Evangelization”

Wednesday, October 30
Lecture at Boston College by John Allen
“The Francis Papacy: Reform, Renewal and Resistance”
6:00 p.m., Robsham Theater, Boston College

RCIA: Let us open wide our doors, go out, and bring the Church closer to the people! Begins This Sunday, October 27 at 10:00am

RCIAThe RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a journey that welcomes all seekers to learn about our Catholic Christian faith.  It offers everyone, especially you who are reading this announcement, the opportunity to extend an invitation to those you know who might be thinking about becoming a Catholic, who are baptized but not confirmed, who are Catholic but want to know more about our faith, or who for whatever reason may have left the Church.

Pope Francis challenges each of us with this statement from his recent interview: “We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes… it is not enough simply to open the door in welcome, but we must go out through the door to seek and meet the people.”

We will convene the last Sunday in October (10/27/13) from 10:00am to 11:00am  in the Church Rectory. Let us open wide our doors, go out, and bring the Church closer to the people!

Questions?  Please contact the Church Office at 781 235-0045 or Svea Fraser at (781-237-7560).

FAITH MATTERS: The Rosary – The Story of a Relationship

stainedglassmaryIt all began when, as a child on my knees (leaning against a chair), my family would pray the Rosary during every May and October. I hated it! I knew my school friends would see this as weird (although I felt like a grown-up when it was my turn to lead everyone in a ‘decade’). Strangely though, as I grew up, whenever life was hard and I had no other words to use in prayer, I would find myself saying the Rosary. The Rosary would put me in touch with the Grace of God.

The peculiar thing was that the Rosary kept ‘turning up’ in my life, at the most unexpected times. In school history, we learnt about the Battle of Lepanto, a decisive sea battle that stemmed the advance of the Ottoman Empire into Western Europe. The pope’s forces credited the victory to Our Lady since they had implored her help before battle by praying the Rosary. Since the day of the victory was October 7, Pope Pius V named it as the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. When I met a new friend called Jacinta at college she told me that her name was the name of one of the children who saw Our Lady at Fatima in Portugal. Next I learn that on October 13, 1917 the Lady of Fatima called herself the Queen of the Rosary and aske that everyone should say the Rosary for the conversion of the world. Then, when Pope John Paul II was shot on May 13, 1981 (coincidently May 13, 1917 was the date that Our Lady first appeared at Fatima), the Pope credited Our Lady of Fatima, the Queen of the Rosary for his recovery! My Buddhist and Hindu friends always seemed really ‘cool’ with their prayer beads – so like the Rosary beads my mother had given me (which I was too embarrassed to use). This was similar to how I was impressed by Muslims being called to pray throughout the day. Was this so very different to saying the Angelus at noon and 6pm? Later, when I learnt about meditation and practised Yoga, I couldn’t help thinking that I had been doing this since I was a little girl when I said the Rosary and focused on the events of Jesus’ life. I learned early that involving my conscious self in following the mechanics of physically ‘saying’ the Rosary allowing my ‘inner self’ to be with God as I mediated on the ‘mysteries’ such as the Annunciation, the Crucifixion, or the Resurrection.

When I married I longed for a child. For five years, I became more and more heartbroken, sure that I would never be able to have a baby. I was beyond conscious prayer but often I became aware of myself praying the Rosary quietly within myself. Finally, I was pregnant and I prayed that I would manage to have the baby. She was due on September 22nd but I didn’t go into labor until October 5th! You guessed it – our daughter was born early in the morning on October 7th, the feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary! People wanted us to call her Rose or Rosaria, but she was named Grace because the Rosary has been the ‘door’ by which God’s Grace has entered my life.

AFFC Movie Night/Potluck Supper – This Saturday, October 5 after 5pm Mass

the-kings-speechWe invite all parishioners to join us for a Movie Night/Potluck Supper  immediately following 5:00 p.m. Mass in the Social Hall.  This month’s movie is “The King’s Speech”, which tells the story of King George VI, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch find his voice.   Please join us for a special evening together. Bring a favorite recipe to share! If you would like to join a hosting committee, please email Barbara Neem.

October 6: AFFC Events and News

AFFC LogoWhen do you pray? How do you pray? Why do you pray?
Join us for Conversations in Prayer beginning this Monday evening, October 7th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. This program is a four-part video/discussion series centered on different aspects of Prayer. Each session will have a short video (approx. 25 min.) followed by small group discussions facilitated by Linda Collozi and Anne Wachtmeister.

For the month of October, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing Mary, the Mother of God on our blog, Faith Matters: Reflections on Our Shared Faith.  Please visit to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information, such as St. John’s on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary  The Rosary has been loved for generations as a scripture – based prayer honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. During October we encourage you to experience this beautiful devotion. To assist you there are some rosaries and pamphlets at our Church entrance. Also, every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. you are welcome to pray the rosary with parishioners in the lower Chapel.

Upcoming Dates:
October 7, 14, 21 & 28: Conversations in Prayer, 7:00–8:30 p.m., Parish Center
October 10: Book Group – “Reluctant Saint: The Life of St. Francis Assisi” by Donald Spoto, 7:30 p.m., Parish Center (Questions: contact Anita Martin at
October 16: Faith Maps Lecture Series – Fr. Robert Imbelli   “Benedict and Francis: Light of Faith and New Evangelization” 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
October 30: Lecture at BC by John Allen – “The Francis Papacy: Reform, Renewal and Resistance”, 6:00 p.m., Robsham