Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. (Mark 1:12)

Which voices do we listen to?  The world is a noisy place and we are bombarded by voices telling us what to wear, what to buy, what to believe, what is beautiful.  During this holy season of Lent, we are invited to enter the desert with Jesus.  Here we will learn, like Jesus, to discern the voice of our loving God against the din of competing voices.  As we allow God’s voice to speak deep in our hearts, we discover ourselves as loved unconditionally, as beloved.  As we come to know ourselves as God’s beloved, we are more able to see the face of God in the needy around us and to become instruments of God’s love and mercy to those we encounter.

Pope Francis encourages us “to lose ourselves decisively on the path of Jesus, the path which leads to life…Let us enter into the desert without fear, because we are not alone; we are with Jesus, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, as it was for Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit who guides us on the Lenten journey; that same Spirit descended upon Jesus and has been given to us in Baptism.  As we cross the Lenten ‘desert’, we fix our gaze toward Easter, which is Jesus’ definitive victory against evil, against sin and against death.”

We invite you to enter fully into this Lenten journey into the desert.  Take  advantage of the offerings of our collaborative for prayer and reflection, for service and for reconciliation.  Let’s listen together to the voice of God.

Fr. Jim


Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14

7:00am Mass at St. John
9:00am Mass at St. Paul
9:00am Mass at St. John
(with Saint John School – all welcome!)
12:10 Mass at St. John
2:10 Ash Service at St. Paul
(with St. Paul Rel Ed – all welcome!)
5:30pm Mass at St. John
7:00pm Mass at St. Paul

The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has a rich, full schedule of Lenten liturgies, programs and events – click here for more information: Lent 2018

Please join us on this Lenten journey!

Collaborative Offices Closing at 2:00pm

Winter-StormDue to the storm, our parish and collaborative offices will be closing at 2:00pm today, Wednesday, February 7. Please stay safe!

Liturgical Directives from Cardinal Sean O’Malley for Flu Prevention

This year’s influenza virus is the most widespread outbreak since public health authorities began keeping track more than a dozen years ago. To help protect the health of all, the Cardinal directs the following for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and for flu prevention:

  • The distribution of the Precious Blood is suspended.
  • The exchange of the Sign of Peace should be offered without any physical contact.
  • Please remember that those who are ill or suspect that they may be ill with a contagious illness are not bound by the Sunday Mass obligation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Parish Office.


Updates from Our Seminarians: A Reflection from Chris Holownia

Before I leave for the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and am out of touch until the beginning of February, I wanted to reflect on the vows of poverty and obedience that all those in religious life are called to take. Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!
Chris Holownia, n.S.J.
Please click here to read: Updates from Our Seminarians

St. Paul Youth Group “Blades and Burritos” Outing

Calling all High School students! Join us for Blades and Burritos – Friday, January 19

Skating on the Frog Pond and Dinner at Anna’s Taqueria. Wear warm clothes and bring $35 if you need to rent skates, $23 if you have your own skates.  This amount should cover the T, skating and dinner. Permission forms are required for Under 18s. Please contact for permission form or pick one up at the back of either church.

Coming Up in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis week: SUNDAY, JANUARY 7
Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45am
Grades 7 – 8: Class 6:00 – 7:00pm
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grades 9 – 10: Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00pm
Class 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grades 1 – 6: Class 3:30 – 4:45pm
No classes – Martin Luther King Day weekend

A full calendar of all events is available at the Religious Education section of the Parish website.

Family Mass Coffee & Donuts

coffee_&_donuts_DDDonuts & Coffee is ready to go for the New Year! All we need are some volunteers to host. Please sign-up on the board in the Social Hall or email Chrissy Cassa if you would like to volunteer. If you haven’t volunteered before – it’s easy and the kids love to help! Everything is delivered to the
Social Hall – all you have to do is set-up and clean-up.  Thank you to all the families who have helped since September:
Devine Family, Grover Family, Hill Family, Pierce Family, Riley Family, Rubio Family, Song Family, and Songer Family.

Holy Hour for Life – Tuesday, January 23 from 3:00-4:00pm at St. Paul Church

Good_ShepherdHoly Hour for Life will be held as part of the Archdiocesan observance of the National Day of Prayer and Penance.  Led by Fr. Laughlin, we will pray together for those who have been wounded by abortion, for respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, and that those who govern us may be guided by justice, truth, and a love for the gift of life. The Holy Hour for Life is organized by Boston Deacons for Life in collaboration with the Pro Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. Please join us, all are welcome.

Collaborative Offices Closed on Thursday, January 4

Winter-StormDue to the storm, our parish and collaborative offices will be closed on Thursday, January 4. Please stay safe!