Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Religious Education: Opening Day and Class Schedule

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLClasses for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/17 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/20 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/17 from 6–8pm

In an effort to make our opening days for Religious Education as successful as possible for our staff, students and teachers we will NOT be accepting new registrations/students on opening day. Please register immediately if you plan on having your children attend Religious Education and you have not done so already. Please note that we were able to get additional teachers for our Wednesday program so registration for Wednesday classes is open again. We are still in need of teachers for our Sunday evening program, so if you are available to teach please contact Ronda Dew as soon as possible.

All registered families should have received an email detailing opening day procedures with links to the final calendar and program information on the Parish website. If you registered and did not receive the email please contact Linda Messore.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 10, at 6:00pm in Philbin Hall, in the basement of St. John’s school. Important information will be provided so please make every effort to attend.

Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Tuesday, September 26, at 7:00pm in Philbin Hall, in the basement of St. John’s school. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions regarding our Cluster program or the opening meeting, please contact Andrea Fay.

Teen Mass
The 5:00 pm Sunday Teen Mass returns Sunday, September 10th! The Mass will feature contemporary music appealing to teens and young adults and their families, and will include teen participation in the various ministries of the Mass. If you are interested in becoming involved as a Eucharistic Minister or Lector please contact Ronda Dew.

Religious Education Registration for Wednesdays is Re-Opened

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLWe are able to re-open our Wednesday program registration thanks to additional Wednesday teachers have volunteered.

The online registration process that can be accessed from the Religious Ed page of the Parish website.

PLEASE NOTE: Religious Education registration for 2017-2018 commenced in early March and concluded on May 31. Any registrations received from this point forward will incur the $25 per child late fee.

PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHER: We once again find ourselves short teachers for our Religious Education program.  You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish.  We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons.  Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you.  Please contact Linda Messore at to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities.  Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.


Tuesday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption of Mary_ContemporaryMass Schedule for the Collaborative

7:00am at St. John Church
9:00am at St. Paul Church
12:00pm at St. John Church
7:00pm at St. Paul Church

Religious Education Registration

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLReligious Education registration for 2017-2018 commenced in early March and concluded on May 31. Any registrations received from this point forward will incur the $25 per child late fee.

Our Wednesday program registration is now closedDue to high enrollment and lack of teacher volunteers we can no longer accommodate additional students on Wednesdays.  If we can recruit additional Wednesday teachers we will re-open Wednesday program registration.

PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHER: We once again find ourselves short teachers for our Religious Education program.  You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish.  We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons.  Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you.  Please contact Linda Messore at to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities.  Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.

We have created a new online registration process that can be accessed from the Religious Ed page of the Parish website.

Please join us this Sunday, July 23 at 9:00am for a special Family Mass and Reception for Chris Holownia, Family Mass Music Director

Chris’ last Sunday as Music Director for the Family Mass will be August 13, but please join us for a special Family Mass on Sunday, July 23 at 9:00am. There will be a special farewell reception for Chris in Powers Hall following Mass.


A Letter from Chris Holownia, Family Mass Music Director

Dear St. John’s Parishioners:

After a long period of discernment, I have decided to pursue a religious vocation to the Jesuits and will enter their novitiate at St. Andrew Hall in Syracuse, NY this coming August.  This announcement is bittersweet, as I have been a member of the St. John Parish community since I was in elementary school and will miss my colleagues, friends, and fellow Family Mass Musicians tremendously. I am both excited and nervous to begin this next chapter of my life, and saying farewell is quite difficult.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who has helped to make my experience here such a positive one over the past 10 years: thank you for welcoming me, challenging me, supporting me, and trusting me as I learned the ropes. St. John’s is a special place, and I am proud to call myself a member of this great faith community.  Please know that I will cherish my time here for the rest of my life, bringing my career at St. John’s forward with me wherever I go, and I promise to come back to visit whenever I can!

Chris Holownia

Pauline Sisters Book and Media Fair – July 15-16

The Daughters of St. Paul will be here at our parish after all the Masses on the weekend of July 15th and 16th.

These Media Sisters will bring a wonderful selection of materials which they publish and produce. Be sure to stop by and peruse their display: Spiritual reading, Lives of the Saints, books for Children, DVD’s, music and more!

These wonderful items will assist you with the ongoing faith formation of your family and provide good Summer Spiritual reading. Choose something to enrich your faith or to share it with others! Additionally you can check out their website:

Youth Group “Summer Sundays” at St. Paul
July 9 at 7:00pm: Ice Cream Crawl

Meet at the St. Paul parking lot (behind the church) – bring money for ice cream. All High schoolers from the Collaborative and especially rising 9th graders are welcome.

Come and meet our Youth Ministers and some of the Youth Group members. Bring your friends!

Happy Independence Day!

The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Offices will be closed for the Independence Day Holiday on Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4, 2017.

Summer Office Hours

St. John Summer Office Hours:

Monday–Thursday:  9:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00pm

(Please Note: St. Paul administrative staff are available in the St. Paul Parish Office every Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 12:00pm.  From 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Monday – Thursday, they are available in the Collaborative Administrative Offices at 39 Washington Street. They can be reached by phone at either location by calling 781-235-1060.)


Due to the excessive heat, tonight’s Faith Conversation is being moved to St. John’s Powers Hall.

We apologize for the late notice, but unfortunately the temperature has not dropped this afternoon as was forecast.

For everyone’s safety and comfort, we are moving tonight’s Faith Conversation from St. Paul’s Parish Hall (which is not air-conditioned) to St. John’s Powers Hall (which IS air-conditioned!)

Tuesday, June 13
7:00 – 9:15pm
St. John Powers Hall

St. John’s Powers Hall is located in the lower level of St. John Church. Parking is available in the school parking lot as well as on Ledyard Street. Both the Ledyard Street and Glen Road entrances to the church will be open.