Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Welcome Weekend September 20-21

During “Welcome Weekend” we lift high the banner of WELCOME to one and all as we celebrate the life of this community and the countless ways this life continues to grow and deepen in faith and love and service. Each September is always a new beginning! Come, join us to make this year the best!

Our annual Parish Pancake Breakfast follows our morning Masses on Sunday – join us for pancakes in the Social Hall and games, pony rides, a petting zoo and more outside!

September 7: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2014-2015 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/21 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/21, from 6 – 8 p.m.
A final calendar and program information can be found on the Parish website.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 a.m. in Philbin Hall. Please make every effort to attend.
Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel Room. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

Regular Mass Schedule Resumes
This Sunday, September 7

Mass_cross graphicDaily Mass: 
Saturday Vigil Mass: 
Sunday Masses: 
7:30am, 9:00am Family Mass, 11:00am, 5:00pm


The Family Mass Program Returns This Sunday, September 7

Family Mass_AltarWelcome Back! This Sunday, September 7 the 9:00AM Mass returns to our Family Mass Program. We are looking forward to an exciting year of praying and worshiping together, filled with wonderful liturgies, events and hospitality.

Family Mass Volunteers There are many opportunities for parents and children to participate during the Family Mass. Would your child like to bring up the gifts one Sunday? Or help pass the collection basket? If so, please email our Family Mass Coordinator, Chrissy Cassa to schedule a day that works for your family.

Donuts & Coffee The Family Mass Donuts & Coffee hour is starting back up on September 7th after the 9AM Mass. Please come downstairs to the Social Hall for a cup of coffee, donut or bagel and catch up with friends. New to the Parish? This is a great time to connect with other St. John families!

And finally, this wonderful Family Mass social hour could not happen without your help! Please consider signing up for a Sunday to help with set-up and clean-up. An online signup form and all the details are on the web at

St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe St. John and St. Paul Collaborative will be formally launched in the summer of 2015.  For the past year, we have been answering Frequently Asked Questions about the new Collaborative in our parish bulletins and here on our website.
Where can I find any questions that I’ve missed?

All of the questions that have been published over the past year can be found here on the St. John the Evangelist Parish website – just click ST. JOHN-ST. PAUL COLLABORATIVE NEWS on the “Quick Links” menu. There you will find all the questions and answers that have been published so far, as well as important background and historical information about the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan, the Collaborative process, and the proposed St. John-St. Paul Collaborative. In addition, The Office of Pastoral Planning of the Archdiocese of Boston maintains a detailed website called “Disciples in Mission” (, which contains extensive information on the Pastoral Plan as well as updates on the process and resources for parishes.

The Inter Parish Collaborative Team welcomes your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments to:  

Collaborative Question: Who Will Become Pastor?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe St. John and St. Paul Collaborative will be formally launched in the summer of 2015.  Following is a recently asked question and answer about the new Collaborative:

QUESTION: Why hasn’t it been announced that Father Powers will retire next year and Father Rafferty will become the Pastor?

It is not yet known who will be the Pastor of our Collaborative. Among the parishes which started their Collaboratives in Phase I and II, about 50% have Pastors which were selected from one of the parishes in that Collaborative. It is not known whether or not Father Rafferty will be selected to be the Pastor of our Collaborative. This will be decided ultimately by Cardinal Sean O’Malley. What we do know is that Father Powers will retire sometime in 2015. This was announced in the St. John’s and St. Paul’s bulletins on May 11 and May 18 over the signatures of Fathers Rafferty and Powers.

More information can be found on the St. John’s web site  (St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News) and on the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning website (

The Inter Parish Collaborative Team welcomes your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments to:  

Important Announcement: Chapel Renovations

Important_AnnouncementThe Chapel will be closed for renovations beginning Monday, August 11 through Saturday morning, August 16.  The 7:00 AM Daily Mass and Marian Movement will be held in the Upper Church. The Upper Church will be open for prayer every day, following the 7:00 AM Daily Mass until 5:00 PM in the evening. For your safety, we ask that all visitors use either the Glen Road or Ledyard Street entrances. Please contact the Parish Office if you have any questions at (781) 235-0045.



Collaborative Question: What Does the Future Hold in Terms of Priests?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe St. John and St. Paul Collaborative will be formally launched in the summer of 2015.  Following is a recently asked question and answer about the new Collaborative:

QUESTION: 2s) What really does the future hold in terms of priests? I have not seen any projections for several years, but I strongly suspect the Archdiocese is heading toward a very serious crisis within the next decade, with not enough priests to respond to even the current level of demand for the sacraments.

Your concern for the future, in terms of the number of priests, is a major factor for the formation of Collaboratives in the Archdiocese of Boston. We are fast approaching the time when we will have too few priests to adequately cover all the churches in the Archdiocese, prompting the change to one Pastor per Collaborative. In Phase 1, as many as 4 churches were joined into 1 Collaborative having only 1 Pastor. The new Pastors of the Collaboratives will devote more of their time to ecclesiastical matters and less of their time to administrative duties which can be performed more efficiently by properly trained lay people. This transition will require more participation from the lay ministries in the daily operation of the church.

More information can be found on the St. John’s web site  (St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News) and on the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning website (

The Inter Parish Collaborative Team welcomes your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments to:  

Important Announcement: 7:00 AM Daily Mass in Upper Church This Week

Important_AnnouncementTuesday, July 29 through Friday, August 1, the 7:00 AM Daily Mass will be celebrated in the Upper Church due to renovations taking place in the lower level.  For your safety, please use the Glen Road entrance when entering and exiting the church during this time.  Thank you.

Collaborative Question: What Exactly is a “Pastoral Team”?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe St. John and St. Paul Collaborative will be formally launched in the summer of 2015.  Following is a recently asked question and answer about the new Collaborative:

QUESTION: What exactly is a pastoral team and what does this mean for our Collaborative? Will our Collaborative get more than one priest? Will we get more than one Pastor?

The “Team within a Team” concept is an organizational structure that is going to be implemented in every Collaborative in the Archdiocese. The “team” will be composed of priests selected from all over the Archdiocese and the lay people will come from within the parishes of a given Collaborative. It is certain that
there will only be one Pastor for each Collaborative, including the St. John/St. Paul Collaborative. There may, however, be more than one Deacon, or Pastoral Associate. As for local governance, there will be one Parish Pastoral Council and two Finance Councils. The exact number of parishioners on each Council will be
determined by the new Pastor, with strong input from the newly formed Pastoral Council of the Collaborative. Formation of our new Collaborative will be a prime time for parishioners, from both St. John’s and St. Paul’s, to join a lay ministry and help plan and implement the future of our churches.

More information can be found on the St. John’s web site  (St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News) and on the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning website (

The Inter Parish Collaborative Team welcomes your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments to: