Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Upcoming Events from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

Advent/Christmas – We will have a variety of special parish activities in December, including two lectures by Father Hehir.   Look for a flyer and email messages! We are assembling a list of recommended books for Advent
reading or Christmas gifts, but one that has received good reviews is: Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life, by James Martin, S.J. (“Father Martin reminds us that happiness is the good God’s own goal for us.” – Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York)

Adult Faith Formation Calendar

November 8, 6:30pm (Chapel, Social Hall)  – Program for Women (Our theme this year is “A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel.”)

November 10, 7:30pm (Parish Center) – Book Discussion, Elizabeth Johnson, Quest for the Living God

November 14, 7:00pm (Social Hall) – “What is Human Trafficking and What Can I Do About It?”,  Sr. Carole Lombard, Director of Peace and Justice, Sisters of St. Joseph (Boston)

Other Programs of Interest

November 6, 7:30, Sacred Heart Parish (Newton Centre):  “Immigrants: Illegal?” –  sponsored by Parish Peace and Justice Committee; Merjean Perhot, Director, Refugee and Immigration Legal Services Division, Archdiocese of Boston

November 8, 4:30pm, Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College:  Panel discussion commemorating the 25th anniversary of the American bishops pastoral letter “Economic Justice for All”;
Murray Function Room; Yawkey Center; panelists include John Donahue and Mary Jo Bane.

Archdiocese Collection for Retired Sisters – November 19th and 20th

On the weekend of November 19-20 the Archdiocese will take up the Collection for Retired Sisters.  Now in its 23rd year, the Collection provides needed financial support for the retirement and health care needs of Sisters who have served the Archdiocese of Boston as educators and health care and social service providers. Please give generously in recognition of the Sisters’ years of dedicated service. Your contribution does make a difference. For more information, please contact Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for Religious at 617-746-5637 or or please visit

All Saints Day – Tuesday, November 1st

Masses: 7:00am, 12:00pm and 5:30pm

Altar Server Training – Nov. 2nd & 3rd

On Wednesday, November 2 and Thursday, November 3 Deacon Tom Smith will be training altar servers in the upper church from 3:30-4:45 pm.  Any child who has made his or her First Communion is eligible to serve.  Interested children should attend both sessions, and servers must be available to serve the following Saturday or Sunday (11/5 or 11/6) at Mass. Please contact Anne Connors, 781-237-0565 or to register or with any

ParishPay – A New Automated Giving Program for St. John’s

In recent years, the number of people who manage their finances online has increased dramatically.  Many cite convenience and control as their primary reasons for moving to automated payments and online account management – less time and paper wasted writing checks and mailing envelopes, less chance for late or missed payments, better budget planning and oversight, and helpful year-end reporting.

St. John’s is pleased to announce a new Automated Giving program, ParishPay, that offers not just convenience and control, but something even better – a more effective way to support our Parish and sustain our vibrant spiritual home.  Weekly offertory collections are not consistent, a reflection not only of economic factors but the variations in Mass attendance that occur with vacations, holidays, and other life events.  A significant Automated Giving program will provide the Parish with more consistent and stable contributions, which will enhance our ability to budget and manage our resources.

With ParishPay, you can set up a secure, automatic monthly contribution from a checking, savings, or credit card account to replace your weekly offerings.  ParishPay can also be used for special collections, Grand Annual Appeal contributions, and special celebrations (like Christmas and Easter.)  There is no cost to you to participate in this program, and you can start, stop, or adjust your contributions privately via secure web access.  Find out more by visiting our Automated Giving page – you’ll find complete information and instructions for signing up and getting started. It’s easy, it’s safe, and best of all – it’s better for St. John’s.

Forty Hours Devotion Coming Soon . . .

“Of all the devotions that of adoring Jesus in the blessed sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments.” – Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Prayer nourishes the soul and and opens our hearts to God’s graces.  There is nothing quite like personal and private prayer before the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.  Therefore we invite all to the Forty Hours Adoration of Christ in the Eucharist beginning Thursday October 27 and continuing through Saturday October 29.  Hours of devotion will be from 7:30am each day, closing at 10pm Thursday and Friday, and just before the 5pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, October 29.

Host Families Needed for the 8:45am Family Mass

Be a “Host Family” at the 8:45am Family Mass!  This is a wonderful way for your family to actively participate in the liturgy – children of all ages can have a role, whether by doing a reading themselves, accompanying a parent or older sibling as they read, bringing up the gifts, or simply processing with the family.  As Host Family, you will:

  • Process in with the Priest Celebrant
  • Sit in the front pew
  • Proclaim the First Reading (will be sent to you ahead of time)
  • Read the Prayers of the Faithful (you may compose your own)
  • Bring up the gifts of bread and wine
  • Process out with the celebrant
We still need Host Families for the following Sundays: October 16, November 13,  November 27, and December 4, 11, and 18.  To sign up, you can email Sr. Evelyn at with your preferred date(s), or you can visit the Sign-up Chart in the Church Social Hall.  We will provide you with all the information you need before your Mass.  Please consider taking this wonderful opportunity to participate more fully in the Family Mass!

Reminder: Program for Women – Tuesday November 8th, 6:30pm

Tuesday November 8th at 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  This year’s theme:  A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel.  Through prayer, presentation and sharing, we will ponder how the core of faith is Love offered and accepted; how God invites us to imagine our lives as grounded in a Love beyond all imagining. Each month, come join us for this graced evening and bring one of your favorite recipes for a wonderful Pot Luck!  All are welcome!

Special Presentation: “The New Translation of the Roman Missal” with Fr. Gregory Hoppough, C.S., Monday October 24th at 7:30pm

Please  join us on Monday, October 24th at 7:30pm in the church for a presentation by Father Gregory Hoppough, C.S. on the new translation of the Roman Missal.  With this new edition, which will be introduced during Advent,  the structure of the Mass (the order of the elements, the actions of the priest celebrant, and so forth) remains unchanged, but the translation of the prayer texts will change to more closely reflect the original Latin texts.   Don’t miss this opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the changes that are coming. 

Fr. Hoppough is a professor of liturgy at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston.  This presentation was organized by the Adult Faith Formation Commission and the Parish Liturgical Commission and promises to be a richly informative event given by a gifted speaker and teacher.

Announcement: Altar Server Training

On Wednesday, October 12 and Thursday, October 13 Deacon Tom Smith will be training altar servers in the upper church from 3:30-4:45 pm.   Any child who has made his or her First Communion is eligible to serve. Interested children should attend both sessions, and servers must be available to serve the following Saturday or Sunday (10/15 or 10/16) at Mass.   Please contact Anne Connors, (781)-237-0565 or to register or with any questions.