Category Archives: Religious Education Program

2012-2013 Religious Education Program Update

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012/2013 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for  download on the Parish website  The late registration fee now applies; please include $25/child in addition to the stated fee.

Our Parish’s Confirmation preparation is a two year program beginning in grade 9. Except for those enrolled in Catholic schools, all students must complete the two year program prior to being Confirmed. All 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in May 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program. If you have any
questions, please contact Jane Leonard at or at 781.237.0141.

We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to teach. We are especially in need of Sunday evening teachers for grades 7 and 9. If you are interested, please contact the religious education office at 781.237.0141.

2012/2013 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1 – 6: Wednesday, 9/19 from 3:30 – 4:45PM or
Sunday, 9/23 from 10 – 10:45 AM
Grades 7 – 10: Sunday, 9/23  from 6 – 8 PM

A final calendar is included in the information recently  mailed to all families.  You can also download a copy from our website

2012-2013 Religious Education Calendar and Information Now Available

The 2012-2013 Religious Education Calendar and information about Opening Day Procedures, Volunteer Needs, and Important Dates are now available in the Downloads area on the Religious Education page. An informational mailing with more details about the upcoming year will be mailed to all registered families next week.  If you have not registered yet, registration packets are also available for download.  Please Note: Wednesday class registrations for grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 are closed.  Those classes are at capacity, so we will not be accepting any additional registrations unless you are willing to teach so that we can open up another section. As a reminder, all 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program.  We are looking for teachers who are willing to teach grades 5, 7 and 9.  If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education Office at 781.235.5337 (grade 5) or 781.237.0141 (grades 7 & 9).

First Communion Pictures Available for Pickup at the Rectory

Pictures of this year’s First Communicants are available for pickup in the vestibule of the rectory. Parents, please collect your child’s pictures.

Religious Education Registration

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012-2013 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download here.  The deadline for registering before the late fee is assessed has passed (MAY 31.)  As a reminder, all 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program.

We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the grades 1 through 10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education Office at 781-235-5337 (grades 1–6) or 781-237-0141 (grades 7–10).

Register for Religious Education Before May 31st!

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012-2013 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download here.  The deadline for registering before the late fee is assessed is MAY 31.  As a reminder, all 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program.

We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the grades 1 through 10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education Office at 781-235-5337 (grades 1–6) or 781-237-0141 (grades 7–10).  Any teacher or team teacher who volunteers by May 31st is eligible for a $75 discount.

Confirmation 2012

St. John the Evangelist Parish is pleased to recognize the following students who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 1, 2012. Students prepared for Confirmation over a two-year period. Each performed many hours of service to their communities, attended classes and deepened their relationship with God through group and personal activities. With the reception of this sacrament, these seventy students completed their initiation into the Catholic Church. We welcome them!

Dierdrah Bellevue
Daniel Biotti
Nicole Bramley
Evan Callaghan
William Carlin
Joseph Cataldo
Aidan Cort
Matthew Creonte
John Curtin
Alexandra DiBiase
Lauren Dillon
Cara Donovan
Caroline Dubuque
William DuFour
Luisa Escallon
John Fadule
Michael Feigenbaum
Cosimo Ferrante
John Michael Ferrera
John Fitzpatrick
Katharine Fortin
Nicholas Friscia
Gabriel Gager
Peter Garland
Cleo Greenwood
Jack Griffin
Emily Griffin
Thomas Harding
Phillip Heilbron
Laurel Hennessee
Kyle Jacobs
Catherine Joyce
Allison Kannam
Lucy Kapples
Caroline Kelliher
Allison Kelliher
Ian Kinney
Jamie Liu
Theodore Loughborough
Rose Maalouf
Abraham Maalouf
Joey Maalouf
Caitlin Mahoney
Patrick McNamara
Emma Megan
Caroline Melly
Payton Moran
John Morgan
Liam Muir
Megan Nilles
Justin O’Brien
Garrett O’Toole
Henry Palmier
Isabelle Paredes
Amanda Pasko
Nicholas Peretti
Madeleine Picher
William Richardson
Brian Rolincik
John Rourke
Emily Ryan
Shannon Seidl
Monica Skelly
Hailey Tortorella
Mary Katherine Tuomey
Christopher Ulian
Elizabeth Van Flandern
Bonaventure Wilde
Thomas Wynn
Elizabeth Young

Invitation to a Teen P–A–R–T–Y

Who: St. John’s and St. Paul’s Students in Grades 7 & 8 (Parents also welcome.)
Where: St. John the Evangelist Social Hall (Lower level of the Church)
When: Sunday, May 6th, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
What: A discussion designed to support young people and focused on topics, issues and challenges they may be facing.
Presented by: Kerry Cronin, Professor of Philosophy, B. C.
For more information, please call Christine Tierney at (617) 835-5369.
Hope to see you there!

Thank You!

One hundred-thirty Easter baskets were delivered to St. Mary’s Women’s and Children’s Center in Dorchester during Holy Week. Many thanks to all the parishioners who so kindly and generously donated candy for the baskets. Thanks also to the Religious Education students in Grade 2 who decorated Easter eggs, and in Grades 7, 8 and 9 who took great care in assembling the baskets. The mothers and children who received the baskets were delighted.  Thank you!

Religious Education Registration for 2012-2013

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012-2013 school year were mailed to all families recently.  The deadline for registering before the late fee is assessed is MAY 31.  If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download on the Religious Education page on our website.  We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the Grades 1 through 10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education Office at 781-235-5337 (Grades 1–6) or 781-237-0141 (Grades 7–10).

Easter Candy Collection This Weekend March 31 – April 1

The Parish will be collecting your donations of Easter candy at all Masses on the weekend of March 31 – April 1. The candy will be used to fill Easter baskets for the families residing in the shelters operated by St. Mary’ Women’s and Children’s Center in Dorchester. Easter baskets for 130 children and moms will be assembled by Religious Education students in grades 7 – 10 and delivered to St. Mary’s before Easter morning.  Thank you for your generosity!