Thank You from Anton’s Cleaners and Bristol Lodge

Thank you so much for your support! St. John’s has donated over 200 coats for two consecutive years and that makes a big difference in our annual coat drive. Our distribution partners in your area include the Wellesley Housing Authority, Circle of Hope (Needham), and The Second Step (Newtonville). After the coats have been cleaned at Anton’s Wellesley location, the distribution partners pick up however many coats they need. This is our 18th year of Coats for Kids and we appreciate all that St. John the Evangelist has donated along the way!
– Stephanie Littlefield, Anton’s Cleaners

I wanted to let you know how much we look forward to the Thanksgiving feast provided by the parishioners from St. John the Evangelist. The food was delicious and, in addition to serving over 90 guests, there was enough to go around for ‘seconds’. It was a great day and thanks so much. Have a wonderful Christmas.  – Mike Hannon, Bristol Lodge

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