Parish Planning Study Completed

church_frontThank you to all parishioners who participated in our recent parish planning study by attending an interview, focus group, or by returning the questionnaire.

As you know, for the past year and a half, our Building and Grounds Committee has been evaluating our parish facilities and assessing deferred maintenance. They have reported that sections of the original part of the church, most notably the tower, are in need of significant repair and reconstruction. Our heating and cooling systems need updating and our parking lot needs repaving and improved lighting. These are just some of the projects that have been deferred over the years because we are unable to address them through our regular operating budget.

Your opinions and suggestions expressed through the planning study will enable us to formulate a final plan that will help meet the needs of our entire parish. A summary of the findings will be in the bulletin after Labor Day.

Collaborative FAQ 3: Will the parishes be merging in the same way that companies merge?

SJSP_LogoSmallQuestion 3. Since St. John’s and St. Paul’s are forming a Collaborative, does this mean the parishes will be merging in the same way that companies merge?

No. If St. John’s and St. Paul’s were to merge, the two parishes would cease to exist, and a new parish would be created. Instead, St. John’s and St. Paul’s will still continue to exist after the Collaborative begins. Think of our Collaborative as an “affiliation of parishes” – not a new parish. Both St. John’s and St. Paul’s will remain open. St. John’s and St. Paul’s will each maintain its own identity – its own name, buildings, canonical rights, bank accounts, books, financial assets, and financial obligations.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to:

Collaborative FAQ 2: Why have St. Paul’s and St. John’s been grouped together?

SJSP_LogoSmallQuestion 2: I’ve been reading that Parish Collaboratives are being formed throughout the Archdiocese. How was it determined which parishes would be grouped together? Why have St. Paul’s and St. John’s been grouped together?

Parishes in close geographical proximity to each other, often located in the same town or zip code have been grouped together for logistical and practical purposes. In addition, the Archdiocese sought to ensure that the parishes in the Collaborative will have enough financial resources to sustain the Collaborative. Another metric that was used is the parishioner-to-priest ratio: about 1,600 parishioners attending weekly mass to one Pastor. (A second full-time priest, or Parochial Vicar, may be assigned to Collaboratives when weekly mass attendance exceeds 3,200 parishioners.) The analysis utilized to form Parish Collaboratives also took into account the “vitality” of the parishes, including the combined number of baptisms, weddings, funerals, and weekly mass attendees are in the parishes being grouped together. Trends in population growth, educational requirements, cultural and language changes, family and household economic challenges, and migration patterns were also considered. St. John’s and St. Paul’s were a natural fit forming a Parish Collaborative.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to –

Collaborative FAQ 1: What is a Parish Collaborative?

SJSP_LogoSmallQuestion 1: What is a Parish Collaborative and why are Parish Collaboratives being formed around Boston? Will our parish go into a Collaborative?

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission, over the last several years, evaluated the resources (the number of priests, new vocations, church buildings, etc) available in the Boston area for the foreseeable future and has made a determination as to how to allocate these resources in a manner that will enable the mission of Christ and the Catholic Church to grow stronger. Parish Collaboratives are affiliations of two to four parishes which will work together in significant ways. They will share a Pastor, a team of appointed Clergy (Parochial Vicars and Deacons), a Pastoral Team, and a Pastoral Council. They will work off of a Local Pastoral Plan which they will develop together. It is important to remember that each parish will maintain its own identity – its own name, its buildings, its canonical rights, its own Finance Council, its own bank accounts, its own books, its own financial assets, and its own financial obligations. Common costs of the Collaborative (such as staffing and shared programs) will be shared between the member parishes. At some point soon, St. John’s and St. Paul’s will together form one of these Collaboratives.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to:

Collaborative News

SJSP_LogoSmallThe St. John and St. Paul parishes will, in the near future, be joined in a collaborative under a plan developed by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Commission. The St. John-St. Paul collaborative committee will, from time to time, publish in both bulletins, and on both parish websites, information regarding this collaboration. In the coming weeks, we will be presenting a series of 14 “Frequently Asked Questions.”

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to:

World Youth Day 2013

WYD2013_CatholicTVWorld Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope which is typically celebrated every few years in a different country. This year WYD will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil starting with the Pope’s arrival on July 22, 2013 and CatholicTV will be there! From the website: “Join Father Reed, Alexis Grace Richard and our team on the ground in Brazil embedded among the youth of the world! Watch for updates throughout this historic and uplifting week with interviews, photos, live action and living testimony. The next best thing to being in Rio for WYD 2013 is CatholicTV and!” Tune in Monday, July 22 at 3pm for the Pope’s arrival, and visit CatholicTV’s  WYD 2013 page for a complete broadcast schedule. Learn more about WYD 2013 on the UCCSB’s World Youth Day page.

Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick, SM Returns in July

FrFitzpatrickAgain this summer we welcome Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick, Professor at Chaminade University of Honolulu.
Fr. Fitzpatrick will be with us for a few weeks in July, and we know that he will enjoy his stay with the St. John Parish community.

Parish Planning Study: Please Complete A Questionnaire

Planning Survey Image

Click this link to complete the questionnaire online.

We are now in the final stages of our study where we are inviting all families in our parish to make their perspective known to us about this possible project. Every registered household was mailed a questionnaire so this study would include your valued input. The survey form is strictly confidential and no names will be attributed to any direct or indirect quotes. Please complete and return the questionnaire within 10 days. You may mail it, place it in the collection at Mass or drop it off at the parish office.  The questionnaire is also available on-line by clicking the link above, and  on the home page of our parish website.  Please make every effort to participate in the survey process so that we may complete this study with your open and honest input.

Attention First Communion Parents!

The First Communion pictures are in!  They are in the vestibule of the rectory (the screen porch in the front of the building with the circular drive next to the church on Glen Road) and are separated by Mass (9am v. 11:30am).  The vestibule is not locked, so you can pick up your child’s pictures at your convenience.  We do occasionally, in the very hot weather, take them into the rectory so they will not get ruined.  In that case, the rectory is open from 9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday and you can just ring the bell and someone will assist you.

From the AFFC: Have A Wonderful Summer!

AFFC LogoWe’ll be back in September with announcements for Fall 2013 offerings.