February 17: AFFC News and Events

AFFC LogoTuesday, February 19
Professor Jeff Bloechl on the Catholic Philosopher Charles Taylor
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Social Hall, 7:00pm
The Adult Faith Formation Commission is delighted to announce that Jeff Bloechl, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Boston College specializing in contemporary philosophy, philosophy of religion, and Christian philosophy, will speak on the Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor. As Father Michael Gallagher comments in his work Faith Maps: In 1960 when Charles Taylor was a graduate student at Oxford, he published an article entitled “Clericalism”, critical of the marginal role given to lay people in the Catholic Church. This showed, he argued, a defensive Church isolated from modern culture… His critique is now directed against a different form of academic clericalism, whereby philosophers, sociologists, and historians find it normal to ignore the spiritual dimensions of life. Such intellectuals, he holds, have not only forgotten the answers to the great questions of life, they have forgotten the questions. Connecting to the legacy of the Church’s great intervening event, Vatican II, Professor Bloechl, who recently returned from a seminar with Professor Taylor, has described him as “… a true Vatican II thinker, in the best sense.” Please join us for what promises to be a thoughtful and exciting evening. (Rescheduled from January 30 – please note 7pm start time.)

Wednesday, February 20
A Panel Discussion:
Future of Catholic Periodicals: Finances, Faith and the Digital Age
Editors Panel: Matt Malone, S.J. (America); Paul Baumann (Commonweal) and Meinrad Sherer-Edmunds (U.S. Catholic)
Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February 26
Father Robert Imbelli on the Christ–Centered Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Social Hall, 7:30pm
Hans Urs von Balthasar was one of the giants of 20th century Catholic Theology. His massive production of books and articles fills a whole bookcase, and the architectural mass of his work resembles a great cathedral. But its basic lines are clear and straightforward. Fr. Imbelli’s presentation will seek to illuminate the basic patterns and perspectives of von Balthasar’s thought, mindful that for von Balthasar, theology is at the service of Christian living. He speaks of his theology as a “praying theology:” one that derives from prayer and leads to prayer. Fr. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, teaches theology at Boston College. He recently edited the Boston College Church in the 21st Century publication The Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

For more information, please contact the Adult Faith Formation Commission

AFFC Speaker: Father Robert Imbelli on The Christ-Centered Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar – Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00pm

balthasarHans Urs von Balthasar was one of the giants of 20th century Catholic Theology. His massive production of books and articles fills a whole bookcase, and the architectural mass of his work resembles a great cathedral. But its basic lines are clear and straightforward. Fr. Imbelli’s presentation will seek to illuminate the basic patterns and perspectives of von Balthasar’s thought, mindful that for von Balthasar, theology is at the service of Christian living. He speaks of his theology as a “praying theology:” one that derives from prayer and leads to prayer. Fr. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, teaches theology at Boston College. He recently edited the Boston College Church in the 21st Century publication The Catholic Intellectual Tradition.  St. John the Evangelist Parish, Social Hall, 7:00pm

February 17: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-ContemporaryThis Week:  No Classes.
Enjoy the vacation week!
Next Week: No Classes.
Friends for Good is a dynamic component of the Religious Education Program designed to enable older students (Grades 7-10) to put their faith into action while deepening their individual commitment as life-long disciples of Christ. The wide variety of activities and events are intended to encourage personal reflection, create a sense of community, and promote social outreach. Through camaraderie, fellowship, and good will, participants foster the mission of the Catholic faith for the benefit of themselves and their neighbors. For more information please visit the Friends for Good page on our website.

Introducing St. John’s 2013 Lenten Gift

Marines_Midland BeachSt John’s Parish will again show its solidarity with those in need by collecting funds for a Lenten Gift. This year’s gift will be: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary’s Parish, Staten Island, NY after Hurricane Sandy’s Devastation. Throughout Lent, the plight of this coastal parish community serving the Midland Beach area and its “grass roots” effort to rebuild peoples’ homes and lives will be shared with you in our weekly parish bulletins and on the parish website.

For many years, in preparing for Lent, St. John’s Parish has made the decision to reach out to one particular suffering amid so many in the world. We establish this connection during Lent: a season of prayer and giving, when our parish has a rich history of sacrificial giving. Recent examples include: refugee and famine support in East Africa, text books and teacher stipends for an impoverished school in Haiti, a computer lab for an inner-city school in Lowell, medical supplies for a hospital during the earthquake rescue in Haiti, support for a solar energy project in the Congo for the missions of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Our Lenten gift strengthens each of us individually and the parish as a community of faith, as we give witness to Christ’s call to “Love One Another. As I have loved you” (John 13:34).

This year, in solidarity with the staff and people of St. Margaret Mary’s Parish and the surrounding community, which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy, we will collect funds to help rebuild homes and the lives of those who have lost them. Lent’s clarion call to love extravagantly is what Lent is all about. How blessed we are to be able to bring the warmth and love of our parish and homes to those attempting to Rebuild in Faith.

Next Week: The storm’s impact and efforts underway

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Suspended for the Month of February

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is suspended for the month of February.  An announcement will be posted to let you know when Adoration will resume.

All Religious Education Programs and Youth Choir Rehearsal CANCELLED for Sunday, February 10

CancelledMorning and evening St. John’s Religious Ed classes are canceled for Sunday, February 10th.   The Confirmation Retreat scheduled for Sunday, February 10th is postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. The Grade 2 Parent Meeting for Sunday, February 10th is rescheduled for Sunday, March 3rd at 10:15 am in Philbin Hall.  A Grade 2 Parent Meeting is also scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th at 3:45 pm in Philbin Hall.  Grade 2 parents are invited to attend the meeting of their choice.

Movie Night and Potluck Supper – Saturday, March 2 after 5PM Mass

of-gods-and-men-posterWe invite all parishioners to a showing of the movie “Of Gods and Men,” a deeply moving and profoundly beautiful film about a group of monks working in the mountains of Algeria who are faced with the most difficult decision of their lives when the country erupts in civil war.  Loosely based on actual events that took place between 1993 and 1996. Please join us for a special evening together. SPECIAL REQUEST: Please bring your casserole or salad to Social Hall before Mass. Dessert and beverages provided.


February 13, 2013
Masses: 7:00am, 12pm, and 5:30pm

Compassionate God, You bless us with the abundance of Your love and grace us with the gift of Your eternal presence. In this Lenten time give us the wisdom to recognize our poverty and the compassion to share it’s treasure with our brothers and sisters. We ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ, who gave our life for us.

February 8: From the Archdiocese of Boston – Blizzard Warning & The Sunday Mass Obligation

RCAB LogoThe Catholic faithful are reminded to exercise prudence this weekend as they seek to fulfill their Sunday Mass obligation. Weather forecasts predict a significant amount of snowfall on Friday and Saturday, and Archdiocesan officials have already been in contact with parish staffs about the steps that can be taken to prevent building damage and accidents during the storm. The Office of Divine Worship urges all Catholics to heed the travel advisories of their cities and towns, and to stay off the roads during the peak hours of the storm and plow operation. The faithful are encouraged to use good judgment when planning to travel to Mass. Hopefully the storm will have passed on Saturday, and roadways will be clear for travel on Sunday. In the event that roadways are not clear for travel on Sunday, the faithful are reminded that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass does not apply when there is grave difficulty in fulfilling this obligation. (See Code of Canon Law, Canon 1248 §2)

February 10: News from the AFFC

AFFC LogoWednesday, February 20
Panel Discussion: Future of Catholic Periodicals: Finances, Faith and the Digital Age
Editors Panel: Matt Malone, S.J. (America); Paul Baumann (Commonweal) and Meinrad Sherer-Edmunds (U.S. Catholic)
Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 27
Book Launch: New Voices in Catholic Theology
Presenters: Anna Bonata Moreland, Professor, Department of Humanities, Villanova University and Joseph Curran, Professor of Religious Studies,
Misericordia College
Boston College, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, 5:00 p.m.

For more information about events at BC please visit the BC Event Calendar.

Saturday, March 2: St. John Movie Night and Potluck Supper
Social Hall, Following the 5:00 p.m. Mass

Adult Faith Formation Commission