First Sunday Choir

choirFIRST SUNDAY CHOIR meets, as the name suggests, on the first Sunday of every month from October to June at 9am to prepare a special choral piece(s) to be sung that same day at the 11am Mass. Children, grownups, families are encouraged to gather with other singers in the Music Office downstairs to learn an anthem (song) to be sung at Mass. At 10am we take a 10 minute break after which we resume rehearsal. No prior music/singing experience is necessary and there are no auditions. Children under 12 must bring a singing adult with them!! We’ll have a good time together learning about healthful vocal technique, music theory basics as we sing some very accessible, enjoyable music. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to participate in choir singing but cannot commit to a regular, weekly rehearsal schedule.

Songs (anthems) planned for our next two FSC include:

Sunday, Feb 3 : The familiar “Make me a channel of your peace” (St. Francis prayer) arranged by Jane Holstein and “Lord, Lead Me, Lord” arranged by Gilbert Martin.

Sunday, March 3: Two beloved and moving spirituals – “Steal Away to Jesus” arranged by John Barnard and “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” arranged by Horace Clarence Boyer. You won’t want to miss being in the middle of the group singing these songs.

For more information, please visit the Parish Choir page on the website.

AFFC Speaker: Jeff Bloechl on Catholic Philosopher Charles Taylor – Tuesday, February 19 at 7:00pm

Taylor-COVER-A-Secular-Age(Rescheduled from January – please note the new start time is 7:00pm)  The Adult Faith Formation Commission is delighted to announce that Jeff Bloechl, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Boston College specializing in contemporary philosophy, philosophy of religion, and Christian philosophy, will speak on the Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor.  As Father Michael Gallagher comments in his work Faith Maps:

“In 1960 when Charles Taylor was a graduate student at Oxford, he published an article entitled “Clericalism”, critical of the marginal role given to lay people in the Catholic Church. This showed, he argued, a defensive Church isolated from modern culture…  His critique is now directed against a different form of academic clericalism, whereby philosophers, sociologists, and historians find it normal to ignore the spiritual dimensions of life. Such intellectuals, he holds, have not only forgotten the answers to the great questions of life, they have forgotten the questions.”

Connecting to the legacy of the Church’s great intervening event, Vatican Council II, Professor Bloechl, who recently returned from a seminar with Professor Taylor, has described him as  “… a true Vatican II thinker, in the best sense.”  Please join us for what promises to be a thoughtful and exciting evening!
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Social Hall, 7:00pm

January 20: Upcoming AFFC Events

AFFC LogoSunday, January 27, 7:30pm: Defending Childhood with Thea James, MD.  Dr. James is a member of the U.S. Attorney General’s Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence and director of  Boston Medical Center’s Violence Intervention Advocacy Program.  At Sacred Heart Parish, 1321 Centre St., Newton, MA.

Wednesday, January 30, 7:30pm, Social Hall: Jeff Bloechl on Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor  The Adult Faith Formation Commission is delighted to announce that Jeff Bloechl, Associate Professor of Philosophy at BC, specializing in contemporary philosophy, philosophy of religion, and Christian philosophy will speak on the Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor. As Father Michael Gallagher comments in his work Faith Maps:

In 1960 when Charles Taylor was a graduate student at Oxford, he published an article entitled “Clericalism”, critical of the marginal role given to lay people in the Catholic Church. This showed, he argued, a defensive Church isolated from modern culture…  His critique is now directed against a different form of academic clericalism, whereby philosophers, sociologists, and historians find it normal to ignore the spiritual dimensions of life. Such intellectuals, he holds, have not only forgotten the answers to the great questions of life , they have forgotten the questions.

Connecting to the legacy of the Church’s great intervening event, Vatican Council II, Professor Bloechl, who recently returned from a seminar with Professor Taylor, has described him as  “… a true Vatican II thinker, in the best sense.”  Please join us for what promises to be a thoughtful and exciting evening!

Tuesday, February 5, 6:30pm, Social Hall: Evening for Women   This year’s theme focuses us on the door of faith always open for us, beckoning us to rediscover more about the core of faith as love offered and accepted, an invitation to ponder the biblical revelation of love. Through reflection, prayer, sharing, with a fabulous pot-luck, we’ll enter that door of faith together. (Bring one of your favorite winter recipes!) Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

A Special Thank You

Christmas_Thank YouWe would like to thank everyone who helped make this Christmas Season so very blessed for everyone:

  • For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church at the Christmas Concert and during the Christmas Liturgy.
  • For all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for the Christmas season.
  • To everyone who helped make Christmas Wish a great success and brought joy to so many families.
  • For those who were involved in making the Christmas pageant a delight which brought joy to our hearts.
  • For everyone who made Trees and Trimmings a success by raising money for the school and bringing a community together.
  • To all of you who sent a card or delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone, bringing a little cheer into their lives.
  • And for all of you whose presence at Christmas Mass made the celebration complete.

We thank you all for your time, treasure and talents.

Holy Hour for Life – Tuesday, January 22 at 6pm

Holy Hour for LifePlease join us this Tuesday, January 22, at 6:00 pm in the downstairs chapel, as we join in prayer with thousands of others in the Archdiocese of Boston’s Holy Hour for Life. The Holy Hour for Life will unite the Archdiocese of Boston in prayer, asking forgiveness on behalf of all people for sins against the dignity of the human person, committed through acts of abortion and many other offenses against human life. All are welcome. Information sheets are available at our church entrances, or call Deacon Tom Smith at (781) 235-6442.

This Weekend’s Second Collection: St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children (January 19/20)

St. Mary's CenterThis weekend’s special collection is to assist St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children, a ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston, which supports 500 women and children annually with shelter, clinical and educational services, job training, employment placement, and search for affordable permanent housing. Working with one family at a time, St. Mary’s helps families break the generational cycle of poverty and homelessness, achieving self-sufficiency and stability.

2012 Tax Donation Statements

Tax DeadlinePlease contact our Business Office if you would like to receive a tax statement for your 2012 donations made to St. John the Evangelist. Please call (781) 235-0045 or e-mail

January 20: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-ContemporaryThis Week: No Classes – Enjoy the long weekend!
Next Week: Sunday, January 27
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grades 7 & 8 Discussion with Kerry Cronin, Professor of Philosophy at B.C., 6:00–7:30PM in Philbin Hall (see below.) Grades 9 & 10 Teen Mass @ St. Paul’s 5:00PM Reception for students follows in the Parish Hall.
Upcoming Event: Kerry Cronin, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, will be speaking to the grades 7 & 8 students on January 27 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM in lieu of their regular religious ed. classes. The discussion will focus on topics, issues, and challenges that our young people may be facing. Parents are welcome to attend this session.

January, 2013: Confirmation of Our Collaborative, Announcement of Phase One and Our Parish Response

Disciples in MissionIn November, we received a letter  from the Archdiocese of Boston Office of Pastoral Planning regarding the pastoral plan for St. John the Evangelist.  This letter affirmed their belief, based on the pastoral, financial, and demographic  situation in our community and after consultation with both parishes, that the St. John the Evangelist Parish – St Paul Parish grouping  is the proper collaborative, and announced the beginning of Phase One of the process, set to begin in July, 2013 with ten to fifteen collaboratives.  We were asked to acknowledge our assent to our grouping and to respond regarding our collaborative’s readiness to enter Phase One.

After consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance Council, the Parish Pastoral Planning Group, and the Parish Staff, Fr. Tom responded with a letter to the Office of Pastoral Planning that there was complete consensus on two points:

  • the proposed collaborative of St. John the Evangelist and St. Paul is the appropriate one
  • St. John is not prepared to enter into Phase One of the implementation process

On January 10, the Archdiocese announced the 12 Phase One collaboratives.  The St. John the Evangelist – St. Paul collaborative will be included in a later phase of the implementation process, set to take place over the next five years.  We will continue to keep you informed of all developments as they occur – please visit the Pastoral Plan section of our website for current updates and a history of the process.  For more information from the Office of Pastoral Planning of the Archdiocese, please visit their website Disciples in Mission.

Attention Young Singers!

Children in grades 1-8 are invited to participate in the St. John’s Easter Youth Choir.  High School Assistants are welcome.  Sign up and first rehearsal 2/10. There are 5 rehearsals: 2/10, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17 and 3/24 from 10:50-11:50 in the Chapel. The Children will sing at the 9:00 AM Family Mass on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013.   For more information call Maria Wardwell 781-237-2148 or