Growing Our Faith Through Storytelling: His Story/Our Story – Sunday, October 28 at 1pm

Come join us for this special workshop this Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Social Hall – All Welcome!  Growing Our Faith through Story-Telling is an afternoon workshop for those with a desire for deeper relationship with themselves, each other and with God.  We will “come away with Christ” and allow the Holy Spirit to inform, reform and transform us through the stories we share with one another… those in Scripture and those our own lives reveal to us.  Everyone has a unique story of how Christ is – or is not – present in their lives.  These stories are an important and valuable part of our salvation history.  Jesus is the Master Story-Teller who is calling us all this year to open and walk through the door of faith.  Let us explore what that means together in a sacred space where we can be ourselves, have fun and allow God to love us. Facilitated by Linda Colozzi – for more information please call  (781) 552-9667.

Not a Catholic? Thinking about becoming a Catholic? Baptized but not Confirmed? Catholic but want to know more about the Catholic faith?

CONSIDER THIS: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults offers you the opportunity to come and see what it’s all about. The RCIA is a journey that begins with your questions. There is no obligation to join as you discover more about our Catholic faith: the decision is ultimately yours to discern if this is to be your spiritual home.  Our first gathering will be Sunday October 28 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Church Rectory. You are warmly welcome to come. No RSVP needed. The Catholic faith community at St. John’s Church looks forward to your response. Please contact the Church Office at (781) 235-0045 or Svea Fraser at, (781) 237-7560.

Forty Hours Devotion: October 25 – 27

Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the blessed sacraments is the greatest of all the sacrament. (St. Alphonsus Liguori) Prayer nourishes the soul and opens our hearts to God’s graces. There is nothing quite like personal and private prayer before the real presence of Christ in the Sacraments. We invite all to the Forty Hours Adoration of Christ in the Eucharist on Thursday, Friday and Saturday—October 25, 26 and 27. Hours of devotion will be from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and closing just before our 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday. Benediction will begin thirty minutes before closing each day. You may contact Deacon Tom Smith with any questions.

Buildings and Grounds Update

From time to time, we will be giving you an update on what is happening around the grounds and the buildings of the Parish. In the middle of August, you probably noticed some activity around the Parish Center and at the entrance to the parking lot. Unfortunately, the sewer pipe from the Center to the street had disintegrated about forty feet from the building and also had been damaged and crushed by some tree roots closer to the street. This necessitated an unbudgeted expense of approximately $24,000.  The street and ground were dug up and new pipe from the building to the street were installed and the large tree was removed.

At about the same time, our annual check up and changing of filters for the Air Handlers and Ventilation System was happening in the Church. The inspections uncovered some major issues with the motors that power this system resulting in the replacement or rebuilding of three major units. This project and the residual side effects have resulted in an additional cost of over $ 10,000 of unbudgeted expense.

Currently, you may have noticed work being done on four of the five entrances of the Church. Originally, this was to be cleaned and painted but upon further inspection, the columns and surrounding wood was found to have extensive rot from the rain and weather. The result is the removal of the wood and columns. These are being repaired and replaced with a fiberglass/cement product with a lifetime warranty and the appropriate materials to prevent this condition from reoccurring.

On another issue, we are pleased to have made the switch, almost two years ago (September 2010), to heating the church with gas as we have realized substantial savings (approx 25%) in our heating expenses. As the Church continues to age, twelve years from our renovation date, we are beginning to experience many major repairs. We will continue to update you on the repairs and ongoing projects throughout the year.

St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry

This weekend (and every second Sunday) we gratefully receive your donations of non-perishable food items to assist our sister parish in Roxbury, Saint Katharine Drexel.  Please bring your donations to our Glen Road entrance. If you have any questions, please contact  Angela Spinale at 781-431-0008.

Adult Faith Formation Update – October 14, 2012

AFFC LogoScripture Study: There are several small scripture study groups in the parish. They are using books published by Ignatius Press, which include extensive explanatory footnotes and suggested questions and points for discussion. For information on creating a new group or joining one of the existing groups, please  contact Pat Kelleher, 781-237-4616,

Workshops on Ballot Question # 2, Proposal to Allow Physician Assisted Suicide
Doctors, lawyers and ethicists will discuss the proposal.  This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the details of this proposal, which we must all work to defeat.  See  To register for one of the following forums email:

  • Monday, October 15: St. Patrick, Natick, 7 to 9pm
  • Thursday, October 18: St. Columbkille, Brighton, 7 to 9pm

October 16: Catholic Spiritual Practices: A Treasury of Old and New
5:30 p.m. Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100
Colleen Griffith and Thomas Groome

October 28: Growing Our Faith through Story-Telling
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Center
Contact Linda Colozzi for more information at (781) 552-9667

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

This Week in Religious Education

Sunday, October 14
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45AM
Grade 2 Parent Meeting/Visit
Grade 7, 8, 9 Class 6:00 – 8:00PM
Grade 10 Class 7:00 – 8:00PM
Wednesday, October 17
Grades 1- 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45PM
Grade 2 Parent Meeting/Visit
Next Week:  Sunday, October 21
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45AM

Movie Night and Potluck Dinner! Saturday, November 10 after 5pm Mass

The first in a series of films, discussions and pot luck suppers! Following the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, November 10, we invite all parishioners to a showing of the movie THE WAY, followed by a  potluck dinner and reflection on the film. THE WAY is a powerful and inspirational story about family.  Martin Sheen plays Tom, an irascible American doctor who comes to France to deal with the tragic loss of his son (played by Emilio Estevez). Rather than return home, Tom decides to embark on the historical “Way of St. James” pilgrimage to honor his son’s desire to finish the journey. What Tom doesn’t plan on is the profound impact this trip will have on him.  An inexperienced trekker, Tom meets up with other pilgrims along his route. This unlikely band of misfits creates an everlasting bond and Tom begins to learn what it means to be a citizen of the world again.  Through unexpected and often times amusing experiences along “The Way”, Tom discovers the difference between “the life we live and the life we choose.”
Special Request: Would you enjoy organizing the pot luck supper? If interested please contact the Parish Office at (781) 235-0045 or

Attention Young Singers!

The Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 28 from 10:50-11:50AM.  All students in grade 1-8 are invited to participate. High School Assistants are also welcome (counts towards confirmation community service credit)!  Seven rehearsals will take place on the following dates and times:

  • 10/28 10:50-11:50am (Sign Up Begins)
  • 11/04 10:50-11:50am
  • 11/18 10:50-11:50am
  • 12/02 10:50-11:50am
  • 12/09 10:50-11:50am
  • 12/16 10:50-11:50am
  • 12/23 10:00-11:00am

Children will participate in the Parish Christmas Concert on December 9 AND/OR Christmas Eve 5:30 Family Mass.  All rehearsals are in St. John’s Chapel.  For more information, please call Maria Wardwell at 781-237-2148

Blessing of the Animals

Many thanks to all who joined in the Blessing of the Animals with special gratitude to Mark and Beth Ann Birmingham who kindly donated the wonderful talents of Daisy the Clown!