Be an Altar Server at St John!

On Tuesday, September 18, and Wednesday, September 19, Deacon Tom Smith will be training Altar Servers in the upper church from 3:30- 5:00pm.  Any child who has made his or her First Communion is eligible to serve.  Interested children should attend both sessions, and servers must be available to serve the following Saturday or Sunday (9/22 or 9/23) at Mass.  Please contact Anne Connors, 781-237-0565 or to register or with any questions.

Religious Education Classes Begin Wednesday, September 19

Welcome Back!  The final 2012-2013 Religious Education Calendar was included in the packet mailed recently to all registered families.  You can also download a copy from the Religious Education page on our website.  Classes for all grades begin as follows:  Grades 1-6: Wed. 9/19 from 3:30-4:45PM or Sun. 9/23 from 10:00-10:45AM  Grades 7-10: Sun. 9/23 from 6-8PM

  • Opening Day Procedures for Grades 1 – 6
  • Assignments will be posted on the wall in alphabetical order.
  • Parents should accompany their children to their classrooms, which will have class lists posted.
  • Parents, please introduce yourselves to your child(ren)’s teachers.
  • Volunteers will be available in the corridors to help guide parents and students to classes.
  • If you have not filled out a registration form and/or have not paid your registration fee, please report to the registration desk in Philbin Hall.
  • Students will be dismissed to the coned-off area in the parking lot to be picked up, unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.
  • As a reminder, dismissal times are 10:45 AM on Sunday and 4:45 PM on Wednesday.
  • Opening Day Procedures for Grades 7 – 10
  • Classes meet Sunday evening, as scheduled, from 6–8PM
  • All 7th and 8th grade students should report at 6PM to the Parish Center located across the parking lot from the school for room assignments.
  • All 9th and 10th grade students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of  St. John’s School at 6PM for room assignments.

REGISTRATION: Please be considerate and register your child prior to the first class meeting. We may not be able to accommodate your child in the most appropriate classroom (i.e. with children from his/her elementary school, or with friends) if you do not register in advance. Wednesday classes for ALL grades are at maximum capacity and are now closed unless someone volunteers to teach. Registration packets were sent to all families currently participating in the Religious Education Program last spring; the information contained in the packets, including the registration form, is available for download from the website. A $25 per child late fee should now be added to any registration fee owed.  As a reminder, Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program.

Parish Family Picnic Brunch – Sunday, September 23

Mark your calendars – Welcome Weekend will be September 22-23, 2012!  Please join us on Sunday, September 23rd for the St. John Parish Family Picnic Brunch after our Sunday morning Masses.  We will have pancakes along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Attention 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation Candidates!

This year we are offering Confirmation students an opportunity to fulfill community service hours at our upcoming Parish Family Picnic Brunch on Sunday, September 23.  Parents, please encourage your child’s participation in this fun Parish event – we truly need their help!  The event takes place in the morning with time slots available from 8:00am – 2:00pm.  Volunteer with a friend – you can choose one slot or as many as you like.  It’s a great way to serve our parish community, have fun working with friends, and log some community service hours all at the same time!  Just go to Parish Family Picnic Signup and select the shift(s) you wish to serve.  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Calcio.  Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and service to the parish.
All students in the Parish’s Confirmation program must complete 25 hours of community service prior to reception of the Sacrament at the end of grade 10. We strongly encourage students to begin accruing these hours in grade 9.

Adult Faith Formation Update: September 9, 2012

AFFC Logo(1) The first four books on the schedule of the Book Discussion Group are:  September 13Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor
October 11: Voting and Holiness: Catholic Perspectives on Political Participation, edited by Nicholas Cafardi
November 15: Faith: What It Is and What It Isn’t by Terrance Tilley
December 6: Making the Eucharist Matter by Frank Anderson
All meetings are from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.  Although the books selected for each month are mostly under 200 pages and can generally be purchased for less than $20 (or borrowed from the library), we recognize how difficult it is for some to read each one. Thus, people often come to these gatherings with a broad understanding of the topic, author or focus of the book, rather than a grasp of the specific details. This is fine. For more information about the Book Discussion Group please contact the Adult Faith Formation Commission or call one of the leaders of the group – Peter Mongeau, Anita Martin , Julie and Frank McConville or John Stewart.

2) The St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission will hold the first of its 2012/2013 monthly meetings on September 19. If you have any ideas, suggestions or proposals please send them along and they will be considered quickly.

3) Some Boston College programs of interest:

“Women in Interreligious Dialogue”
Thursday, September 20, 5:00 p.m.
Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carpenter Emerita Professor of Feminist Theology,Pacific School of Religion and the Graduate Theological Union, Cosponsored by the Boston College Department of Theology, the School of Theology and Ministry, and The Church in the 21st Century Center.

“Introducing the Bible Today: Challenges and Opportunities”
Tuesday, September 25, 5:30 p.m.
Richard J. Clifford, S.J., STM professor of Old Testament, Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., STM professor of New Testament, and Pheme Perkins, professor, Boston College Theology Department, Cosponsored by Paulist Press, the School of Theology and Ministry, and the Boston College Department of Theology.

“An Archbishop’s Perspective on Handing on the Faith” 
Monday, October 1, 4:30 p.m.
Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn, Archbishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Cosponsored by The Church in the 21st Century Center and STM.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

Parish Council Nominations

During September, there is an opportunity to add new members to the Parish Pastoral Council. We ask that you carefully consider whom you believe would enjoy serving in this way. Having considered the qualifications and responsibilities and described below, we encourage you to nominate your self or another parishioner.  Once we have collected and confirmed the nominations, we will draw four adult members for a three-year term from names submitted.

Qualifications: (1) Be a Catholic who is registered and active in the Parish, (2) Participate in the sacramental life of the Church, (3) Be 18 years of age or older.

Responsibilities: The normal term of a Parish Council member is three years. Meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.  As a consultative body, the Parish Pastoral Council is responsible to the pastor, assisting and supporting him in his leadership role. It recognizes the varied gifts of the parish members and invites them to an active leadership role in the parish.

Please submit a nomination form with your  nomination(s) to the ballot box at the Church entrance or to the Rectory office as soon as possible.  Thank you very much for your consideration. Nominations will close on Monday, October 1, 2012.  (A nomination form is available in the bulletin, or click HERE to download and print a form.)

Regular Mass Schedule Resumes This Weekend September 8-9

Our Regular Mass Schedule resumes this weekend, September 8-9. However, the Sunday 9:00am Mass will not revert back to 8:45am, but will remain at 9:00am.  Our regular weekend Mass schedule will be:

Saturdays at 7am and 5pm
Sundays at 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm

Note: Family Mass “Coffee and Donuts” begins this weekend after the 9:00am Mass.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Resumes Thursday, September 13

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume Thursday, September 13.  Every Thursday afternoon, the Eucharist is exposed for Adoration from 2pm to 6pm in our Chapel, with Opening and daytime prayers from the Breviary at 2pm, Chaplet of Mercy at 3pm, and Benediction at 5:30pm.

2012-2013 Religious Education Program Update

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012/2013 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for  download on the Parish website  The late registration fee now applies; please include $25/child in addition to the stated fee.

Our Parish’s Confirmation preparation is a two year program beginning in grade 9. Except for those enrolled in Catholic schools, all students must complete the two year program prior to being Confirmed. All 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in May 2013 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program. If you have any
questions, please contact Jane Leonard at or at 781.237.0141.

We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to teach. We are especially in need of Sunday evening teachers for grades 7 and 9. If you are interested, please contact the religious education office at 781.237.0141.

2012/2013 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1 – 6: Wednesday, 9/19 from 3:30 – 4:45PM or
Sunday, 9/23 from 10 – 10:45 AM
Grades 7 – 10: Sunday, 9/23  from 6 – 8 PM

A final calendar is included in the information recently  mailed to all families.  You can also download a copy from our website

“So Others May Eat” – This Sunday, August 26

We need your help to provide hundreds of sandwiches this Sunday, August 26 for the Bristol Lodge in Waltham.  Since 1995, St. John’s  has helped serve the homeless by providing sandwiches on the 4th and 5th (when there is one) Sunday of each month.  The sandwiches provide a nourishing mid-day meal for the residents of shelters which are closed during the daytime hours. Please bring sandwiches (wrapped and without condiments) to the church kitchen refrigerator. For more information please contact Liz Phillips at (781) 237-4430 or email