An Invitation from St. Katharine Drexel Parish – Join Us for Liturgy and Fellowship on Sunday, April 29

Dear St. John Parishioners:  Over the years you have been very generous in your response to the needs of our Parish, especially every month with stocking our Food Pantry and for extraordinary gifts at Christmas time.  On Sunday, April 29th we would like to say “thank you” to you and many others who have been so generous to the Parish.   Please join us on Sunday, April 29 for liturgy at 11:30am in the Church at 517 Blue Hill Avenue followed by fellowship and brunch downstairs in the Hall.   I hope that many parishioners are able to be with us on the 29th.  Sincerely,  Gerald J. Osterman

If you plan on attending, please RSVP the Business Office at (781) 235-0045 or by noontime April 25th.

Religious Education Registration for 2012-2013

Religious Education registration packets for the 2012-2013 school year were mailed to all families recently.  The deadline for registering before the late fee is assessed is MAY 31.  If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download on the Religious Education page on our website.  We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the Grades 1 through 10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education Office at 781-235-5337 (Grades 1–6) or 781-237-0141 (Grades 7–10).

Is Religious Liberty Under Threat in America?

Wednesday, April 18th at 7pm at Robsham Theater, Lower Campus, Boston College.  Reverend J. Bryan Hehir will be a featured panelist at this discussion on the theological, legal, and political foundations of religious liberty in American society, especially as it applies to faith-based charitable, educational, health and social service ministries.   A program of  The Church in the 21st Century Center at Boston College, which seeks to be a catalyst and resource for the renewal of the Catholic Church in the United States by engaging critical issues facing the Catholic community.  Other panelists include: John Allen, Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter; M. Cathleen Kaveny, Professor of Law and Theology at the University of Notre Dame; and Vincent D. Rougeau,  Dean of Boston College Law School.  This event is free and open to the public.  Limited seating available.  Please click HERE for more detailed information.  

Adult Faith Formation Update – April 15

AFFC Logo Upcoming Events…
May 5, 7:30am Social Hall – Men’s Group
For information and to receive in advance the material to be discussed, contact Deacon Tom Smith

May 10, 7:30pm Parish Center – Book Discussion Group
Demian, a short novel by Hermann Hesse.  Hesse was a German-Swiss poet,
novelist and painter who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946. Demian is the story of a young man’s search for authenticity, self-knowledge and

May 8, 6:30pm Social Hall – Program for Woman 
A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel  Through prayer, presentation and sharing, we will ponder how the core of faith is Love offered and accepted; how God invites us to imagine our lives as grounded in a Love beyond all imagining. Come join us for this graced evening and bring one of your favorite recipes for a wonderful Pot Luck! All are welcome!
Moderator: Sr. Evelyn

June 5, 7:30pm, Social Hall – Lecture and discussion on John Henry Newman by Father Robert Imbelli, Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Boston College
Cardinal Newman lived in England in the 19th century. He was originally an evangelical Oxford academic and priest in the Church of England. In 1845 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. His beatification was officially proclaimed by Pope Benedict in the fall of 2010. In addition to his work at Boston College, Father Imbelli has taught theology at the New York Archdiocesan Seminary, Maryknoll School of Theology, and has been visiting lecturer at Princeton Theological Seminary and Fordham University. This
program is being sponsored by the St. John’s Book Discussion Group, chaired by Peter Mongeau. 

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission
Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin, Pat Kelleher (chair), Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor), John Salvati, John Stewart and Anne Wachtmeister

Thank You to Our Passion Play Participants!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Passion Play that was performed at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Palm Sunday. Our thanks to:

Arianna Baffa
Caterina Baffa
Chrissy Harding
Meagan Harding
Thomas Harding
Chris Harding
Tommy Hillmer
Chris Holownia
Lyne Julia
Alli Kelliher
Caroline Kelliher
Ava Keresztes
Joseph Kester
James Kester
Sophie Maggioni
Izzy Maggioni
Jill Oliver
Analise Perry
Marijke Perry
Brian Rolincik
Paul Rolincik
Michael Rolincik
Juliette Santo
Stephen Scherrer
Matthew Scherrer
Andrew Scherrer
Daniel Scherrer
Charlie Velyvis
Peter Velyvis
Maria Wardwell
Regina Watts
Jesse Wrobel
Andrew Wrobel

Thank You to the Easter Youth Choir!

We would like to thank Maria Wardwell and all the Easter Youth Choir participants who made the 9:00am Easter Mass so special:

Caterina Baffa
Arianna Baffa
Kate Battaglia
Amanda Brown
Ellen Burstein
Katie Burstein
Jenny Cassa
Kate Cassa
Nicole Ceriani
Ethan Chen
Annie Cronin
Hannah Cronin
Ty Cronin
Ella Fahey
Julia Goujiamanis
Nina Goujiamanis
Charlotte Hartigan
Grace Hartigan
Brendan Hill
Angell Jean-Laurent
Anthony Jean-Laurent
Alli Joans
Allison Kannam
Ava Keresztes
James Kester
Joseph Kester
Katie Kester
Marie Kester
Sophie Maggioni
Zoe Maggioni
Christina Messore
Catherine Murrey
Jill Oliver
Emma Pearson
Nicolette Pearson
Lauren Ryan
Andrew Scherrer
Daniel Scherrer
Matthew Scherrer
Anna Tellalian

May the joy and hope of this Easter Season be yours in abundance. And may the peace of the Risen Christ be with you always!

Easter Flowers

Our Easter flowers are given in loving memory of your loved ones who are being especially remembered during our Masses this Eastertide.









Robert Arnold
Sabina C. Bartzak
Ida Benigno
J. Chester & Virginia Blay
Hugh F. Boyle
Marie Brooks
Don & Liane Burpee
Jack & Ellen Cahill
Jim Callanan
Iain G. Campbell
Adeline & Raymond Capobianco
Carol H. Cauley
Marylou Codeiro
Hugh Colliton
John & Roberta Connors
Ann C. Connors
Dick Crino
Crino Family
Carlos and Lucila Cruz
Katherine S. Cullinan
Madeline Davis
Charles P. DeFonce
Jo and Joe Delvicario
The Dennehy Family
Aida Denning
Katherine & Alexander DeNucci
Patrick & Mary Doherty
The Doherty Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan
The Donahue Family
Dolan & Jones Families
Nicole Donovan
John Dowdall
Mary A. Duffy
Mary E. Fahey
Dario Fancelli
Thomas & Mary Finnigan
Allan Fisher
Edmund L. Flaherty
Mary Flannery
Eleanor Foley
Joseph Fontaine
Margaret Frazer
Mary M. Frazier
Thomas & Mary G. Frazier
Thomas Furdon
Willie Furdon
The Furdon Family
Mary & Joseph Fuss
Thomas R. Fuss
Anna Quinn Galvin
Ernest Gaunt
Frank George
Mary George
John Germano
Giannelli Family
William Goodman III
Milton Gossett
Hanley Family
James and Gladys Harrington
Diane Harris
Margaret Hayes
Joseph K. Heilbron
David Herlihy
Frederick J. Hickey
Margaret Galvin Hines
Loretta & Charles Howe
Hughes & McCarthy Family
The Hurney Family
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Isabelle
Sandra Jaillet
James Jordan
Vrisidha & Paul Joseph
Thomas J. Keefe
Mary Lane
John A. Lawler
John B. Leonard
Loeber Family
John A. Lynch
Lillian Macaulay
James & Fred MacDermott
Crosbie & Robert MacMillen
Beatrice & Eugene Manseau
Ellen Matanle
Edward J. McCarty, Jr.
Alice M. & Philip B. McCourt
Katherine J. McDermott
The McEvoy Family
Earl and Eleanor Mitchell
Joe & Betty Morrissey
Bill & Diane Mullahy
Joseph L. Murphy
Gretchen & Troy Murray
Bernard & Mary Neville
Helen Neville
Thomas F. Neville
James J. O’Donnell
Regina D. O’Donnell
The O’Donnell Family
John P. & Elisabeth O’Hearn
Mike & Julia Osovich
Our Grandparents
Cynthia Panella
Patricia Peters
Father John Philbin
Pasquale J. Picariello
Flavia Piccione
Olinda Piselli
Patrick Quigley
Ernest & Marion Reynolds
James & Blanche Riley
Jean Robbins
Ryland Robbins
Patricia Rockwell
Russell-Macdonald Family
Arlene & Louis F. Saba
The Salvati Family
Peter and Susan Sanderson
Jeanine Sauriol
Rita Grace Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. U.M. Schiavone
Mary & George Schulte
Alton Seidl
Len Seipel
Sophie Semenuk
Michael Shanahan
Bessie and Joseph Sincuk
Mary and Joseph Sincuck
Don & Peg Spellman
Terri St. Thomas
The Sullivan Family
Arthur & Eleanor Sullivan
Brian Sullivan
Robert L. Sullivan
Marie Syracuse
The Thompson Family
Joseph & Katharine Tomasello
Martin & Gertrude Tucker
George Tully
Elizabeth & Edward Twohig
Vito Family
Marguerite and James Wayman
Elizabeth M. Wheeler
The Yost Family
Sheila Young
Vernon Young

Easter Music

Our Easter music is given in loving memory of your loved ones who are being especially remembered during our Masses this Eastertide.









 Henry Richard Alexander
David & Gloria Andrew
Marie L. Bahn
John Barron
William Barry
Bartzak Family
Benedict Family
Nancy Bernardo
Christopher & Clayton Blay
Mary Galvin Breau
Eleanor Brown
John W. Buckley
Genevieve L. Burns
John Cahill
Mary Daly Cahill
Alice Cameron
Mary J. Caruso
Carol H. Cauley
Romulo and Dinorah Celli
Herbert J. Challen
Barbara S. Colliton
Hugh Colliton
Dick Crino
The Crino Family
Katherine S. Cullinan
Margaret & Theodore Dada
Walter Davis
Alan Davitt
Charles P. DeFonce
William Edward DeLorie Jr.
Jo and Joe Delvicario
The Dennehy Family
Martin Denning
William Doherty
Eileen Doherty
Donahue Family
Marie Earley
Joseph Ecker
Jerry Farren
Thomas & Mary Finnigan
Eleanor Foley
Joan Foley
Peggy & George Francis
Margaret Frazer
Willie Furdon
Furdon Family
Thomas R. Fuss
Eleanor Gallagher
Juliette Gallagher
Timothy Gallup
Giannelli Family
Griffith Family
James and Gladys Harrington
Vincent Harper
Edward Hayes
Joseph K. Heilbron
Frederick J. Hickey
Louise Hogan
Margaret Hostage
Peter Howard-Johnson
James Jordan
Vrisidha & Paul Joseph
Keaney & Murphy Families
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelliher
Suzanne F. Keohane
George Kerr
Gael M. Kilpatrick
John F. Kneeland
Dan & Marianne Lempres
John A. Lynch
Kerry R. Lyne
Eleanor & Julie MacDermott
Mary Macdonald
Daniel Macdonald
Chet MacDonald
Beatrice & Eugene Manseau
Elizabeth A. Mason
M. Kathleen Marchand
Isabel & Charles McCormick
Mary Rose McCourt
Patrick McEvoy
The McEvoy Family
William McLaughlin
Sarah Gray Megan
Donald D. Mitchell
The Morse Family
Jane McDaid Murphy
Carmelo Monteleone
Joseph L. Murphy
Mary F. Murphy
James J. O’Donnell
The O’Donnell Family
Dorothy O’Leary
Sophie and Leo Peterson
Father John Philbin
Costantino Piccione
Patrick Quigley
Ruth and Ed Ramsauer
Hedwig Reynolds
Alice & Stephen Ridge
Chester Riley
Arlene & Louis F. Saba
Daniel Sandman
Len Seipel
Joseph Sincuk
Don & Peg Spellman
Marian McBride Stevens
Daniel J. Sullivan
Robert L. Sullivan
The Sullivan Family
Mary McDermott Sweeney
Marie Syracuse
Victor Terranova
Mr. & Mrs. George Trigg
George Tully
Claude Valle, Jr.
Margaret Verner
David F. Wheeler
The Yost Family
Vernon R. Young

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

May the joy and hope of this Easter Season be yours in abundance.  And may the peace of the Risen Christ be with you always!

7:30am Mass
9:00am Family Mass
11:00am Mass (Upper and Lower)