Saint John School Open House Tuesday, January 31st from 8:00am to 9:30am

Pre-School through Grade 6: We invite you to visit Saint John School on Tuesday, January 31st from 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. to tour the school, meet teachers, visit classrooms, and speak to our Principal and parents. Come and see how Saint John School sets a standard of excellence for academic achievement and life long impact. Saint John School is a wonderful academic choice for a bright future. Our school is a place where a spirit of faith is celebrated in a community of shared values. Saint John School is located next to Saint John the
Evangelist Church at 9 Ledyard , Wellesley Hills, MA. For more information please visit us on the web at or contact Principal Kathleen  Aldridge at 781-235-0300 or

Religious Education Classes Resume January 8th

No classes this week. Classes resume January 8th. The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year. Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

Business Office Closed Monday, December 26

St. John Business Office will be closed on Monday, December 26 for the Christmas holiday.

This Week’s Collection

At all our Christmas Masses, our only collection will be to support the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church and you. Please be generous.  For more information, please visit:

A Christmas Wish Thank You!

The Christmas Wish Committee would like to thank all the parishioners who participated in the 2011 Christmas Wish Program. We volunteered to sponsor, shop for, or donate funds to help buy Christmas gifts and clothing for over 320 children in 137 families. The contributions from St. John assisted families and children of St. Patrick’s in Brockton, St. Patrick’s in Lowell,  St. Katharine Drexel in Roxbury, St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley, and Julie’s Family Learning Program in South Boston. Over 200 St. John families took part in the program to bring the true meaning of Christmas through family sponsorship, financial donations, and program coordination.  A special thanks to Sue and Bill Logan of McCabe Movers who generously donated moving services to transport clothing, toys and wrapping materials to these parishes. We would also like to thank Kathy Maher, Christine Kehoe, Becky Kannam, Peg Tally, Paula Gomez, Marcia Gargone, Pat Colton, Joyce Farah, Corinne Spinale, Donna Buckley, Joanne Sheppard, and Steve DuFour for a great job on the committee.  We extend a special invitation to all parishioners to join us next year in the 2012 Christmas Wish to share the joy of this program.  Happy Holidays!

Christmas Decorating Volunteers Needed! Monday, December 19 at 10am

We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the church for Christmas. If you are available, please meet in the Social Hall at 10:00am on Monday, December 19. We would love to have you!

An Invitation to Those Who Have Experienced Divorce

St. John Parish is preparing to begin a Support Group for those who have experienced Separation and Divorce.  It would provide an opportunity to gather regularly for encouragement and support in dealing with this life changing event. If interested, please contact Barbara Pyles at or
Sr. Evelyn Ronan at

Cardinal O’Malley and Priests Begin Consultation Process on Pastoral Planning

On December 5, Cardinal Sean O’Malley and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission (APPC) met with priests of the Archdiocese of Boston and with those serving in archdiocesan parishes to begin the consultation process regarding the next phase of Pastoral Planning in the archdiocese. As part of their scope, the APPC has developed some principles and preliminary recommendations for strengthening the archdiocese’s parish-based ministries, evangelization efforts and parish staffing.  Further rounds of consultations with the archdiocesan and parish leadership will be conducted over the next several months. After receiving input from the consultations, the APPC will then prepare a final recommendation to Cardinal Sean for his decision. We ask your prayers for this important process and invite you to review the planning materials at

Memorial Donations for Christmas Flowers and Music

Would you would like to make a donation towards Christmas music or flowers in memory of a loved one this holiday season? If so, you may make a donation by using your Offertory envelope, the collection basket, Parish Pay, or by just dropping your donation in the mail or by the rectory. Please make sure to include the name of the person you want remembered in this special way.

From the AFFC – December 18, 2011

In this joyous season of Advent and as we approach the start of a new calendar year, it might be helpful to consider the tremendous opportunities we have for strengthening our spiritual lives – for going beyond our regular and prayerful participation in Sunday Mass and trying hard every day of the week to deepen, in some small way, our understanding of our Catholic faith and our relationship with God.  Our parish, like all successful faith communities, organizes a variety of faith formation programs and special projects. The parish website ( has complete descriptions and details, along with this section of the weekly bulletin. In summary we offer the following:

Scripture Study Groups – A meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 4 for those interested in discussing the Gospel of St. Matthew, using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.

Book Discussion Group – Discussions are generally the second Thursday of each month. On January 12 we will look at the Book of Jonah and on February 9, A Guide to Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pieper.

Program for Women – Spiritual and social gatherings of women, in the evening, generally the second Tuesday of each month.

Men’s Group – Coffee, donuts and conversation, the first Saturday of each month, after the 7:00 a.m. Mass.

Advent and Lenten Lectures, study and discussion groups.

Collection of Books (free to be borrowed!) and periodicals in lower lobby of the church.

We are enriched by the many programs and activities offered the Archdiocese of Boston (, by the many nearby parishes (see especially websites of parishes in Wellesley, Weston, Needham, Newton) and by one of the largest and finest faith formation programs in the country, The Church in the 21st Century at Boston College (  The Boston College program includes conferences, lectures, publications, video and audio resources and courses, all of which are available to the public, as well as students and faculty of the college.

Finally, we urge you – we really beg you! – to let us know how we can help you, specifically, and better serve the parish, generally. Our Commission was created last spring because the pastor, Parish Council and Pastoral Planning Group recognized the need for one small committee of people to coordinate and promote faith formation.  We look forward to responding to your comments and
questions – and extend to all our best wishes for a blessed Christmas and an energized new year.

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission
Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin,
Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart, and
Ann Wachtmeister, Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor).