Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14

7:00am Mass at St. John
9:00am Mass at St. Paul
9:00am Mass at St. John
(with Saint John School – all welcome!)
12:10 Mass at St. John
2:10 Ash Service at St. Paul
(with St. Paul Rel Ed – all welcome!)
5:30pm Mass at St. John
7:00pm Mass at St. Paul

The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has a rich, full schedule of Lenten liturgies, programs and events – click here for more information: Lent 2018

Please join us on this Lenten journey!

Collaborative Offices Closing at 2:00pm

Winter-StormDue to the storm, our parish and collaborative offices will be closing at 2:00pm today, Wednesday, February 7. Please stay safe!

Attention Young Actors – Help “Perform” the Passion Play on Palm Sunday!

Passion PlaySeeking Actors/Actresses in Grade 3 and older to help “perform” the Passion Play at the 9:00am Family Mass on Palm Sunday, March 25. Attendance at one rehearsal on Saturday, March 24 from 9:00am- 12:00pm is required/mandatory. Confirmation candidates earn 5 hours of community service credit. Please contact Maria Wardwell (781-237-2148 or for information and registration.

Attention Young Singers! Easter Choir Rehearsals Begin March 4!

Music_Youth Choir LogoChildren in grades 1-8 are invited to participate in the St. John’s Easter Youth Choir. High School Assistants are welcome. There are 4 rehearsals: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, and 3/25 at 10:50-11:50am in the Chapel. The children will sing at the 9:00am Family Mass on Easter Sunday, April 1. Sign up and first rehearsal is March 4, and registration closes March 11. For more information and to register call Maria Wardwell 781-237-2148 or

Father-Daughter Valentine’s Dance at St. Paul’s – Saturday, February 10 from 6:30-9:00pm

Father-Daughter-DanceFathers, Father-figures and special friends are invited to bring their daughters (of any age) to spend quality time with each other and experience an evening of dance and fun!  Tickets are $25 for two, max $30 per family.  This includes a DJ, dancing (with a dance contest), snacks, drinks & free raffle.  Tickets will be sold after the 9:00am Masses on January 28th and February 4th as well as at the door the night of the dance. We are hoping that our friends from St John’s will come and join us for this year’s dance!

For more information or to help with the event contact:  Eric Laplaca at 617-365-5063 or

Please note that the dance is on Saturday this year not Friday as in previous years.


Evening for Women: Tuesday, February 6 at 6:30pm at St. John

cross_impressionist“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” ~ Psalms 73:26

All women of the collaborative are invited to Evening for Women on Tuesday, February 6 at 6:30pm in Powers Hall at St. John the Evangelist.  Please join us for chapel reflection and a discussion of Palliative Care. Palliative Care is often misunderstood, and sometime thought to be exclusively for people receiving Hospice Care at the end of their lives. Rather, it is a comprehensive approach to care for those with serious illness from the moment of diagnosis, with a goal of improving the quality of life for both patient and family.  It is consistent with Catholic teaching, continuing the holistic healing ministry of Jesus Christ. The presenter will be Diane McCarthy, Parish Education Coordinator for the Archdiocese’s Initiative for Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning.

Kindly bring a favorite Winter dish to share.  After Linda Colozzi leads us in prayer and reflection in the chapel, the program will take place during dinner. Hope to see you then!  Bring a friend!

Liturgical Directives from Cardinal Sean O’Malley for Flu Prevention

This year’s influenza virus is the most widespread outbreak since public health authorities began keeping track more than a dozen years ago. To help protect the health of all, the Cardinal directs the following for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and for flu prevention:

  • The distribution of the Precious Blood is suspended.
  • The exchange of the Sign of Peace should be offered without any physical contact.
  • Please remember that those who are ill or suspect that they may be ill with a contagious illness are not bound by the Sunday Mass obligation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Parish Office.


Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley – Statement Regarding Ongoing Immigration Debate

Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s recent statement regarding the ongoing immigration debate, “A call for civility”, can be found on Cardinal Sean’s Blog.

January 21: “Collection Sunday” – Household Cleaning Supplies for Refugee Relief

Catholic Charities LogoCatholic Charities/Boston settles between 300-400 refugees each year. After these families and individuals have been resettled in the Boston area, they need assistance in so many ways.  The Service Commission has organized a Collection Sunday during the weekend of January 20-21 to collect Household Cleaning Supplies, including dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent, brooms (either upright or whisk brooms) and microfiber mops/dusters. Donations may be left at St. John Church in the Glen Road entrance, in the Library area on the lower level , or in Powers Hall. (Look for the “Collection Sunday” signs.)

This is a wonderful opportunity to get your children involved in a service activity. Imagine the conversations that will ensue as you explain why these families need to uproot and resettle in the United States, far from family and a familiar culture!  If you have any questions about Collection Sunday, please contact the Parish Office (781-235-0045.)

Updates from Our Seminarians: A Reflection from Chris Holownia

Before I leave for the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and am out of touch until the beginning of February, I wanted to reflect on the vows of poverty and obedience that all those in religious life are called to take. Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!
Chris Holownia, n.S.J.
Please click here to read: Updates from Our Seminarians