December 5: Evening for Women with Special Guest Sr. Evelyn Ronan

All women of the collaborative are invited to a special evening of prayer and friendship on Tuesday, December 5 in Powers Hall.  It is with great anticipation that we welcome back Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND, whose vision created the Evening for Women program many years ago.  I know we will be inspired by Sister Evelyn’s reflection, “The Heart of Advent… Reflections On Becoming the Yes of Love.” In celebration of Advent, you are invited to be our guest at dinner, sponsored by the collaborative.  In lieu of bringing a dish to share, please bring a non-perishable food item that we will donate to those in need.

So that we can plan for dinner, kindly click this link to let us know that you will be joining us:  RSVP

(If you are unable to respond electronically please call either parish office to add your name to the attendee list.)

Thanksgiving Mass for the Collaborative – Wednesday, November 22 at 7:00PM at St. Paul Church

Give_ThanksThis year our main Thanksgiving Mass for the Collaborative will be at 7:00pm on Wednesday, the eve of Thanksgiving at St. Paul Church, and will feature the combined choirs of St. Paul and St. John Parishes. Please join us! Thanksgiving Day will be the regular weekday Mass schedule: 7:00am at St. John and 9:00am at St. Paul.

God bless you, and keep you, and walk beside you, at Thanksgiving…  and always.

Coming Up in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis week: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12
No classes – Happy Veterans Day!
Grades 1 – 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45pm
First Reconciliation 5:30pm
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45am
Grades 7 – 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grade 9 Class 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grade 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00pm
Class 7:00 – 8:00pm

Our Annual “Coats for Kids” Collection Continues November 11-12

Each year in November, St. John’s participates in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for children, teens, adults and babies. Anton’s cleans all the donated coats and coordinates their distribution to those in need.  Please bring gently used, warm, winter coats to the Rectory garage after Mass on the weekends of November 4-5 and 11-12.



Thanksgiving Dinner at Bristol Lodge

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and with it comes our commitment to serve Thanksgiving dinner to approximately 100 guests at Bristol Lodge in Waltham. Please consider helping with this important outreach program. Volunteers are needed to provide cooked turkeys, stuffing and vegetable dishescranberry saucerolls, and beverages. (The turkeys and other side dishes may be cooked as early as the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving.) 

The food is dropped off  on Wednesday, November 22 between 12:00pm and 2:00pm in the Saint John School parking lot. 

For more details and to sign-up to help please visit our SignUp page:

An Invitation for an Evening of Fellowship and Collaboration to Share, Discuss and Plan Opportunities for Christian Service

Tuesday, November 7
7:00 – 9:30pm
St. Paul Parish Hall

Similar to the successful forum held on Adult Faith Enrichment last June, the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has the opportunity to come together again as a community to discuss and envision programs to inspire and engage those among us who seek ways in which to serve others. Drawing on the ideas, talents and experiences of members of both parishes, we desire to identify, and explore service opportunities in a variety of ways:

  • How is service connected to our faith and spiritual lives?
  • Areas of Christian Service: various communities and stages of life (e.g. singles, pregnancy, raising kids, empty nesters, aging with grace.)
  • Leveraging resources to expand service opportunities.

At both parishes, we are blessed with many meaningful service initiatives. As we learn more about these wonderful programs that already exist, we hope to come up with ways to increase participation across both parishes and attract more members of our collaborative to these important efforts. Additionally, we will strive to answer important questions as a Collaborative such as:

What can we do better? * How else can we help? * Who else needs our help?

 The evening will again be guided by Carol Yamartino, a professional executive meeting facilitator, who will help us move through general and small group discussions. Whether you have ideas or suggestions to share, are just interested in listening and learning, or meeting other members of our vibrant Collaborative. Please come and join in our discussion!

In order to plan for the evening, please let us know that you will be joining us by clicking the link below:


St. Paul Parish Hall is located behind St. Paul Church, at 502 Washington St. Parking is available on Washington St. and in the parking lot behind the church (entrance at 10 Atwood St.)

Wednesday, November 1 is the Feast of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation

Our Collaborative Mass Schedule

7:00am at St. John Church 
9:00am at St. Paul Church
9:00am at St. John Church (with Saint John School, all welcome!)
12:00pm at St. John Church
7:00pm at St. Paul Church

Save the Date! A Collaborative Forum on Christian Service

Back in June, we had a wonderful Collaborative-wide forum on the topic of Adult Faith Enrichment. Over 70 people attended on a hot summer night for a lively and interactive evening in St. John’s Powers Hall. With nearly equal representation from St. Paul’s and St. John’s, it was a great evening of community building as we shared ideas about an important topic. On Tuesday, November 7 from 7:00-9:30pm at St. Paul’s Parish Center, we will hold another forum, this time focused on the topic of Christian Service. Please save the date. More details to follow in the coming weeks!

Thank You from NPH!

Thank you to the whole St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Community for your amazing support of NPH and the pequeños during their recent visit! We are excited to announce that our Collaborative sponsored 105 children and donated over $14,000 to NPH. A special thank you to the families of our collaborative who opened their homes to host the students and their chaperones: the Fantozzi, Gutierrez, Jones, Kehoe, Ronco/Rhind and Sullivan families. Thank you to all volunteers who helped at the sponsorship tables. Thank you to the DelVecchio family for opening their home to the whole group for a celebration at the end of the visit and to Annas Taqueria for generously donating the food. Thank you to Mimi Eldridge for volunteering to help facilitate the visit and for her tireless work to make it such a great success.

Our Annual “Coats for Kids” Collection is coming up – November 4-5 and 11-12

Each year in November, St. John’s participates in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for children, teens, adults and babies. Anton’s cleans all the donated coats and coordinates their distribution to those in need.  Please bring gently used, warm, winter coats to the Rectory garage after Mass on the weekends of November 4-5 and 11-12.