May the joy and hope of this Easter Season be yours in abundance. And may the peace of the Risen Christ be with you always!

Today is Easter Sunday, April 16

White Flower near Christian Cross7:30am Mass at St. John (Upper Church)
7:30am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)

9:00am Family Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
9:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)
9:00am Mass at St. Paul (Parish Hall)

11:00am Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Parish Hall)

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. PS 118:24

Today is Holy Saturday, April 15

Holy Saturday_Easter Vigil

Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:00am – 12:00pm at St. John

Mass of the Easter Vigil
8:00pm at St. John
8:00pm at St. Paul

Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God. PS 42-2

Today is Good Friday, April 14

Good_Friday_CrucifixionMorning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Walk with the Cross
12:00pm at St. John (Led by Religious Education – all welcome!)

Living Way of the Cross
12:00pm at St. Paul (with Religious Education – all welcome!)

Stations of the Cross
3:00pm at St. John

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00pm at St. Paul
7:30pm at St. John

 “Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every other name.” PHIL 2:8-9

Today is Holy Thursday, April 13

last supper paintingMorning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:30pm at St. John followed by Adoration
7:30pm at St. Paul followed by Adoration

I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you. JN 13:34


This Sunday is Palm Sunday

“Hosanna to the Son of David;
blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;
hosanna in the highest.”

Matthew, 21:9

Holy Week at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:30pm at St. John followed by Adoration
7:30pm at St. Paul followed by Adoration


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Walk with the Cross
12:00pm at St. John   (Led by Religious Education – all welcome!)

Living Way of the Cross
12:00pm at St. Paul   (with Religious Education – all welcome!)

Stations of the Cross
3:00pm at St. John

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00pm at St. Paul
7:30pm at St. John


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:00am – 12:00pm at St. John

Mass of the Easter Vigil
8:00pm at St. John
8:00pm at St. Paul


7:30am Mass at St. John (Upper Church)
7:30am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)

9:00am Family Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
9:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church and Parish Hall)

11:00am Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church and Parish Hall)

Monday, April 10 at St. Paul: Lenten Lecture Series with Fr. Jim Laughlin

Fr_JimWhen All Seemed Lost:  Waiting for the Third Day
Monday, April 10 at 7:30pm
St. Paul Church
For Peter, it had all begun at the Sea of Galilee. Here Jesus had called him… and his life would never be the same. He had witnessed miracles, walked on water and had even seen Lazarus raised from the dead. And at the darkest hour, he denied even knowing the One he loved. He thought that all was lost when Jesus was crucified. But there, at the Sea of Galilee…they would meet again.

Our Collaborative Lenten Gift Special Collection – April 1-2

Bakhita_cropThis is the weekend to share in the extraordinary ministry of Bakhita House through our Lenten Gift! Once again, this is our opportunity, as individuals and as a community, to respond to the need before us and help ease the suffering of human trafficking. Over the years, we have tried to direct our Lenten Gift to an immediate, urgent situation, and this is what exists now at Bakhita House.

At Masses this Weekend: Donations can be made during the special second collection at all Masses at St. John and St. Paul this weekend. Please make checks payable to your parish (“St. John Parish” or “St. Paul Parish”), noting “Lenten Gift 2017” in the memo; we will total funds received from all sources and present one check to Bakhita House.

By Mail or at the Office: Donations may also be mailed to the Collaborative Business Office (39 Washington St. Wellesley, MA 02481) or dropped at either parish office during business hours.

Online: You can make a secure, online donation using ParishPay. (Anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card. No need to set up an account – just click Start Giving!)

Tuesday, April 4 at St. John – Evening for Women

cross_impressionistWho do you say I am? (Matthew 16:13-20)

As we prepare for Holy Week, there is no better time to consider Jesus in Scripture, and our relationship with Him in our heads, hearts and lived faith. Guiding us for this reflection will be Barbara Pyles: RN, MA Boston College School of Theology & Ministry, and St. John parishioner.

We will gather in St. John’s Powers Hall at 6:30pm, and begin the meditation program at 6:45 in the chapel. All are welcome to pray, and to take part in a wonderful opportunity to share faith and potluck. Please bring a favorite Spring dish.  All women from our Collaborative are invited. We look forward to seeing you.