St. John Book Discussion Group Begins September 15

Simply_JesusThe final schedule of books to be read this coming year has been posted on the parish website. The first book to be discussed, on September 15, is the highly acclaimed Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did and Why He Matters by N.T. Wright, former bishop, Church of England. For information on the book group please contact John Stewart or call him at (617) 969-0950. There is no formal “membership”. You do not have to read every book and attend every meeting! Our goal is enlightenment – we gather each month to help each other grow in our understanding of our faith and in our relationship with God.

A Message from Fr. John Amuda, S.M.A.

Fr_John_Amuda_SMAMy name is Fr. John Amuda, SMA. I am a Nigerian. I was ordained on July 26, 2014 in Nigeria. I was posted to the Central African Republic for my first mission. Central African Republic, then, was experiencing a political/religious war which started in February, 2013 and ended in March 2016. Going to CAR, I was filled with fear and hope – fear of being killed by the rebels and hope of dying for Christ.

The war caused for many displaced, with the Church compound becoming a refugee camp. (My parish harbored about 24,000 refugees). After the coming of the Pope in November 2015, the country saw a bright light towards the end of the war. My works as a missionary in Central African Republic were: assistant pastor; teaching in the Catholic secondary school and heading an NGO named “Association of Mama Theresa”. This association is a collection of about 160 children, not more than 20 years old, who had been orphans or whose parents were murdered during the war with no means of feeding or schooling. More than 50% of these children are HIV/AIDS positive.

My work as the head of this association is to put the children in good schools, pay for their school materials, pay their hospital bills and feed them at least twice a week. This association started a long time ago, even before the coming of the war, to help children who are less privileged, not to be a victim of child abuse and to give them a sense of a bright future. However, the coming of the war and the aftermath worsened the situation, such that so many children are now left without either the father or the mother or both.

After two (2) years and I am grateful to work in St. Paul-St. John Collaborative in Wellesley. I ask you all to put me in your prayers as towards the end of August, when I shall return to Africa. Also, I ask you to pray for Central African Republic, as she strives for a true reconciliation. Pray for these children also and if you have anything to support them, we shall be much grateful. Thank you for supporting the mission. May the Almighty God bless your endeavors. Amen.

In early July, the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative welcomed Fr. John Amuda, SMA to our community for the summer. Fr. John spoke at Masses at St. John’s last weekend, and will speak  at St. Paul’s this weekend, August 13-14. A special second collection supporting his non-governmental organization (NGO), “Association of Mama Teresa”, will take place at St. John’s the weekend of August 20-21 and at St. Paul’s the weekend of August 27-28.

Monday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption of Mary_ContemporaryThis Monday, August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since the feast falls on a Monday in 2016, the holy day of obligation is abrogated and is therefore not a holy day of obligation.

Mass will be celebrated on Monday, August 15 at St. John’s at 7:00 a.m. and St. Paul’s at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Another Summer Reading Suggestion for the Year of Mercy

Life_and_RevolutionPope Francis: Life and Revolution: A Biography of Jorge Bergoglio
Since Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis in 2013, countless books have been written to help the world understand this deeply complex yet simple servant of God. What sets Pope Francis: Life and Revolution apart from all other biographies of Pope Francis is the careful research and original investigation behind it, along with the fact that it is written by an internationally respected journalist—Elisabetta Piqué—who has remained close to the Pope since first meeting him back in 2001.

Over 75 individuals were interviewed for Pope Francis: Life and Revolution, including lay people, priests, bishops, and cardinals who have known or worked with Francis at various times in his life. Insights from these people, as well as from friends and family members, allow us to see a profoundly personal side of the Pope. His humility and humanity, courage and conviction, and warmth and wisdom are revealed as Piqué shares little-known episodes from Francis’s life.

With a foreword by Cardinal Seán O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Pope Francis: Life and Revolution is the definitive resource and narrative of a man personally known by few and revered and respected by many.

An Interview with SJSP Pilgrims in Poland!

2017_07_31_VideoThe Archdiocese of Boston shared this video featuring pilgrims from St. John-St. Paul at World Youth Day in Poland – click HERE to watch on our Facebook page!

WYD – What an Amazing Weekend!

2017_07_31_Mass_2What an amazing weekend – read about our pilgrims’ long hike to Campus Misericordiae and the overnight Vigil and Mass with the Pope!

SJSP World Youth Day Pilgrims in Krakow

2017_07_26_GroupOur WYD pilgrims spent Tuesday exploring Krakow, joining Dominican brothers at their church in the center of the city for Mass (and excellent coffee at the priory after!), and meeting other pilgrims from around the world. Read all about it on the blog:

Mission Appeal Weekend – Archdiocese of Tororo

fr_Mark_Odoi_0521This weekend is our Mission Appeal Weekend.  Reverend Mark Odoi from the Archdiocese of Tororo will speak at all Masses. There will be a special second collection.

World Youth Day Updates from Poland!

2017_07_24_1Be sure to check out our World Youth Day blog  for updates and photos from Poland!

World Youth Day Send Off Mass: Thursday, July 21 at 12:00pm at St. Paul Church

Pope_MatthewThe 39 pilgrims from our collaborative are leaving for World Youth Day on July 21st and returning on August 3rd. We would like to invite you to a send-off Mass on Thursday, July 21 at 12:00 noon at St Paul Church. We will have Mass together and then the pilgrims will board the bus and wave goodbye!

Also we invite you to follow our pilgrimage blog at We hope that we will be able to update you and share photos daily. The blog will also be available from both parish websites.

Please pray for all of us, for safe travels, health and mostly that through this pilgrimage God will pour down His blessings on our young people, setting their hearts on fire and filling them with a deeper love for Him. We will be praying for our sponsors and for the intentions of everyone in our collaborative while we are in Poland and especially at Mass with Pope Francis. We are so grateful for all your support.