Register Today for the 2016-2017 Religious Education Program!

Religious-Education-REGISTERThe deadline for registering before the late fee is assessed is MAY 31. Please note that we have a few important updates to our registration process: you can now pay your Religious Education fee online via ParishPay, Cluster Registration is on a separate form, Wednesday Grade 1-6 registration will require a parent volunteer component.

Due to the difficulty in staffing and the overwhelming popularity of the Wednesday session, ALL families registering for Wednesday classes must agree to volunteer in some capacity.  There is a list of volunteer opportunities in the Wednesday registration section of the form.  You will not be registered into the program until a volunteer option is chosen.

Complete information and instructions for registering your family can be found on the  2016-2017 Registration Process page.

Family Mass is on Summer Vacation!

family-vacationThe Family Mass, along with Donuts & Coffee, is now on summer vacation! The 9:00am Mass will be a regular liturgy until the Family Mass returns on Sunday, September 11.

Thank you so much to all the families who volunteered this year for Donuts & Coffee set-up and clean-up. This time after Mass is a wonderful source of community and connection, and the help from our volunteers is greatly appreciated.

Our Summer Mass Schedule Returns This Sunday, June 5

Yellow FlowerBeginning this Sunday, June 5 the Mass schedule will be as follows:
Saturdays: 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Sundays:  7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
(No Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass in June, July & August)
Weekdays: 7:00 a.m.
Holy Days: as announced

Memorial Day Prayer

memorial-day-500x666We remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy every day.

We pray that God will hold our servicemen and women in His strong arms, and cover them with His sheltering grace and presence.

Family Mass News: This Sunday, May 29 is our last “Coffee & Donuts” before summer vacation!

coffee_&_donuts_DDOur last Coffee & Donuts before we head into “summer mode” will be Sunday, May 29th of Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to stop downstairs in Powers Hall before we break for summer. Thank you to all the families who help make this weekly event happen from September – May. It is such a lovely way for our Parish members who attend the Family Mass to come together and catch up as a community.

The Barrett Family
The Cassa Family
The Davies Family
The Duffy Family
The Foley Family
The Hamill/McDonough Family
The Hill Family
The Keresztes Family
The Montague Family
The Moore Family
The Morales Family
The Pearson Family
The Riley Family

Special Second Collection for Ecuador: May 21-22

RCAB LogoCardinal Sean authorized a special collection in support of relief efforts to those areas devastated by the powerful earthquake that struck Ecuador. St. John’s will have this special second collection May 21-22. The Catholic organizations that have been working in Ecuador in recent years include Pro Christo, founded here in the Archdiocese to provide medical and family support services, and Rostro de Cristo, founded by Fr. Jim Ronan of the Archdiocese, which have joined in the emergency response efforts, particularly with respect to medical care, and also other Catholic relief efforts. Parishioners are asked to address their checks to  St. John Parish with Ecuador Collection 2016 in the memo.

Veterans Memorial Mass – Saturday, May 21 at 4pm at St. Paul

FlagsThe Annual Veterans Memorial Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul’s on Saturday, May 21 at 4:00pm. This year it coincides with Armed Forces Day. We hope all veterans in the St. John-St. Paul collaborative will attend. We want to give all veterans special recognition. In order to do this, we ask all veterans to wear the medals they were awarded. They can be worn with your uniform, if you are comfortable doing so, or on civilian clothes. The latter is strongly encouraged as an alternative by the Veterans Administration for all activities where military service is being recognized. We salute your service to our country and look forward to seeing you at the 4:00 Mass at St. Paul on May 21.

“And they were filled with the Holy Spirit…”

Mercy_Dove_No_BorderAnd they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.
Acts 2:4

A Message from Fr. Sepe

Fr. Kevin SepeMany parishioners have exclaimed “We hardly had the time to get to know each other!” Although our time was short together it has truly been an enriching experience for me. I consider myself blessed to have known and served each one of you.

I would like to offer my gratitude to each member of our collaborative staff. All have worked with a clear focus toward achieving the goals of Disciples in Mission over this past year. I would like to highlight Mr. Michael Dibbert Principal of Saint John School, a proven leader, fully committed to Catholic education.

We are blessed with our collaborative pastoral council, a diverse group of vibrant, dedicated and visionary members who are eager to begin work on our Collaborative Pastoral Plan. I am indebted to our parish finance councils, composed of multitalented professionals, for their candid and insightful guidance. In a particular way I would like to acknowledge the support and generous ministry of Fr. MacKay, Deacon Mott, Msgr. Lind, Fr. Connelly and Fr. Hehir. Their liturgical contribution to the collaborative allows us to continue to offer a robust Mass schedule.

I offer my best wishes to Sr. Evelyn as she transitions from more than 20 fruitful years of parish ministry to campus ministry at Emmanuel College. Sister’s last official day in the office will be May 18, after which she will enjoy a much deserved period of retreat and renewal on the coast of Maine.

Please keep Fr. MacKay, Fr. Laughlin and me in your prayers as we transition together as disciples in mission.

From Our Collaborative Pastoral Council

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe Collaborative Pastoral Council has been engaged since its formation in Disciples in Mission training offered by the Archdiocese and initial discussions at its monthly meetings concerning the key goals and objectives of the Collaborative. In addition, each Collaborative must focus on the development by mid-2017 of a Pastoral Plan which will establish priorities, including vocations to the Diocesan priesthood, for the Collaborative and provide the framework for the New Evangelization. The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has commenced that effort and a Writing Team has been established which includes members of the Council, parishioners and Parish staff. The Council and the Writing Team look forward to continuing their efforts with the arrival of Fr. Laughlin as the new Pastor this summer.