Join us to celebrate the Feast of the Divine Mercy Sunday, this Sunday, April 3 at St. Paul Church at 3pm

Divine_Mercy_JesusJoin us to celebrate the Feast of the Divine Mercy Sunday, this Sunday, April 3 at St. Paul Parish. The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us — all of us. And, he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy in a special way in this Year of Mercy! Join us for an hour of Prayer and Reflection this Sunday, April 3 at 3:00 p.m.!


MercyMeet Christ in Prayer
Pray for the grace necessary to love and to serve God by loving and serving others

Educate Yourself
Learn the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and how best you can put them into practice based on the needs of those around you.

Respond to the Need
Be the hands of Christ for others in need.

Contemplate Christ
Where did you see the love of Christ today and how did Christ love through you?

Y (why?)
“And the King will answer, ‘In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me,’” (Matthew 25:40)

The Adult Faith Formation and Service Commissions of St. John Parish facilitate our journey into the Heart of Mercy.

Our Parish Lenten Gift: Welcoming the Stranger

Iraqi_families_on_the_runThis year, we join Catholic Charities Boston to Welcome the Stranger. Our Lenten Gift will allow Catholic Charities Boston to restart the resettlement of refugee families in the Boston area.  It also provides us with the opportunity to develop long-term relationships with these families, by providing volunteer help with English language conversation, life skills and financial literacy assistance, and employment coaching as they acculturate. We at St. John’s have this opportunity to Welcome the Stranger and bring Pope Francis’ words alive-

“At the heart of the Gospel of mercy the encounter and acceptance by others are intertwined with the encounter and acceptance of God himself. Welcoming others means welcoming God in person! Do not let yourselves be robbed of the hope and joy of life born of your experience of God’s mercy, as manifested in the people you meet on your journey!”  (Pope Francis, January 17, 2016)

Please give as generously as you can.

By Mail or at the Office: Donations can be mailed to the Office or dropped off weekdays during regular business hours (9 Glen Rd., Wellesley, MA 02481  Checks should be made payable to “St. John Parish”, noting “Lenten Gift 2016” in the memo. We will total all funds and present one check to Catholic Charities Boston.)

Online via ParishPay:  Click  this link and choose 2016 Lenten Gift under Secondary Collections. (Please Note: you do not need to be a regular ParishPay user to donate online – anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card. No need to set up an account – just click Start Giving!)

For more information please visit our 2016 Parish Lenten Gift page.

7:00am Daily Mass in Upper Church until April 4

alleluiaThe 7:00am Daily Mass will remain in the Upper Church through the Octave of Easter.

Daily Mass will return to the Chapel on Monday, April 4.

Today is Easter Sunday, March 27

White Flower near Christian Cross
7:30am Mass
9:00am Family Mass Simulcast in Lower Church (Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass Simulcast in Lower Church (Powers Hall)
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. PS 118:24

Today is Holy Saturday, March 26

Holy Saturday_Easter Vigil10:00am–12:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil

Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God. PS 42-2

Today’s 12:00pm “Walk With the Cross” in Church

Jesus Carrying CrossDue to the inclement weather, the Walk will take place inside – please meet in the Upper Church.

Today is Good Friday, March 25

Good-Friday12:00pm Walk with the Cross
Led by Religious Education – all welcome.
3:00pm Stations of the Cross
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion

“Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every other name.” PHIL 2:8-9

Today is Holy Thursday, March 24

last supper painting7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Followed by Adoration until 10:00pm

I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you. JN 13:34

Holy Week and Easter at St. John the Evangelist

6:30pm The Light is On For You 
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Chapel)
7:30pm The Lord’s Supper Followed by Adoration until 10:00pm (Church)
12:00pm Walk with the Cross Led by Religious Education – everyone welcome! (Church) 
3:00pm Stations of the Cross (Church)
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion
10am-12pm Confessions (Chapel)
7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil
7:30am Mass
9:00am Family Mass Simulcast in Lower Church (Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass Simulcast in Lower Church (Powers Hall)

PLEASE NOTE: There is no 5:00pm Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday and no 5:00pm Mass on Easter Sunday.

Please click HERE for the full schedule for the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative