A Special Thank You…

Christmas_Thank YouWe would like to thank everyone who helped make this Christmas Season so very blessed for everyone:

  • For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church at the Christmas Concert and during the Christmas Liturgies.
  • For all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for the Christmas season.
  • To everyone who helped make Christmas Wish a great success and brought joy to so many families.
  • For those who were involved in making the Christmas Pageant a delight which brought joy to our hearts.
  • For everyone who made Trees and Trimmings a success by raising money for the school and bringing a community together.
  • To all of you who sent a card or delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone, bringing a little cheer into their lives.
  • And for all of you whose presence at Christmas Masses made the celebrations complete.

We thank you all for your time, treasure and talents!

January 4: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, January 4
No Classes
Next Week: Sunday, January 11
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 9, 10 High School Retreat 1:00–6:00pm, Church Social Hall
(prior registration required)
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grades 9, 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 14
Grades 1 – 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.

A full calendar of all events is available on the Religious Education section of the Parish website.

FAITH MATTERS: Jesus’ Ministry – Preaching the Good News in Words and Deeds

jesus_sermon-on-the-mountWhen Jesus was, we believe, around thirty years old, he left his home and his family and began a career as a traveling rabbi. He would travel around the country, with his closest followers, and talk to people about his ideas. In addition, he acquired a reputation as a healer, which attracted even more people to hear him. Jesus’ message was a deceptively simple one. He taught that God loved each individual person and that all we had to do was to accept that love and love God in return. This message was somewhat unusual at the time because of Jesus’ personal image of God; God is a Father, a Dad, who loves us unconditionally.

Jesus used a variety of teaching tools to get his message across to the people who came to hear him. He used a straightforward didactic method in which he just explained what he wanted to teach; think of the Sermon on the Mount. He taught by example; for example, he showed his disciples how to pray by giving them a sample prayer, the Our Father, and by taking time by himself to pray. And, finally, he used parables and miracles to capture the attention of regular people.

A parable is a short, fictional story that explains some deeper idea in a way that people can understand. For example, rather than trying to explain to people that God loves them and will forgive them if they sin, Jesus told the parable of the Prodigal Son. In this parable, Jesus explained that God is like a loving father who gives his children every good thing even when they will misuse those gifts and who always forgives his children when they return to him. Most people have had the experience of being loved and forgiven by a family member and this made it a lot easier to understand Jesus point about how God loves us.

A miracle is an event that, at the time that it happens, had no logical explanation. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus performed many miracles for a variety of people in all kinds of situations. Although many modern scholars and scientists believe that some of Jesus’ miracles can be explained away, we still consider them to be miracles because they were unexplained phenomena at the time. Jesus’ miracles fall into three categories. The first type of miracle is the healings, miracles in which Jesus cures a person of a disease or physical ailment. This category would include the healing of lepers, lame people, blind people, and so on. The second category, raisings from the dead, includes the several times that Jesus brought people back to life after they had died. The third category is physical miracles; these are miracles that show Jesus’ power over the forces of nature. In many cases, when Jesus performed a miracle, it was in a private setting with only a few people witnessing it and he would often tell those witnesses to tell no one of what they had seen. Jesus did not perform miracles in order to “wow” a crowd of people; he performed them because he saw that people were suffering and he wanted to alleviate that suffering. Therefore, we believe that Jesus did not want the witnesses of his miracles to be amazed, he wanted their faith to be increased.

Jesus’ ministry has become, for Christians, both the content of much of our own preaching – that God loves us and that we are called to love our neighbors – and the example of how to engage in God’s ministries. Jesus didn’t just teach with word, but with deeds; we follow his example when our actions become our evangelization tools. As St. Francis of Assisi reminds us: “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words.”

The Cardinal’s Christmas Message

Cardinal_Message_2014From the Archdiocese of Boston: With gratitude to CatholicTV, we are providing a link to the Cardinal’s Christmas message. Merry Christmas!
Link: https://m.soundcloud.com/catholictv/merry-christmas-from-cardinal-sean-omalley-2014

Solemnity of Mary,
Holy Mother of God – January 1

Mary_DevotionMass Schedule
Wednesday, December 31
Thursday, January 1
7:00am and 12:00pm

She brought forth into the world eternal light, Jesus Christ our Lord

Christmas Tree Pick-Up Service from “Trees and Trimmings”!

Enjoy a restful Christmas, and let the “Trees and Trimmings” crew from Saint John School pick up your tree and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF on Saturday, January 3rd for you!  Find all the details at:  Pick Up My Tree

Please Note: This service is available for Wellesley residents only.

Christmas 2014

O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!Small_Creche_Cover_Bright
Wishing you peace, love and joy this Christmas
and throughout the New Year.

Christmas Collection for the Clergy Retirement Trust

Christmas_Collection_Clergy_RetirementEvery Christmas Catholics across the Archdiocese of Boston join together to honor and thank our priests. Your gift to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps to ensure the highest quality of care and quality of life programs that provide for the health and well-being of our 628 active and senior priests. Our priests have been there for us in our times of need. Now it is our turn to care for them when they need us. All are welcome to make a gift online at www.clergyfunds.org or use the in-pew envelopes that will be provided. Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests.

Sacrament of Reconciliation on Christmas Eve

Christmas_PeaceThere is no better way to prepare for Christmas! Come for this special gift of Confession on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Chapel.

Altar Servers Are Needed for All Christmas Masses

ALTARSERVERS_ChristmasWe are in need of altar servers for all Christmas Masses. Please sign up through the Parish website at  www.stjohnwellesley.org/altarservers or call the Rectory at (781) 235-0045.