May 11: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis  Week: Monday, May 12
Confirmation Practice 7:00 p.m., Philbin Hall

Tuesday, May 13
Sacrament of Confirmation 7:00 p.m., Church

May 11: News from AFFC

AFFC LogoThursday, May 22, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
Lecture by Professor Catherine Corneille
Newton College Alumnae Chair of Western Culture Chair of the Theology Department at Boston College

The French Benedictine monk Henri Le Saux (1910-1973) is without a doubt one of the great pioneers of the Hindu-Christian spiritual dialogue. Not only did he delve deep into uncharted spiritual territories, but he also inspired many who followed in his footsteps, from the spiritual master Bede Griffiths, to the famous theologian Raimon Panikkar. In this talk, Professor Corneille will reflect on the ways in which Le Saux’s journal and other writings have inspired her personally, and continue to be relevant for interreligious dialogue in general and Hindu-Christian dialogue in particular.

Monday, June 9, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
Lecture by Fr. Alejandro Bertolini, Ph.D.
Professor and Consultant at several Universities and schools of lay formation and ecclesiastic movements.

The Argentine Theology of the People: Some Clues to Understanding Pope Francis’s Thought
While a Theology of the People shares a perspective with Liberation Theology, they not the same, with each relying on a distinct and different set of clues for their interpretations of texts and word. “Theology of the People” is best understood as simply, “Latinoamerican Theology.”  Fr. Alejandro is himself an Argentine and therefore will give us that unique perspective on Pope Francis.

May 4: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, May 4
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. 
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 9 Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 5 – Thursday, May 8
(as assigned*)
First Communion Practice 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Saturday, May 10
First Holy Communion 9:00 & 11:30 a.m.
Next Week: Monday, May 12
Confirmation Practice 7:00 p.m., Philbin Hall
Tuesday, May 13
Sacrament of Confirmation 7:00 p.m., Church

* Each student was assigned to attend specific practice
dates. It is important your child attend at the correct
time. Please contact Linda Messore if you are unsure
which practices to attend.

May 4: News from AFFC

AFFC LogoTuesday, May 6, 6:30 p.m. Social Hall/Chapel
Evening for Women 
Come gather in the joy of Spring and the promise of
Summer to pray, ponder and share a delightful meal
(bring your favorite recipe) All Welcome!
Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

Thursday, May 22, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
Lecture by Professor Catherine Corneille
Newton College Alumnae Chair of Western Culture Chair of the Theology Department at Boston College

The French Benedictine monk Henri Le Saux (1910-1973) is without a doubt one of the great pioneers of the Hindu-Christian spiritual dialogue. Not only did he delve deep into uncharted spiritual territories, but he also inspired many who followed in his footsteps, from the spiritual master Bede Griffiths, to the famous theologian Raimon Panikkar. In this talk, Professor Corneille will reflect on the ways in which Le Saux’s journal and other writings have inspired her personally, and continue to be relevant for interreligious dialogue in general and Hindu-Christian dialogue in particular.

Monday, June 9, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall
Lecture by Fr. Alejandro Bertolini, Ph.D.
Professor and Consultant at several Universities and schools of lay formation and ecclesiastic movements.

The Argentine Theology of the People: Some Clues to Understanding Pope Francis’s Thought
While a Theology of the People shares a perspective with Liberation Theology, they not the same, with each relying on a distinct and different set of clues for their interpretations of texts and word. “Theology of the People” is best understood as simply, “Latinoamerican Theology.”

Thursday, May 22 at 7:00pm: AFFC Lecture with Professor Catherine Cornille

Cornille_Catherine_BCProfessor Catherine Cornille is the Newton College Alumnae Chair of Western Culture and the Chair of the Theology Department at Boston College

The French Benedictine monk Henri Le Saux (1910-1973) is without a doubt one of the great pioneers of the Hindu-Christian spiritual dialogue. Not only did he delve deep into uncharted spiritual territories, but he also inspired many who followed in his footsteps, from the spiritual master Bede Griffiths, to the famous theologian Raimon Panikkar. In this talk, Professor Cornille will reflect on the ways in which Le Saux’s journal and other writings have inspired her personally, and continue to be relevant for inter-religious dialogue in general and Hindu-Christian dialogue in particular.

Please join us in the Social Hall at 7:00pm

Important Update from the St. John – St. Paul Inter Parish Team

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe St. John and St. Paul parishes will, in the near future, be joined in a Collaborative under a plan developed by the Archdiocesan Office of Pastoral Planning. The St. John and St. Paul Parish Councils, along with Father Powers and Father Rafferty, have requested that our Collaborative be included in the upcoming Phase III of the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Boston. The Archdiocese is scheduled to announce the parishes that will be included in Phase III before the fall of 2014, and the Collaboratives for those parishes will be formally launched in mid-2015. Following is a recently asked question and answer about the new Collaborative:

QUESTION 1: The St. John and St. Paul Parish Councils have requested that our Collaborative be included in Phase III of the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Boston. How will the Archdiocese determine which Collaboratives are included in Phase III? When will we find out if we are in Phase III? 

The Office of Pastoral Planning, together with the Secretariat for Parish Life and Leadership and the Vicar General, will develop a list of possible Phase III Collaboratives. This list will be brought to Cardinal Sean for his final approval. Phase III Collaboratives will be announced throughout the spring and summer of 2014 and will be formally launched in June 2015.

More Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the St. John’s web site – click ST. JOHN-ST. PAUL COLLABORATIVE NEWS under “Quick Links.”  In addition, the Archdiocese regularly updates a detailed website:

We welcome your comments and feedback.  Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to –

A letter from St. John’s Service Commission to Bishop Nestor

Hello Bishop Nestor,

Bishop_Nestor_Only_RescuedGreetings and warmest regards from St. John’s Parish in Wellesley, MA. My name is Jim Miller and I am one of the members of the St. John’s Service Commission. You may recall that we emailed each other this past February. I am now writing this email to update you on St. John’s Lenten Gift effort. You and your diocese have been and remain in our thoughts and prayers. As you know, St. John’s Parish has used the season of Lent to direct our prayers and almsgiving to the people of the CAR. Specifically, we have been praying for solutions to the suffering and political unrest in our Prayers of the Faithful at each Mass during Lent. Additionally, each St. John’s religious education class has been opening class with a special prayer for the children and people of your diocese. Lastly, we have taken a special Lenten gift collection which will be donated to you for the aid and support of the people in your diocese.

Please know that many parishioners and the staff at St. John’s remember you well and feel a special spiritual connection with you and your people. The St. John’s Service Commission worked hard to educated our parishioners on the human suffering and political unrest in CAR and more specifically on your situation in the diocese of Bossangoa. We emphasized your desire to restore hope, give people back their dignity, offer reassurance and stress self-responsibility so people can return to their villages and rebuild their lives. Through the Grace of the Holy Spirit and because you are well known to us and your needs are so great and compelling, St. John’s parishioners have raised just over $30,000 to be given to you to address the needs of the diocese.

Fr. Tom will be contacting you over the next several days to communicate the final amount of the Lenten gift and discuss money transfer and the use of proceeds. We feel so blessed to offer our assistance. We pray that it will greatly assist you in your mission of restoring hope, rebuilding physical assets, restarting lives and returning people their dignity. Our best wishes to you
and all the people of your diocese for a blessed Easter Sunday and Easter season!


Jim Miller & the entire St. John’s Service Commission

Our Lenten Gift Update

Thank you so much for your support of this year’s 2014 Lenten Gift for Bishop Nestor and the people of the Central African Republic. The final collection totaled just over $30,000 and resulted from big and small donations from so many parishioners as well as various CCD classes. This collection will go a long way to help Bishop Nestor give people back their hope and personal dignity as they restore property and rebuild their lives. Thank you for being a true witness to Christ’s love by giving of yourself to people you don’t even know because you have chosen to “love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34.

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on Earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world.
— St. Theresa of Avila


Passion Play Thank You!

Passion PlayWe would like to thank everyone who participated in the Passion Play that was performed at the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass on Palm Sunday. Our special thanks to:

Arianna Baffa, Caterina Baffa, Cali Bernier, Ellen Burstein, Katie Burstein, Jane Butler, Jenny Cassa, Kate Cassa, Nicole Ceriani, Fiona Corkhill, Camille Cuzzapoli, Shannon Duffy, John Fadule, James Fadule, Cosimo Ferrante, Chrissy Harding, Meagan Harding, Tommy Harding, Chris Harding, Tommy Hillmer, Chris Holownia, Nora Jarquin, Ava Keresztes, Anthony Messore, Christina Messore, Mikey Messore, Tim Murphy, Catherine Murrey, Jill Oliver, Emma Pearson, Nicollette Pearson, Marike Perry, Claire Picken, Elizabeth Picken, John Picken, Andrew Scherrer, Matthew Scherrer, and Maria Wardwell.

A Special Thank You…

Thank You 2We would like to thank everyone who help continue to make this Easter Season so very blessed for everyone:

  • For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church.
  • For all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for the Easter season.
  • To everyone who helped make the 2014 Lenten Gift to the Central African Republic a great success.
  • For those who were involved in making the Passion Play a meaningful experience.
  • For those who delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone, bringing a little cheer into their lives.
  • And for all of you whose presence at the Easter Vigil and the Easter Sunday Masses made the celebration complete.

We thank you all for your time and talents.