Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Grade 1 Christmas Pageant This Sunday, December 21 at the 9:00am Family Mass

The Religious Education 1st Grade classes will be in costume as they present the Christmas Gospel this Sunday, December 20 at the 9am Family Mass.

The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year.  Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

Opening the Holy Year, Pope Francis says mercy always trumps judgment

Pope_Francis_Opening_Door(FROM CRUX ONLINE) Pope Francis opened his Jubilee of Mercy on Tuesday, saying that this year will be one in which Catholics are called to grow ever more convinced of God’s mercy, which should always come before judgment.

“How much wrong we do to God and his grace when we speak of sins being punished by his judgment before we speak of their being forgiven by his mercy,” he said as he celebrated a Mass in St. Peter’s Square that marked the opening of the jubilee.

“We have to put mercy before judgment,” he added.

After Mass, Francis opened the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica.  Read more…

The Beginning of the Extraordinary Year of Mercy at St. John

Year_of_Mercy_PagePope Francis announced an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy beginning with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on December 8, 2015 and concluding with its closing on November 20, 2016.

This is an extraordinary time for us, for in the words of Pope Francis: “At this time we are called to gaze even more attentively on ‘Mercy’ so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives.”

There are a multitude of opportunities for us to participate in Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. Many parishes are inspired to show tangible signs of individual and group actions of mercy. The Adult Faith Formation and Service Commissions have taken on the challenge and propose entering into this Jubilee Year with our own expressions of mercy. Guided by the Spirit we can accomplish great things—even a million acts of mercy!!!

We have high hopes that this initiative will engage every single person—for there is no act too small to build a growing sense of compassion and kindness which will defeat the “culture of indifference” that Pope Francis describes today.

This weekend, December 12-13, we will begin our response to Pope Francis’ invitation and join him with the Church throughout the world in this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.

“Mercy is not just a pastoral attitude; it is the very substance of the Gospel message.” –Pope Francis

CatholicTV to air the Holy Mass with Pope Francis for the Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica

pope_francis_Year_of_mercyOn Tuesday, December 8, CatholicTV will air the Holy Mass for the Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. The Mass will be celebrated by His Holiness, Pope Francis, and will air LIVE at 3:30am (ET) on the CatholicTV network. It will also be rebroadcast at 3:30pm and 8:00pm.  (To watch CatholicTV online, please visit: CatholicTV LIVE)

In March of 2015, Pope Francis announced that the Holy Year of Mercy will commence on Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015 and will conclude on the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King, November 20, 2016.  Pope Francis states, “I am confident that the whole Church, which is in such need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time.”

For more information about the Holy Year of Mercy, please visit the Vatican website: Jubilee of Mercy


Tuesday, December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Immaculate ConceptionMasses at St. John

(with Saint John School – all welcome!)
5:30 pm


Masses at St. Paul
7:00pm Vigil Mass on Tuesday, December 7

SJSP Collaborative Advent Penance Service – Thursday, December 17 at 7:00pm

Advent penance service_2015The SJSP Collaborative Advent Penance Service will be held on Thursday, December 17 at 7:00 PM at St. John’s Church.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation in during the Season of Advent in preparation for the Birth of our Lord.  Please join us!

November 22: AFFC Update


A wonderful way for us to begin our Advent journey together. Come join us for prayer, reflection and sharing and a fabulous “Pot Luck”! Tuesday, December 1 in Powers Hall (Church Social Hall), 6:30pm start. Sr. Evleyn Ronan, SND Moderator


November 30-December 15 Jesus Foretold and Fulfilled
Explore the Scriptures of Advent and Christmas for a richer celebration of these seasons. In this course you will have the opportunity to break open the Church’s weekday readings for Advent, with emphasis on the dynamic of promise and fulfillment between the Old and New Testament readings as they are organized in the Lectionary. Then, take a closer look at the infancy narratives, and the distinctive approaches taken by the Evangelists. In addition, there will be recommendations for personal prayer practices in preparation for Christmas. No prior experience in Scripture study is necessary. Fee: $25.00 For more information contact (617) 552-4075 or


2015 Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal Collection

Church_WatercolorThe St. John the Evangelist Parish Annual Financial Report, prepared by our Parish Finance Council, will be arriving at your homes this week. You can view the report now by visiting the Parish Finance Council page on our website. Finance Council members will be at all Masses this weekend, November 14-15, to highlight the key points of the report.

The mailing also includes your 2015 Annual Appeal Collection pledge card. Our online giving program, ParishPay, can also be used for contributions to the Annual Appeal. Please visit the Online Giving page on our website for more information.

Although we are reaching out for your financial support, we ask you to support the good works of the Parish in whatever way you can. We have an abundance of ministries and ways to be involved. Please stay informed by reading the bulletin and checking our website regularly for Parish news and service opportunities. As St. Francis reminds us, it is in giving that we receive.

Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Evangelist Parish!

“Coats for Kids” Collection Continues this Weekend – November 14-15

Each year in November, St. John’s participates in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for children, teens, adults and babies. Anton’s cleans all the donated coats and coordinates their distribution to those in need.  Please bring gently used, warm, winter coats to the Rectory garage after Mass on the weekends of November 7-8 and 14-15.

Coats for Kids Saint John Poster_2015

Mass of Remembrance – Sunday, November 15 at 11:00am

All_Souls_RemembranceThis Sunday, November 15 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, we will remember all our beloved deceased whose funerals took place at St. John within the past year.  All are warmly invited to attend this memorial liturgy.

Throughout the month of November, we invite you to inscribe the names of your loved ones in our Memorial Book. The Memorial Book will be located in the Church Entrance and will be carried to the altar at the offertory of each Mass for our prayerful remembrance.