Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

November 8: Adult Faith Formation Update


St. John’s Book Discussion Group
Thursday, November 12  7:30-9:00 p.m.
We will discuss The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. This amazing book was first published in 1988. Originally written in Portuguese by its Brazilian author, it has been translated into at least 67 languages and an estimated 65 million copies have been sold. It is now available free through Amazon Kindle and other file-sharing networks. The Alchemist is a beautiful, short, allegorical novel centered on the theme of finding one’s destiny in life. The story follows a young shepherd in his journey to Egypt, in pursuit of a recurring dream of finding treasure there. Anita Martin will moderate the discussion. A copy of her provocative questions is available to all participants via email.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) What a year to be Catholic!
Pope Francis has declared an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy for the universal Church. On a local level, this year St. John the Evangelist celebrates 125 years of parish life. It is never too late to join our community! The Holy Door in St. Peter’s will be open wide on December 8. Our door is always open Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Rectory. We are here to welcome all seekers who want to know about the Catholic faith. Please consider finding out more. Contact the Parish Office or Svea Fraser at (781) 237-7560 or


A Liberating Spirituality for a Suffering World
Thursday, November 19, 5:30 p.m.
O. Ernesto Valiente, STM Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
This presentation builds on the work of Latin American liberation theologians to propose a Christian discipleship—a following of Jesus—that responds to our conflicted world. It identifies the “path” that we are to follow and the “Spirit” that empowers us in that following. The presentation also draws on the pastoral writings of Pope Francis to illuminate the implications that Jesus’s life and mission pose for our current life as Christian disciples.
Boston College, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room

AFFC Lecture: Fr. Richard Lennan on Karl Rahner

AFFC LogoWednesday, November 4, 7:30pm
Powers Hall (Social Hall)
The Theology of Karl Rahner, SJ, one of the major Catholic theologians of the twentieth century
Rahner’s impact on the church at large was profound, especially through his contribution to the Second Vatican Council. Rahner’s theology continues to offer rich resources for the life of Christian faith in our complex world.
Speaker: Richard Lennan is a priest of the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (Australia) and was ordained in 1983. He holds a Master of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a Doctorate in Theology from the University of Innsbruck in Austria. He is a former President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association and is currently Professor of Systematic Theology in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.

Join Us Sunday, November 1 after the 11:00am Mass

Marian_Morrison“This Fall, I will be stepping down from my position at St. John’s. As Parish Cantor and coordinator of many special projects for the Parish, I have loved my job and the wonderful staff, musicians and parishioners with whom I’ve worked over the past 25 years. I will always be grateful for the opportunities afforded to me by this amazing Community and will cherish the memories that I have. Please know how deeply I appreciate all of you!”

Marian will conclude her service at St. John’s on Sunday, November 1, at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. There will be a Reception for Marian immediately following that Mass downstairs in Powers Hall (Social Hall) to provide everyone the opportunity to let Marian know: You are a gift, we will truly miss! Come join us!

October 25: Adult Faith Formation Update


Fr. Richard Lennan on Karl Rahner
The Theology of Karl Rahner, SJ, one of the major Catholic theologians of the twentieth century
Wednesday, November 4, 7:30pm
Powers Hall (Social Hall)

Rahner’s impact on the church at large was profound, especially through his contribution to the Second Vatican Council. Rahner’s theology continues to offer rich resources for the life of Christian faith in our complex world.
Speaker: Richard Lennan is a priest of the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (Australia) and was ordained in 1983. He holds a Master of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a Doctorate in Theology from the University of Innsbruck in Austria. He is a former President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association and is currently Professor of Systematic Theology in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.



October 29, 2015, 530 p.m.
Thomas Merton: A Prophet for Our Time
Presenter: Colleen Griffith, Associate Professor of the Practice of Theology and Director of Spirituality Studies
B.C., The Heights Room, Corcoran Commons

“Coats for Kids” Collection – Weekends of November 7-8 and 14-15

Each year in November, St. John’s participates in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for children, teens, adults and babies. Anton’s cleans all the donated coats and coordinates their distribution to those in need.  Please bring gently used, warm, winter coats to the Rectory garage after Mass on the weekends of November 7-8 and 14-15.

Coats for Kids Saint John Poster_2015

Reminder: Training for New Eucharistic Ministers on Sunday, October 25

Altar_AnniversaryA special invitation for you to consider: become a Eucharistic Minister. For many years we have been blessed to have the opportunity to serve our Parish in this way. There is need now to increase the number of Eucharistic Ministers for our Masses. Please pray about this and email  Sr. Evelyn  or call (781) 235-0045. Many, many thanks! Training Program: Sunday, October 25 at 2:30pm.

Labyrinth Choir Concert at St. John – Sunday, November 1 at 7:30pm

labyrinth_visionsVISIONS AT DAWN – how sight and faith have inspired composers Dubra, Van Ness, Monteverdi, Chydenius. Featuring Ola Gjeilo’s Sunrise Mass with string orchestra. Audience participation! Please join us for an inspirational concert. Complimentary for St. John Parishioners. For more information contact the Labyrinth Choir or visit their website at

Parish Choir Announcement

music_choirThe 2015-2016 Parish Choir season has begun. We welcome interested singers from high school age and beyond to join us. We rehearse Wednesday evenings 7:30-9pm in the Music Office, lower level of the church. Our Sunday warm-up rehearsal is at 9:30am.

If participating in choir on a weekly basis is overwhelming you should consider joining the First Sunday Choir. Just as the name indicates we meet the first Sunday of the month at 9:30am. If you need a little head start learning music, come to the previous Wednesday night’s rehearsal.

This year our team of choir directors includes: Dr. Anita Kupriss, Dr. Michael and Kelly Meraw and Larry Carson. We welcome new members at anytime during the year but particularly at the beginning of the season. With Christmas coming quickly, we’ve begun to prepare music for the occasion. This lively, energizing ministry is the perfect place to share the love of singing together, rekindle old friendships and begin new ones.

A Special Announcement from Our Parish Cantor, Marian Morrison

Marian_Morrison“This Fall, I will be stepping down from my position at St. John’s. As Parish Cantor and coordinator of many special projects for the Parish, I have loved my job and the wonderful staff, musicians and parishioners with whom I’ve worked over the past 25 years. I will always be grateful for the opportunities afforded to me by this amazing Community and will cherish the memories that I have. Please know how deeply I appreciate all of you!”

Marian will conclude her service at St. John’s on Sunday, November 1, at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. There will be a Reception for Marian immediately following that Mass downstairs in Powers Hall (Social Hall) to provide everyone the opportunity to let Marian know: You are a gift, we will truly miss! Come join us!

October 18: Adult Faith Formation Update


Fr. Richard Lennan on Karl Rahner
The Theology of Karl Rahner, SJ, one of the major Catholic theologians of the twentieth century
Wednesday, November 4, 7:30pm
Powers Hall (Social Hall)

Rahner’s impact on the church at large was profound, especially through his contribution to the Second Vatican Council. Rahner’s theology continues to offer rich resources for the life of Christian faith in our complex world.
Speaker: Richard Lennan is a priest of the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (Australia) and was ordained in 1983. He holds a Master of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a Doctorate in Theology from the University of Innsbruck in Austria. He is a former President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association and is currently Professor of Systematic Theology in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.


October 19, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
Book Launch, Catholic Sacraments a Rich Source of Blessings
Presenters: John F. Baldovin, S.J. & David F. Turnbloom
B.C., Murray Function Room, Yawkey Ctr.
Sponsors: C21 Center and STM

October 22, 2015, 5:30 p.m.
Sowing and Growing the Seeds of Faith: It is (Almost) All in the Family
Presenter: Thomas Groome, Director, C21 Center
B.C., The Heights Room, Corcoran Commons,
Sponsors: STM

October 29, 2015, 530 p.m.
Thomas Merton: A Prophet for Our Time
Presenter: Colleen Griffith, Associate Professor of the Practice of Theology and Director of Spirituality Studies
B.C., The Heights Room, Corcoran Commons