Category Archives: Important Announcements

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A Missionary Call for Help – Special Second Collection August 29-30

SMA_logoAfrica is a large continent, very cultural and dynamic. The Church is growing and there is a great future of the Catholic Church in Africa. The Church is also one and we can all contribute to stimulate this growth by our own prayers and contributions. I joined the Society of African Mission (SMA) because of their missionary charisms. SMA was founded to respond to missionary need to the most abandoned in the society especially in Africa. We strive to go to areas found to be too difficult to survive. We go to the interior of Africa, the villages and bush and anywhere where the most needy are found. Though it is a difficult mission, we draw our strength from the different pool of people who are there praying and supporting us morally and by their material contribution.

As I thank you for your generosity in the past, I humbly continue to appeal to your generosity to help us to put smiles on the faces of people. Your contribution will help to train SMA seminarians. In Africa, we have young people who are willing to be missionaries but do not have the means to support their seminary expenses. Your contributions will help our projects in remote villages, like building and running of churches, hospitals and schools. In these places, missionaries become the only hope of people when faced with hunger, sicknesses or the need to be educated. Your contribution will also give food and drink to people through our St. Vincent de Paul group, and it will empower and give future to children, women and youth, and help to sustain the Priests on mission.
Where I work, our churches and outstations are far apart, and it becomes difficult to go say Mass or visit the needy and sick in emergencies with the car we have at the moment, which keeps breaking down and requires constant pushing before it will start. This is not due to lack of maintenance, but because it is very, very old and would have long been replaced if the means were there. Please, I beg for your help towards getting a better mission car that will help us to be more efficient in our work. As the phrase goes, “some go to mission by giving something, some give to mission by going themselves.” In either way, we are all missionaries. May the Lord bless your generosity.


Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption of Mary_ContemporaryThis Saturday, August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since the feast falls on a Saturday in 2015, the holy day of obligation is abrogated and therefore not a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated on August 15 at 7am and 5pm.

Important Information About St. Paul School

St_Paul_SchoolOver the past several years St. Paul’s Parish School has faced a steady decline in enrollment. An attempt to secure solid commitments from parents for the upcoming school year was insufficient. Sadly it is not possible for St. Paul’s School to open in September. I am sorry to share such difficult news, particularly at this time in the summer, and appreciate the efforts of all who did their best to keep the school open.

I am grateful to the Catholic School Office for their guidance and support as they assist our teachers with potential positions available throughout the Archdiocese. The RCAB Human Resource Department is assisting our teachers with transition benefits. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Eileen Lix, who so generously accepted the position of Assistant Administrator, as well as to all our dedicated teachers, aids and administrative staff who have been so committed to Catholic education.

With prayerful gratitude,
Fr. Sepe

A Message from Fr. Kevin Sepe on the SJSP Collaborative

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallDisciples in Mission
In the midst of summer, I thought it would be helpful to review with you some of the key characteristics of a Collaborative. Then in September, when vacationers have returned, we will be ready to take some further steps together.


  • Separate parishes coming together, under a common Collaborative Pastoral Plan focused on the New Evangelization.
  • Each Parish retaining its identity and integrity including: its name, its real estate (church, rectory, etc.), control over its budget and assets as well as responsibility for its financial obligations.
  • Parishes within a Collaborative, being served by a common central staff, i.e. their Pastor and Pastoral Team.
  • The Pastor being advised by a single Parish (Pastoral) Council. Each parish will have representation on this council. Parish specific issues may be dealt with through sub-committees.
  • Each Parish will maintain its own Finance Council. Finance Councils will normally meet at the same time and place, to work with each other and advise the Pastor.
  • Each Parish being expected to contribute to their portion (fair share) of Collaborative costs (such as salaries, priest living expenses, shared programs, etc.)
  • All Collaboratives will be held to the same expectations of forming a Pastoral Team, participating in training on new Evangelization, Leadership and Administration, and developing a Collaborative Pastoral Plan.

The Collaborative does not replace the parish. Each parish remains characterized by:

  • A Community of Catholics who come together to celebrate Mass at a particular Church
  • An independent identity (e.g. its own name)
  • Responsibility of its own financial assets and liabilities
  • One Pastor to lead it
  • Staff that supports the ministerial efforts of the Pastor
  • A Pastoral Council and Finance Council that advise the Pastor

It is worth remembering that this effort of forming Collaboratives is a means of fostering common pastoral action and a common vision. While the common Collaborative Pastoral Plan provides the unifying vision, all are expected to support unity and identity of each parish, and encourage the parish communities to work together for the common good and the mission of the new evangelization. The plan is by that working together, parishes will become stronger.

More information on ‘Disciples in Mission’ can be found on the Archdiocese of Boston website:

Join Pope Francis in Cuba

Francis_CubaA group from the Archdiocese, including Cardinal O’Malley, is going to Cuba from September 18-22 to witness the historic visit of Pope Francis. There will be tour of Havana, a visit to a Catholic mission, local entertainment and attendance at what will be an extraordinary Mass celebrated by the Holy Father. The all-inclusive cost will approximate $4,500/person and $8,000/couple. One of our parishioners, Bob Mahoney, has seen Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict in Cuba and the experience was beyond remarkable! This is also an opportunity to see the “Old Cuba” before rapid change begins this year. There are a limited number of places still available. If you are interested, please email Bob Mahoney.

Greetings from Fr. Emmanuel!

Emmanuel Dim NigeriaMy name is Emmanuel Chineye Dim and I am from Imo State in Nigeria. I hail from a family of 13; nine children of eight boys and one girl but at present my parents have gone to meet the Lord including my eldest brother, all in 2008. I grew up in a lovely Catholic family just opposite the cathedral of my home diocese of Orlu in Imo State. This family experience helped me to have a good appreciation of the Catholic faith. I had the desire to become a priest when I was an altar server and I prayed and wished, if it was the will of God, to totally devote my life to him as a priest.

I decided to be a missionary in particular seeing the wonderful life of service of missionary priests who served in my diocese. Hence, I applied to join the Society of African Missions (SMA) in order to discern this burning desire of the missionary priesthood. The SMA was founded to bring the gospel to the most abandoned particularly in the interior of Africa. After 11 years of missionary training which included the study of philosophy and theology, I was ordained a priest on the 6th of July 2013.

Emmanuel Dim Nigeria_2At the moment I am working with predominantly Sotho people in South Africa. I am really enjoying my mission there. I have enjoyed good hospitality and warm embrace from the local people. I have enjoyed so much love from God and people and it is this same love that I am sharing with my people in South Africa. Knowing the political history of South Africa, it behooves me to say, my mission is one of healing and preaching the joy of the gospel and being actively present to the poor, the marginalized in the society, those who lack common water or food and women and children who are deprived of education because of lack of resources.

It was so awesome to hear that I would be among those taking part in the summer pastoral programme in the Archdiocese of Boston. This is my first visit to the USA and everything I see here is thrilling. I become so overwhelmed by the amount of development and beauty of the country. I must say that since I arrived, I have received warm welcome from the Fathers and people. Your simple smiles and greetings means a lot. You are good people. Thus, I have settled well, the jet lags are gone and I am looking forward to meeting you all and having a wonderful two months with you all.

Cheers and May God bless you all. —Fr. Emmanuel

Pope Francis to visit the United States this September

pope_francis_visitPope Francis will spend six days in the United States in September, with stops in three U.S. cities: Washington, New York, and Philadelphia. Tickets for public events will primarily be released through parishes in these cities, as well as through other local Catholic institutions, with the exception of events in Philadelphia at the World Meeting of Families 2015 (more details on their Papal Visit page.)  Please check the USCCB’s Papal Visit 2015 page for the latest updates.  Schedule as released by the Vatican. (All times listed are Eastern Daylight Time.)


  • 4:00 p.m.    Arrival from Cuba at Joint Base Andrews


  • 9:15  a.m.  Welcome ceremony and meeting with President Obama at the White House
  • 11:30 a.m. Midday Prayer with the bishops of the United States, St. Matthew’s Cathedral
  • 4:15  p.m.  Mass of Canonization of Junipero Serra, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception


  • 9:20  a.m.  Address to Joint Session of the United States Congress
  • 11:15 a.m. Visit to St. Patrick in the City and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
  • 4:00 p.m.   Depart from Joint Base Andrews
  • 5:00 p.m.   Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 6:45 p.m.   Evening Prayer (Vespers) at St. Patrick’s Cathedral


  • 8:30  a.m. Visit to the United Nations and Address to the United Nations General Assembly
  • 11:30 a.m. Multi-religious service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum, World Trade Center
  • 4:00  p.m.  Visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East Harlem
  • 6:00  p.m.  Mass at Madison Square Garden


  • 8:40  a.m.  Departure from John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 9:30  a.m.  Arrival at Atlantic Aviation, Philadelphia
  • 10:30 a.m. Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia
  • 4:45  p.m.  Visit to Independence Mall
  • 7:30  p.m.  Visit to the Festival of Families Benjamin Franklin Parkway


  • 9:15   a.m.  Meeting with bishops at at St. Martin’s Chapel, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
  • 11:00  a.m. Visit to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility
  • 4:00  p.m.   Mass for the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families, Benjamin Franklin Parkway
  • 7:00   p.m.  Visit with organizers, volunteers and benefactors of the World Meeting of Families, Atlantic Aviation
  • 8:00   p.m.  Departure for Rome


Fr. Emmanuel Dim, SMA!

Emmanuel Dim NigeriaPlease join us in welcoming Fr. Emmanuel Dim, SMA to the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative community! Fr. Emmanuel, who is originally from Nigeria, is a parish priest at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Johannesburg, South Africa. Fr. Emmanuel will be with us for the summer, primarily at St. Paul, but you may also see him riding his bicycle around town – if you do, please say hello and welcome!

ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON PRESS RELEASE: Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley’s Statement on South Carolina Tragedy

9_candlesWe join all people of faith and good will in prayerful solidarity with the Emanuel AME Church congregation and community of Charleston during this time of loss and heartache. It is foundational to our country’s heritage that places of worship always be sanctuaries of prayer, safety and peace. We must reject these senseless acts of hatred and brutality in society. Commending the victims of this attack to God’s loving mercy, we pray for healing through the words of the Prayer of Saint Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

RCAB website

Thank You from Fr. Sepe

Fr. Kevin SepeThank you for your warm and gracious welcome on The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ, the 29th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood and the first Sunday as Pastor of our magnificent parishes. I understand the demands of a parish, having served fourteen years as pastor of a large parish and parochial school in Braintree. However, the requirements of collaborative ministry are altogether unique.

In the past St. Paul & St. John had been served by three assigned resident priests. As of June 2nd we have two assigned priests, namely myself and Fr. Arthur MacKay. I am most grateful for the ministry of our senior priests Msgr. Joseph Lind and Fr. John Connelly, as well as the weekend assistance of Fr. Bryan Hehir. Our parish staffs are most supportive and capable; I am so grateful for their attentiveness and patience as we enter this new adventure together.