Category Archives: Important Announcements

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Welcome Fr. Sepe!

Fr. Kevin_SepeAs was announced at Masses this past weekend, Fr. Kevin Sepe has been appointed Pastor of our St. John – St. Paul Collaborative, effective with the official launch of the new Collaborative on June 2, 2015. We warmly welcome Fr. Sepe to Wellesley!

After being ordained in 1986 Father Sepe served at St. Joseph Parish in Quincy, Sacred Heart Parish in Middleboro, and St. Mary Parish in Randolph before being appointed Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Braintree in 1998.  During his 13-year tenure as Pastor at St. Francis, Father Sepe completed enhancements to the church, the school and the rectory as well as growth in enrollment at St. Francis of Assisi School.  In 2012, Father Sepe was appointed Episcopal Vicar and Secretary for Parish Life and Leadership for the Archdiocese.

— from The Pilot


Catholic_Spiritual_Practices_largeAll are invited to participate in one of our Lenten programs presented in collaboration with Boston College’s The Church in the 21st Century and based on a book by theologians Colleen Griffith and Tom Groome titled Catholic Spiritual Practices – A Treasury of Old and New.
This series, “Engage – Mind, Heart & Lives”, is similar to our ARISE Program of years ago. More information to come!

FAITH MATTERS: What do Christians Believe about Jesus the Son?

christ-good-shepherd-icon-orthodox-window-into-heavenBelief in Jesus is crucial to Christianity. Christians call themselves “Christians” because of their shared belief that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah. So what are some of the things that Christians believe about this Jesus Christ?

Son of God: Christians believe that Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, is the Son of God. As we say in the Nicene Creed every Sunday, we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, created by God but always having existed with God, in one being with God. We cannot always completely understand what all of this means, but, since the very beginning of the church, we have believed it to be true.

Incarnation: Because we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, we also believe that he is the incarnation of God. The word incarnation comes from the Latin word for flesh or meat; so incarnation literally means to make something out of flesh. In Jesus, God is made flesh or human. It is not just that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth in some “spiritual” or angelic sort of way. Jesus was a human being just like everyone else of earth. We believe that Jesus suffered all of the trials and tribulations of being human: he got sick, angry, and sad, and he died. But we also believe that he celebrated all of the wonderful things about being a human being: he loved his family and his friends, he had fun and went to parties, he told stories and ate good meals. Because God became human in Jesus, we know that God loves us and that God shares our joys and sorrows and we know that we can always turn to God who is intimately connected to the human lives we lead.

Fully human and fully divine: By combining these two beliefs about Jesus, we come up with one of the central tenets of Christianity: that Jesus was fully human and fully God. This is not a belief that Jesus was God since the beginning, then a human for a while, and now God again. Jesus was not a half-human, half-God being who walked the earth. We believe that Jesus is completely human at all times and completely God at all times. Again, this is not a belief that makes sense to our rational minds, but it is one that was formulated very early in the history of the church and it is one that the church has insisted on since then.

Sacrament of God: A sacrament is an outward sign or source of God’s grace (God’s unconditional love for us). When we think of sacraments, however, we tend to only think of the seven ritual sacraments that make up such an important part of the worship life of the Church today. But anything that is for us a source of God’s grace is a sacrament and Jesus is the best example of that. God loves us so much that God came to dwell among us in the person of Jesus, the Son of God. God’s grace comes to us through the life, teachings, and death of Jesus. Jesus is the supreme example of what God’s grace means to us.

Resurrection and Ascension: Central to our understanding of our Christian faith is our belief that Jesus not only died, but he conquered death by rising from the dead on the third day and, after appearing to his disciples, ascended into heaven. It is Jesus’ power over death that gives us the assurance that we will live with him forever. The Resurrection is the event in the life of Jesus that sets Christianity apart from all the other religions of the world. In fact, it is the Resurrection that sets Christianity apart from its roots in Judaism. And the Ascension gives us the confidence to believe that we will be with Jesus in heaven when we die.

The Second Coming: One of the most often misunderstood and least often discussed of the beliefs about Jesus is his promised second coming. The early Christian church believed that Jesus would return to finish establishing God’s Reign within their lifetimes. However, as the first disciples began to die without witnessing this second coming, the early believers began to realize not only that Jesus’ return was to be some time into the future but that it was entirely unpredictable. This lead to a great deal of speculation about what happens to people who die before the second coming as well as about the nature and timing of this return. Eventually, this developed into our beliefs about Heaven and Hell as well as our belief that Jesus will come again at the end of time to judge all souls.

Again, these are only some of the things that Christians believe about Jesus. And it took us almost 2000 years to figure them out as well as we have, which is obviously nowhere near a perfect understanding. The person of Jesus is a mystery as is his saving work, but we trust in him anyway. Unlike Doubting Thomas, we have not seen and still believe; and God blesses us for it.

Who’s Who at St. John

HelloMyNameIsAgain, St. John’s is highlighting some of its staff members who make our Parish a vibrant, welcoming community. We hope that this article, Who’s Who at St. John enables you to get to know each staff member a little bit more. These next three entries highlight members of St. John’s Music Ministries, Margaret Felice, Kelly Meraw and Dianna Doyle.

Margaret_FeliceMargaret Felice – Cantor
Margaret Felice has been a cantor at St John’s since September 2013, singing the 5:00 p.m. Mass about once a month. She has worked with Chris Holownia on theatrical productions before, and he recruited her to join the fantastic community at St John’s. Margaret also does music ministry at Boston College, Boston College High School, and Gate of Heaven/St Brigid parishes near her home in South Boston. She is engaged to Robert Goulston, the New Haven bureau chief for Connecticut’s CBS affiliate, and the two will be married at St Ignatius Parish in April 2015. In addition to her musical pursuits, Margaret enjoys studying and teaching theology, and blogging about spirituality at

Kelly_MerawKelly Meraw – Cantor
Kelly Meraw has been cantoring for over ten years; and joined the St. John’s Music Ministry two years ago. She is a cantor at four different Parishes but St. John’s is her spiritual home. Kelly studied at McGill University graduating with Bachelor of Music with minor in Religious Studies; and a Master of Voice Performance in 2007. She is currently playing the most incredible role of her life: Mom to Eva (7) and Noah(4) – who can be heard requesting donuts weekly during the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass. This year she can be seen waving her arms in front of the Parish Choir – who always inspire her with their dedication to glorifying God with their voices. When she isn’t singing she is running her own business called  “sugar.”, which specializes in customized sweets!

Diana_DoyleDiana Doyle – Cantor
This is Diana’s third year cantoring at St. John’s as part of the Family Mass Group. Diana sings and has sung at many Catholic churches in the Boston area, including The Cathedral of the Holy Cross where for many years she was the soprano soloist and cantor. She makes annual appearances on Boston Catholic TV’s annual telethon. Diana is also very active in the local community theatre world. Her next theatre role will be singing the beggarwoman in Sweeney Todd. This concert is a fundraiser for Woodland Theatre; music directed by Chris Holownia. Diana graduated from a joint program between Tufts University and New England Conservatory and currently lives in Dedham with her two cats, Gordon and Shirley.

FAITH MATTERS: Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection – The Foundation of Our Faith

the-Crucifixion1-255x300The Passion Story refers to the stories in the Gospels that describe Jesus’ final days. They are a description of the arrest, trial, torture, and death of Jesus at the hands of the Jewish and Roman authorities. Because Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins and that he rose from the dead, this Passion story, along with the Resurrection story, form the centerpiece of the Christian religion.

All four of the Gospels tell the same basic story. Jesus, even though he knew that the Jewish authorities were looking for a reason to arrest him, decided to go to Jerusalem with his disciples to celebrate the Jewish feast of Passover. After celebrating this ritual holiday meal with his closest friends, Jesus went out to pray. While he was praying, the Temple guards who had been tipped off as to Jesus’ whereabouts by Judas, one of Jesus’ closest followers, arrested him. When he was arrested, he was charged by the Jewish authorities with the crime of blasphemy, claiming for oneself characteristics that can only belong to God. The very night of his arrest, Jesus was taken before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council. The Sanhedrin called witnesses to prove Jesus’ blasphemy and, although the witnesses and their testimony were somewhat weak, they convicted Jesus of the crime. According to Jewish law, the punishment for the crime of blasphemy was death. However, the Jews were no longer able to sentence people to death; only the Romans can do that. The Sanhedrin, therefore, sent Jesus to the Roman governor under the charge of treason, threatening to take over the power that belongs to the government. After a series of interviews, the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, agreed to sentence Jesus to death for treason, claiming to be the king of the Jews. The form of execution was to be crucifixion.

Crucifixion was one of the many forms of execution that was used by the Romans. Usually reserved for lower class people (upper class citizens were usually given the option of committing suicide or of being beheaded), crucifixion was one of the most painful ways to die. Despite being excruciatingly painful, it was not designed to kill a person. A person who was crucified eventually died of suffocation as they weakened due to the pain and blood loss caused by the crucifixion. This slow exhaustion and suffocation could take up to three days. However, the Gospel accounts suggest that Jesus died three hours after having been nailed to the cross, which is a much shorter time than would have been usual. Since he died relatively quickly, his family was able to have his body removed from the cross and placed in a tomb before sunset. The Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and no work can be done during this time, including the burying of the dead. If Jesus had not been put in the tomb before sunset, his body would have had to remain on the cross until the end of the Sabbath observances, probably until Sunday morning. As it was, Jesus’ family and friends did not have enough time to completely prepare his body for burial. So they had to make do with wrapping him in the burial cloths and they made plans to return after the Sabbath to anoint his body with oils and spices as was the custom.

Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion is the central event of Christianity. Without the Resurrection, Jesus was just another wandering preacher-healer who was killed by the Romans. It is the Resurrection that proved to the early disciples that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the Son of God.

No one knows how Jesus rose from the dead; no one was there to witness it. However, the Gospels agree that, when the women went to the tomb to anoint his body with oils and spices, they discovered that the tomb was empty. The traditional story of the early church attributes this first discovery and explanation to the apostles to Mary Magdalene, who is often called the Apostle to the Apostles, the one who carried the good news of the resurrection to those who became responsible for the preaching of that good news.

The Gospels also tell us that Jesus appeared to various of his followers in the few weeks after his resurrection. He continued to teach them and he shared meals with them. These stories are called the Appearance Narratives. Several weeks after the Resurrection, Jesus stopped appearing to his disciples and the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles tell us that he ascended into heaven.

Because of the Resurrection, the disciples were empowered to start spreading the news that Jesus, who had been crucified by the Romans, was in fact alive again. In addition to preaching the message that Jesus himself had preached – of God’s love and the coming of God’s reign, the early church began preaching this good news of Jesus’ Resurrection. And, over time, they also came to understand that Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension meant that Jesus was the Christ – the anointed one of God – and God’s Son. In the next posting, we will explore some of these key beliefs about Jesus.

In Loving Memory… Christmas Flowers and Music

christmas_candle_litOur Christmas flowers and music are given in loving memory of your loved ones who are being remembered during our Masses this Christmas Tide.

Collaboration Countdown UPDATED

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallNovember, 2012 Cardinal Sean announces a new plan for the Archdiocese entitled “Disciples in Mission”. The plan creates clusters of parishes called Collaboratives.

June, 2013 Phase I begins with 28 parishes entering into 22 Collaboratives.

July, 2013 The St. John-St. Paul Inter-Parish Team begins bulletin & website announcements explaining the Collaborative.

May, 2014 Father Powers and Father Rafferty indicate to the Archdiocese that St John and St Paul are willing to enter Phase III of the “Disciples in Mission” plan.

June, 2014 Phase II begins with 44 parishes entering into 21 Collaboratives.

September, 2014 Archdiocese announces St. John and St. Paul will be included in Phase III of the Collaborative Diocesan Plan.

October, 2014 Archdiocese representatives consult with St John and St Paul parish and staff councils regarding selection process for a new pastor for the Collaborative

Early 2015 New pastor for St. John-St. Paul Collaborative will be named (will assume responsibility for both parishes on formal launch of the Collaborative in June)

June 2, 2015 Formal launch of the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative (Phase III)

A Special Thank You…

Christmas_Thank YouWe would like to thank everyone who helped make this Christmas Season so very blessed for everyone:

  • For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church at the Christmas Concert and during the Christmas Liturgies.
  • For all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for the Christmas season.
  • To everyone who helped make Christmas Wish a great success and brought joy to so many families.
  • For those who were involved in making the Christmas Pageant a delight which brought joy to our hearts.
  • For everyone who made Trees and Trimmings a success by raising money for the school and bringing a community together.
  • To all of you who sent a card or delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone, bringing a little cheer into their lives.
  • And for all of you whose presence at Christmas Masses made the celebrations complete.

We thank you all for your time, treasure and talents!

FAITH MATTERS: Jesus’ Ministry – Preaching the Good News in Words and Deeds

jesus_sermon-on-the-mountWhen Jesus was, we believe, around thirty years old, he left his home and his family and began a career as a traveling rabbi. He would travel around the country, with his closest followers, and talk to people about his ideas. In addition, he acquired a reputation as a healer, which attracted even more people to hear him. Jesus’ message was a deceptively simple one. He taught that God loved each individual person and that all we had to do was to accept that love and love God in return. This message was somewhat unusual at the time because of Jesus’ personal image of God; God is a Father, a Dad, who loves us unconditionally.

Jesus used a variety of teaching tools to get his message across to the people who came to hear him. He used a straightforward didactic method in which he just explained what he wanted to teach; think of the Sermon on the Mount. He taught by example; for example, he showed his disciples how to pray by giving them a sample prayer, the Our Father, and by taking time by himself to pray. And, finally, he used parables and miracles to capture the attention of regular people.

A parable is a short, fictional story that explains some deeper idea in a way that people can understand. For example, rather than trying to explain to people that God loves them and will forgive them if they sin, Jesus told the parable of the Prodigal Son. In this parable, Jesus explained that God is like a loving father who gives his children every good thing even when they will misuse those gifts and who always forgives his children when they return to him. Most people have had the experience of being loved and forgiven by a family member and this made it a lot easier to understand Jesus point about how God loves us.

A miracle is an event that, at the time that it happens, had no logical explanation. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus performed many miracles for a variety of people in all kinds of situations. Although many modern scholars and scientists believe that some of Jesus’ miracles can be explained away, we still consider them to be miracles because they were unexplained phenomena at the time. Jesus’ miracles fall into three categories. The first type of miracle is the healings, miracles in which Jesus cures a person of a disease or physical ailment. This category would include the healing of lepers, lame people, blind people, and so on. The second category, raisings from the dead, includes the several times that Jesus brought people back to life after they had died. The third category is physical miracles; these are miracles that show Jesus’ power over the forces of nature. In many cases, when Jesus performed a miracle, it was in a private setting with only a few people witnessing it and he would often tell those witnesses to tell no one of what they had seen. Jesus did not perform miracles in order to “wow” a crowd of people; he performed them because he saw that people were suffering and he wanted to alleviate that suffering. Therefore, we believe that Jesus did not want the witnesses of his miracles to be amazed, he wanted their faith to be increased.

Jesus’ ministry has become, for Christians, both the content of much of our own preaching – that God loves us and that we are called to love our neighbors – and the example of how to engage in God’s ministries. Jesus didn’t just teach with word, but with deeds; we follow his example when our actions become our evangelization tools. As St. Francis of Assisi reminds us: “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words.”

Christmas 2014

O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!Small_Creche_Cover_Bright
Wishing you peace, love and joy this Christmas
and throughout the New Year.