Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Sunday, April 21: A Day of Prayer and Healing – Cardinal Sean to Celebrate 11:30 Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross

Archdiocese_of_BostonOn Sunday morning, April 21, Cardinal Seán O’Malley will celebrate the 11:30 Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.  He will offer this Mass for the repose of the souls of those who have died as a result of the recent bombings which took place during the Boston Marathon. We will also pray for those who were physically injured and for the brave men and women who saved countless lives as first responders.  Cardinal Seán has said, “In the midst of the darkness of this tragedy we turn to the light of Jesus Christ.”  Please join Cardinal Seán as together we turn to Christ, the Light of the World, praying for peace and healing for all those who have been affected by this act of violence. Continue reading

From the Archdiocese: Information Regarding the Interfaith Service on Thursday, April 18th

Cathedral of the Holy CrossThe Governor’s Office announced that the public is invited to attend Healing Our City: An Interfaith Service, to be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The service is an opportunity for the community to come together in the wake of the tragic events at the Boston Marathon this week. Cardinal Sean, President Barack Obama, Governor Deval Patrick, and Mayor Tom Menino will be in attendance, along with federal, state and local officials. First responders, civic leaders from communities along the marathon route, medical personnel, victims and their families, as well as volunteers from the Boston Athletic Association have been invited to attend. Continue reading

Statement from Cardinal Sean and Telegram from Pope Francis on Boston Marathon Bombings

The Archdiocese of Boston joins all people of good will in expressing deep sorrow following the senseless acts of violence perpetrated at the Boston Marathon today. Our prayers and concern are with so many who experienced the trauma of these acts, most especially the loved ones of those who lives were lost and those who were injured, and the injured themselves. Continue reading

Holy Father Appoints Cardinal Sean O’Malley to Papal Advisory Group

Holy Father Appoints Group Of Cardinals To Advise Him On Church Government And Revision Plan of Apostolic Constitution On Roman Curia
Cardinal_Sean_OMalleyVatican Statement on Cardinal Sean Appointment:
“Cardinal O’Malley’s appointment to the newly created Papal Advisory Group for the reform of the Roman Curia is very significant. The Cardinal’s pastoral and administrative skills on a national and international level have revealed a church leader who has handled some of the most complex situations in the American Church. He has offered “best practices” of church governance to the universal church, particularly in his response to the abuse crisis. Cardinal Sean is highly respected, admired and loved throughout the world, and this was clearly evidenced during the recent events in Rome. As a member of the Franciscan (Capuchin) family, he has much in common with Pope Francis.”
-Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., head of Canada’s Salt and Light Catholic Television Network and recent Vatican English language spokesperson during the Papal Transition Continue reading

Inter-Parish Team Meeting

StJohn.StPaul_LogoRecently, St. John the Evangelist and St. Paul parishes held a joint meeting.  Attending the meeting were Father Powers, Father Fitzgerald and several of their Parish Council members. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the formation of an inter-parish, bridge-building team.  In observance with the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Boston, the team will have as its long term objective, the preparation for the Integration of St. John and St. Paul into a new Pastoral Collaborative. As its short term objectives the inter parish team will work:

  1. to raise awareness about the St. John/St. Paul collaborative
  2. to build trust and confidence between our two parish communities
  3. to effectively communicate our progress to all our parishioners
  4. to encourage both church’s parishioners to join together at social and religious events

Disciples in MissionIf you would like more information about the progress of Phase One Collaboratives, which includes 28 parishes being combined into 12 collaboratives, go to Disciples in Mission, the website of the Office of Pastoral Planning of the Archdiocese of Boston.

April 14: News from the AFFC

AFFC LogoTuesday, April 16 – Prophetic Voices Women in the Tradition
Panel Discussion, Moderator: Patricia Deleeuw
BC, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 20 – Movie Night/Potluck Supper
A Man for All Seasons
In the Social Hall, following the 5:00 p.m. Mass.

Thursday, April 25 – God and the Imagination: Praying through Poetry  Seminar, Presenter: Paul Mariani, Professor
BC, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Wednesday May 1 – Faith Maps Series
7:00pm in the Parish Social Hall
The Faith Maps series in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II
continues with James Keenan, S.J., Founders Professor in Theology at Boston College, who will speak on Vatican II and Moral Theology.  This year we have been celebrating the beginning of Vatican II. What has happened in Moral Theology since then? Well there was Humanae vitae (the birth control
encyclical). But what else? This is a presentation and discussion on the Council as well as the fifty years since the council that have been, well, remarkable.

Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm – AFFC Lecture: Faith Maps Series with Shawn Copeland

FaithMapsShawn Copeland, Professor of Theology at BC and former President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, will speak on the German thinker Dorothy Soelle, whose Faith Map is described by Michael Paul Gallagher as providing a needed  “…dimension of justice… and… theology of mystical resistance” to his book. Her talk will reference Soelle’s fellow German Johan Baptist Metz, whom Gallagher refers to as a member of Soelle’s “extended counter cultural family.”  7pm in the Parish Social Hall

April 14: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-ContemporaryThis Week: Sunday, April 14
Enjoy spring vacation. No classes.
Next Week: Sunday, April 21
No classes.
Saturday, April 27
Grades 9 & 10: Optional Movie Matinee & Discussion
2:00 PM, Church Social Hall
(Pre-registration required – please email:

A Special Thank You!

We would like to thank all who helped make this Easter so very blessed for everyone: 
easter-flowers-cross* For the music directors, cantors, choirs and instrumentalists who made beautiful music permeate our Church;
* For all who helped transform our Church into such a place of beauty for this Easter;
* To everyone who helped make the Lenten Gift aiding St. Margaret Mary Parish in Staten Island a great success;
* For those who were involved in making the Passion Play so moving, enhancing our Lenten experience;
* To all of you who sent a card or delivered flowers to those who were ill or alone; and
* For the many whose presence at Easter made the celebration complete – We thank you all for your time, treasure and talents.

A Message from Fr. Nestor Nongo from the Central Republic of Africa

From 2005 until 2010, St. John was fortunate to have Summer assistance from the Society of Missionaries of Africa (SMA). The first SMA priest to arrive at St. John’s was Fr. Nestor Nongo whose homeland is the Central Republic of Africa. At that time he was studying in Strasbourg, France. Last July Fr. Nongo was appointed Bishop of the Diocesan of Bossangoa located in the North West section of the Central Republic of Africa. This past Easter night, he sent a message which speaks of the suffering and faith of his Nation. We have printed his message below and request your prayers for him and for the citizens of the Central Republic of Africa.

From March 7th to 20th, 2013, I travelled to Europe with the archbishop of Bangui. On our return, we scheduled a series of meetings with the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister who is also the President of the coalition of the rebel movement, and the President. We were not granted any appointment despite the promise made by those various authorities. In fact the situation worsened on the battle field as the rebels invaded more cities and finally got the power by force. That is another issue I will tell more about some other time.

The rebels entered Bangui on Palm Sunday during mass time. The intention was not only to get hold of the power. Stealing started as soon as the seat of the power fell into their hands. Many people lost their properties even their lives. As of today people are still suffering. There is no security as for now.

Being blocked in Bangui, I celebrated Pascal Triduum and Easter Sunday in one of the parishes in the outskirt of Bangui, not far from the SMA Formation House.

The news I have received so far from my diocese are sad: 2 parish houses (presbyteries) have been vandalized as the proprieties were taken away, likewise the residence of one female religious congregation and the Capuchin friars in Bossangoa. 3 other parishes within the diocese were also affected. The pastoral centre and the diocesan radio were also vandalized. Upon to now I don’t have any news about 2 others parishes. One thing is sure.  I have to start all over. 

Despite the socio-political situation, the Christians gathered in number for Easter celebration.

A new government has been formed this evening. What can it do after the mercenaries have stolen and destroyed the country? The future is really bleak even though one wants to remain optimistic.

All the same, have a nice Easter celebration!
