Our Sunday morning Coffee & Donuts after the Family Mass is cancelled until further notice, in keeping with the current guidance to limit non-essential gatherings. Thank you for understanding.
Category Archives: Religious Education Program
Coffee and Donuts Cancelled
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Posted in Family Mass, Important Announcements, Religious Education Program
Religious Education Classes Cancelled
After careful consideration, and in keeping with the recommendations from the Commonwealth to postpone, cancel, or hold virtually any discretionary events or programs, we have made the decision to cancel all Religious Education classes at St. John and St. Paul until further notice.
As you know, this is a rapidly developing situation, and our foremost concern is for the health and safety of our students, catechists, and their families. We are monitoring these developments, as well as the guidance we are receiving from the Town of Wellesley, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Archdiocese of Boston, as we evaluate our options for the remaining weeks of this session. We will continue to update you as this situation continues to develop.
Please continue to keep those affected by the coronavirus, their families, and our health care workers in your prayers.
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Posted in Important Announcements, Religious Education Program, SJSP Collaborative
Attention Young Actors – Help “Perform” the Passion Play on Palm Sunday!
Seeking Actors/Actresses in Grade 3 and older to help “perform” the Passion Play at the 9:00am Family Mass on Palm Sunday, April 5. Attendance at one rehearsal on Saturday, April 4 from 9:00am- 12:00pm is required/mandatory. Confirmation candidates earn 5 hours of community service credit. Please contact Maria Wardwell (781-237-2148 or maria.wardwell@stjohnwellesley.org) for information and registration.
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Posted in Children, Family Mass, Music, Religious Education Program, Youth Choir
Religious Education: Register Now for 2019-2020!

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Posted in Religious Education Program
Sunday, June 2: Altar Server Training
Is your child interested in becoming an Altar Server? Perhaps he or she has just received their First Holy Communion and is eager to step into this important role. A training of new Altar Servers will be held on Sunday, June 2 at 10AM, immediately following the Family Mass. The training will last for 45 mins and will touch on the basics of serving at our Lord’s table. If your child plans to attend please RSVP by email to Kelly Meraw.
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Posted in Children, Family Mass, Important Announcements, Liturgical Ministries, Religious Education Program
Reconciliation Service for High School Students – Sunday, March 17 at 4:00pm
We are offering a Reconciliation Service for all high school students on Sunday, March 17 at 4:00pm before the Sunday 5pm Youth Mass in the Chapel at St. John’s. There will be a short reflection and preparation time, followed by the opportunity to receive the sacrament of confession. Those receiving Confirmation this spring are especially encouraged to attend!
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Posted in Religious Education Program, SJSP Confirmation, SJSP Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry
Attention Young Actors – Help “Perform” the Passion Play on Palm Sunday!
Seeking Actors/Actresses in Grade 3 and older to help “perform” the Passion Play at the 9:00am Family Mass on Palm Sunday, April 14. Attendance at one rehearsal on Saturday, April 13 from 9:00am- 12:00pm is required/mandatory. Confirmation candidates earn 5 hours of community service credit. Please contact Maria Wardwell (781-237-2148 or maria.wardwell@stjohnwellesley.org) for information and registration.
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Posted in Children, Family Mass, Music, Religious Education Program, Youth Choir
Religious Education: Grades 7-8 Program Update
We have updated the St. John’s Grade 7 & 8 Religious Education program in an attempt to deliver lessons more effectively to middle school students. The program will include six (6) activity based on-site classes, which will take place on Sunday mornings, coupled with an on-line learning component. Please register your 7th and 8th graders as soon as possible so you will receive all of the information about these changes.
For further insight into these changes and details on the schedule and lessons we invite all 7th and 8th grade students and parents to an information session on Sunday, September 23rd at 10:00 am on the stage side of Powers Hall.
Religious Education registration for 2018-2019 commenced in early March and was extended to June 30. Wednesday registration is now closed and we will be unable to allow for additional registrations unless we get more volunteers to teach.
For Sunday registrations our online registration process can be accessed HERE. Any registrations received from this point forward will incur the $25 per child late fee. Our calendar and information for the 2018-2019 program will be available in the coming weeks.
PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHER: We once again find ourselves short of teachers for our Religious Education program. You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish. We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons. Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you. Please contact Linda Messore at linda.messore@stjohnwellesley.org to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities. Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.
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Posted in Religious Education Program
Important Information About Our New Collaborative Confirmation Program
We are excited to announce that this year we will be utilizing a common curriculum – Dynamic Catholic – for both the St. John and St. Paul Grade 9 & 10 Confirmation Preparation Programs. The program will consist of six Sunday evening classes, and will begin in September. There are many changes to the schedule and requirements so it is critical that families register as soon as possible so they will receive all of the pertinent information about our new program and schedule. You may register online HERE.
For your convenience, two meetings (attend one at either location) for St. John and St. Paul parents and students are scheduled for:
Thursday, September 6: 7:30pm – 8:15pm St. Paul’s Parish Hall
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30pm – 8:15pm St. John’s Powers Hall
Additional details about the meeting and program will be sent to all families registered for the Confirmation Preparation program. Again, it is critical that 9th and 10th grade students are registered as soon as possible. We look forward to sharing more details and information in the coming weeks!
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Posted in Important Announcements, Religious Education Program, SJSP Collaborative, SJSP Collaborative Programs and Events
Religious Education Teachers Needed!
PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHERWe once again find ourselves short teachers for our Religious Education program. You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish. We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons, which are currently closed unless we can find additional teachers (see below.) Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you. Please contact Linda Messore at linda.messore@stjohnwellesley.org to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities. Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.
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Posted in Religious Education Program