Category Archives: 2013 Lenten Gift

From the Service Commission: 2013 Lenten Gift Update and Thank You

Final1_CroppedThank you so much for your support of this year’s Parish Lenten Gift: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary Parish, Staten Island, NY.  The final collection totaled $26,672 and resulted from big and small donations from so many parishioners as well as various Religious Education classes. The check was personally delivered by a Service Commission member who met the parish staff of St. Margaret Mary, visited the church and toured the Midlands Beach area of Staten Island. The St. Margaret Mary Disaster Relief Fund has chosen to help the family of four featured in one of our Lenten bulletin messages (please see thank you note below). Thank you for being a true witness to Christ’s love by giving of yourself to people you don’t even know, because you have chosen to “love one another as I have loved you” John 13:34.

Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world.
St. Theresa of Avila

***A letter from Bob Dennis, St. Margaret Mary Parish Manager***

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith,

It is difficult to put into words the feelings we have that would adequately express our overwhelming sense of gratitude for the people of St John the Evangelist. Through the generosity of your parish you will make a substantial difference in the life of Carl (a NYC Policeman), his wife Marilyn, a daughter Alivia (who has Crohn’s Disease) and his son Carl Jr., parishioners of St. Margaret Mary. The 2 bedroom bungalow they shared was so damaged that everything, except a new bathroom they put in a year ago, has to be replaced – all interior walls, floors, ceilings furniture and personal belongings have been either lost or damaged. The piles of rubble outside his home remain as testament to the damage caused by Sandy.

Carl helped his neighbors and strangers to escape the quickly rising water, at the cost of his own personal property. Jim Miller from your parish was gracious enough to come to Staten Island and see Carl’s house and hear his story, again thank you for taking the time to do that. It was my great pleasure to show you around.

You will always be in our prayers,

Bob Dennis, Parish Manager

Parish Lenten Gift – Special Collection March 16-17

Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary’s Parish After Hurricane Sandy’s Destruction

Last Week_Graphic1Last Week_Graphic2 On the weekend of March 16-17, St. John’s community will collectively make an impact on the Midland Beach, Staten Island community, five months after Storm Sandy, they are still in the process of rebuilding their homes and normalizing their lives. This year, in solidarity with the staff and people of St. Margaret Mary Parish, we will collect funds to help rebuild homes of this community.  The parishioners suffered the full brunt of the storm as their homes were severely damaged by the storm surge and resulting flood due to their location on the island’s east coast. City officials estimate that 300 homes are still without power or heat, and another 200 homes are classified as uninhabitable because they were destroyed or rendered structurally unsound.

Our gift can allow a few families to stop living “on-hold” and make their houses into homes again.  A typical rebuilding effort to get a family back in their home with just the basics includes:

  • $3,500-$4,000 – Building Materials
  • $4,000 – Systems/Appliances
  • $2,000 – Furniture

Lent’s clarion call – to love extravagantly! As part of our Parish’s 2013 Lenten call Rebuild in Faith, let’s bring the warmth and love of our parish and homes to those attempting to Rebuild in Faith.  We ask that you be as generous as you can as we designate our second collection to this purpose.  (Checks may be made payable to “St. John Parish”; St. John’s will total all funds and send one check to St. Margaret Mary Parish.) You can also donate online via ParishPay – choose 2013 Lenten Gift under One-Time Donations. (Please Note: you do not need to have an account with ParishPay to donate online – anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card.)

A Midland Beach Christmas Concert of Hope and Inspiration

SlideshowA message and video from our friends at St. Margaret Mary Parish: On Saturday, December 8th, 2012 the parish of St. Margaret Mary and the neighborhood churches of Midland Beach sang together as one at a Christmas concert of hope and inspiration. The concert brought light and joy to the overflow crowd and Christmas spirits were brightened for our Sandy-ravaged community.  One highlight of the event was a slideshow presentation during the singing of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” highlighting the experiences, pain, suffering, volunteerism and resolute spirit of the people of Midland Beach. Click the play button below to view.



Our 2013 Lenten Gift: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary Parish, Staten Island

Rebuilding in Faith_Logo_LargeWeek 4: The Need  St. Margaret Mary Parish relief efforts are focused on helping families, like the Rodriguez family who were introduced in last week’s bulletin, to secure supplies to help rebuild “houses” and make them “homes.” Volunteers from both inside and the outside the parish community are volunteering their labor but the basic cost of materials and equipment still need to be covered. A typical rebuilding effort to get a family back in their home with just the basics includes:

$3,500-$4,000 for Materials
$4,000 for Systems/Appliances
$2,500 Furniture
Expenses are already tight for many Midland Beach residents like the Rodriguez family without factoring in a natural disaster. A few thousand dollars of assistance can close the gap between the cost to rebuild and any insurance and FEMA benefits. Our gift can allow this family of four to stop living “on-hold”, and make their house into a home. A home because with the basic appliances the family can now eat and sleep, laugh and cry, and pray and live together.

Our Outreach

During Lent we follow Catholic tradition by turning toward God through prayer, fasting and charity with the knowledge that God has chosen to enter the world today through us and others. In fact, God only asks us for only one thing and that is Love.  Let’s show our Love for Christ and compassion for the residents of Midland Beach and St. Margaret Mary Parish on Staten Island in both spiritual and concrete ways. First, these families need our prayers as they engage in the struggle to rebuild not just their homes but also their lives. Second, let’s donate to St. Margaret Mary Parish’s rebuilding fund which augments recipients’ available funds to reframe houses and rooms and help buy appliances such as stoves, ovens and refrigerators. In essence, our gift will enable these families to “help themselves” rebuild their homes and lives. Please consider a prayerful and generous donation to our 2013 Lenten Gift collection, next week Saturday, March 16th and Sunday, March 17th.

We are reminded in St. Theresa of Avila’s beautiful prayer which we also sing here at St. John’s, that we are Christ’s body:

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on Earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world.

Our 2013 Lenten Gift: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary Parish, Staten Island

Week 3: The Rebuilding Effort

As the storm devastation became clear, the reality that the families of Staten Island needed major support became obvious. St. Margaret Mary Parish stepped forward in service by distributing $500 gift cards to parishioners provided by the Archdiocese of New York, starting a relief fund and creating a food bank as residents looked to friends and relatives to provide shelter. Strong early donations of approximately $215,000 went quickly in the days immediately following the storm as families looked to get resettled.


Volunteers remove ruined furnishings and appliances from a home in Midland Beach.

The “rip out” stage of the rebuilding effort progressed swiftly in this community of teachers, fire fighters, police, many with the skills to make repairs.

Volunteer removing damaged walls, ceilings, floors, and insulation.

Volunteer laborers by the hundreds and donations of tools and supplies came from services organizations from all over the area. St. Margaret Mary provided organization and administrative support coordinating the donations and recycling the tools and supplies. Now, however, the costly rebuilding stage starts and the unsettling realization that insurance covers only a fraction of the basics.

One Family’s Struggle

Let’s look at this rebuilding phase through the experiences of the “Rodriguez” family (not the actual family’s name), a family of four, occupying two small homes on one lot of property. The property, located near Gateway National Park, has never had any problems with water and therefore no flood insurance was required or taken on the property. Originally the maternal grandmother lived in the smaller of the two homes until her death two years ago. The father is a New York City police officer, the mother is a homemaker and the two children include an 18 year old daughter with Crohn’s Disease and a 15 year old son. The night Sandy struck, Mr. Rodriguez was on duty but left his car for the family in case they needed to evacuate; however, the storm came so quickly they were unable to get out. Their car was totaled as the sea engulfed everything. Mom, son and daughter took refuge in the attic for safety.

Mud and waste left the house with  extensive damage.

Mud and waste left extensive damage.

When the water receded they were able to come down to find everything covered in mud and sand, with all personal items drenched in a mix of sewer and sea water. Their car sat upside down having been swept by the storm surge.

Interior Damage6

The home after the damaged floors and walls were removed.

Upon inspection, Mr. Rodriguez realized his house had shifted by the force of the water, causing a crack in the ceiling and in one of the walls. The damage to the small homes was extensive. Repairs just to regain occupancy included a new floor, new wallboard and insulation, new doors, as well as systems and appliances. FEMA has given the family $6,500 “for construction costs.” No other assistance is available as their homeowner’s insurance covers nothing as the damage is considered flood damage.

The Rodriquez story is not uncommon as hundreds of families in Midland Beach are left with limited and inadequate insurance and disaster relief.

Our 2013 Lenten Gift: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary Parish, Staten Island

Week 2: The Devastation

This week our Lenten Gift story continues as we introduce the devastating Hurricane Sandy and its impact on residents of Staten Island, particularly those in the St. Margaret Mary Parish located in the Midland Beach area.
Superstorm Sandy – A Hurricane Turned Cyclone Causing Major Devastation
Sandy Track MapThe storm originated in the Caribbean and for ten days gradually made its way through Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahamas before turning northward up the eastern U.S. seaboard.  The storm grew to about 1,000 miles in diameter (twice the size of Hurricane Katrina) and earned the nickname of “Frankenstorm.”
Map of Staten IslandOn October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit Staten Island, located at the mouth of New York harbor, with a combination of strength (winds of 80 mph), astrological high tides and an angle of approach that produced a record storm surge of 16 feet.
Midland Beach RescueThe storm surge wiped out homes on the water and flooded neighborhoods up to one mile inland with 8 feet of water.  Trees and power lines were down and people were stranded in their homes until emergency personnel could rescue them in boats.
Midland Beach Aerial1The storm resulted in over 100 deaths, $60 billion in damage, and over 100,000 people being displaced from their homes.  New York City officials estimate that nearly 6,000 buildings sustained damage on Staten Island causing occupants to seek temporary lodging elsewhere.  People are still recovering from the loss of property and home as they struggle to take care of their most basic needs and attempt to re-build for a future.

 St. Margaret Mary Parish

Midland Beach HousesThe Parish is located in the Midland Beach section on the east coast of Staten Island, originally a beach community with many one-story bungalow style homes.  The parishioners suffered the full brunt of the storm as their homes were severely damaged by the storm surge and resulting flood due to their location on the island’s east coast, the storm’s thirteen inches of rain and the housing stock’s small size and low rise design.  Hundreds of families are still struggling to put their lives back together with city officials estimating 300 homes are still without power or heat and another 200 homes classified as uninhabitable because they were destroyed or rendered structurally unsound.  While all of this occurred over three months ago, hundreds of families continue to struggle to rebuild their shattered lives.  They live in temporary housing, their children are bused to schools far away, and they have lost many of their prized possessions.  The parish has established a relief fund which has been very successful but the proceeds go out as fast as they are raised due to the community’s great need. Our St. John’s 2013 Lenten Gift will go to this fund.

Next Week: We introduce one of the impacted St. Margaret Mary parish families and their struggle to Rebuild in Faith.

Introducing St. John’s 2013 Lenten Gift

Marines_Midland BeachSt John’s Parish will again show its solidarity with those in need by collecting funds for a Lenten Gift. This year’s gift will be: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary’s Parish, Staten Island, NY after Hurricane Sandy’s Devastation. Throughout Lent, the plight of this coastal parish community serving the Midland Beach area and its “grass roots” effort to rebuild peoples’ homes and lives will be shared with you in our weekly parish bulletins and on the parish website.

For many years, in preparing for Lent, St. John’s Parish has made the decision to reach out to one particular suffering amid so many in the world. We establish this connection during Lent: a season of prayer and giving, when our parish has a rich history of sacrificial giving. Recent examples include: refugee and famine support in East Africa, text books and teacher stipends for an impoverished school in Haiti, a computer lab for an inner-city school in Lowell, medical supplies for a hospital during the earthquake rescue in Haiti, support for a solar energy project in the Congo for the missions of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Our Lenten gift strengthens each of us individually and the parish as a community of faith, as we give witness to Christ’s call to “Love One Another. As I have loved you” (John 13:34).

This year, in solidarity with the staff and people of St. Margaret Mary’s Parish and the surrounding community, which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy, we will collect funds to help rebuild homes and the lives of those who have lost them. Lent’s clarion call to love extravagantly is what Lent is all about. How blessed we are to be able to bring the warmth and love of our parish and homes to those attempting to Rebuild in Faith.

Next Week: The storm’s impact and efforts underway