Category Archives: Special Events

Parish Family Picnic Brunch – Sunday, September 23

Mark your calendars – Welcome Weekend will be September 22-23, 2012!  Please join us on Sunday, September 23rd for the St. John Parish Family Picnic Brunch after our Sunday morning Masses.  We will have pancakes along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Attention 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation Candidates!

This year we are offering Confirmation students an opportunity to fulfill community service hours at our upcoming Parish Family Picnic Brunch on Sunday, September 23.  Parents, please encourage your child’s participation in this fun Parish event – we truly need their help!  The event takes place in the morning with time slots available from 8:00am – 2:00pm.  Volunteer with a friend – you can choose one slot or as many as you like.  It’s a great way to serve our parish community, have fun working with friends, and log some community service hours all at the same time!  Just go to Parish Family Picnic Signup and select the shift(s) you wish to serve.  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Calcio.  Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and service to the parish.
All students in the Parish’s Confirmation program must complete 25 hours of community service prior to reception of the Sacrament at the end of grade 10. We strongly encourage students to begin accruing these hours in grade 9.

An Invitation from St. Katharine Drexel Parish – Join Us for Liturgy and Fellowship on Sunday, April 29

Dear St. John Parishioners:  Over the years you have been very generous in your response to the needs of our Parish, especially every month with stocking our Food Pantry and for extraordinary gifts at Christmas time.  On Sunday, April 29th we would like to say “thank you” to you and many others who have been so generous to the Parish.   Please join us on Sunday, April 29 for liturgy at 11:30am in the Church at 517 Blue Hill Avenue followed by fellowship and brunch downstairs in the Hall.   I hope that many parishioners are able to be with us on the 29th.  Sincerely,  Gerald J. Osterman

If you plan on attending, please RSVP the Business Office at (781) 235-0045 or by noontime April 25th.

2012 Holy Week

Holy Thursday, April 5 
7:30pm The Lord’s Supper
 (Adoration until 10pm) 
Good Friday, April 6 
12pm Walk with the Cross 
3pm Stations of the Cross
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday, April 7 
10am-12pm Confessions
7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, April 8 
7:30am Mass
9am Family Mass
11am Mass (Upper and Lower)

March 20, 2012: Important Pastoral Planning Meetings and Online Survey – Your Input is Needed

Saturday 3/24 & Sunday 3/25 after every Mass
Monday 3/26 at 7:30pm

Now is your opportunity to provide much-needed input regarding the proposed Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan for our parishes, which focuses on “Strengthening our Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith”. The proposal creates a new structure called a Pastoral Service Team (PST) comprised of both laity and clergy who will provide pastoral services to multiple parishes, which partner with one another to exercise the mission of evangelization. This plan hopes to provide pastoral services to parishes without altering the parishes themselves. It is hoped that PST’s will enable each parish to determine how best to use their resources through a culture of partnering and collaboration. Each grouping will be known as a Pastoral Collaborative.  We have been paired with St. Paul’s Parish, based on four general principles and specific criteria (please click here for more information.)

Members of the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Pastoral Planning Group will be available after every Mass on March 24 and 25, as well as on Monday, March 26 at 7:30pm, in the Social Hall (downstairs in the Church) to give everyone an opportunity to review the proposed draft, to ask questions, and to offer comments. All parishioners are encouraged to make time to participate in one of these six meetings. To help you prepare, and to maximize our time together, we have a prepared a brief survey with important questions for your consideration and input.

You can view these important questions and complete the survey online using this link: Pastoral Planning Survey

A summary of your input will be given to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission (APPC) by May 1, 2012. After all the parishes in the archdiocese have responded, the APPC will prepare a final recommendation for the Cardinal.

For more detailed information on the proposed Pastoral Collaborative and Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning, please visit our parish website as well as the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning website.

St. Patrick’s Day, Saturday March 17 – 5pm Mass

On Saturday, March 17th, members of St. John’s  music (the various music groups) will be present  to assist with the music at the 5pm Mass.  There will be traditional Irish hymns, one hymn “related” to Ireland and the singing of An Irish Blessing.  (Rehearsal for this Mass is at 3:45pm on Saturday prior to the Mass.)

Adult Faith Formation Update March 11 – Events This Week

AFFC LogoVatican II: The Fiftieth Anniversary – What Difference Has It Made?  Lenten Lectures with Father Bryan Hehir  Monday, March 12 and Monday, March 19 – 7:30 pm

St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent  Discussions led by Stephen Brown, B.C. Professor of Theology  Tuesday March 13 and Tuesday March 27, 7:30am Social Hall

Book Discussion Group – Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas  March 15, 7:30pm Parish Center

“Catholicism: A Documentary Video”


Vatican II: The Fiftieth Anniversary – What Difference Has It Made?  Lenten Lectures With Father Bryan Hehir
Monday, March 12 and Monday, March 19
7:30 pm St. John Church

It is for more than nostalgia that we commemorate Vatican II.  Understanding what happened in Rome a half century ago can give us a good perspective on the challenges facing the Church today and the critical decisions that lie ahead.  Fr. Hehir’s lectures will help us understand better the implications of this historic event. Please bring your friends!

St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent
Discussions led by Stephen Brown, B.C. Professor of Theology
Tuesday March 13 and Tuesday March 27, 7:30am Social Hall

St. Augustine lived from 354 to 430. He was a bishop, a very major figure in the affairs of the church and one of the most influential thinkers and writers in the history of western civilization. He is someone we should all know better! Reservations are not necessary, but if you are planning to participate it would be helpful to drop us an email note at

Book Discussion Group – Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas
March 15, 7:30pm Parish Center

In 1944, Rev. Bonhoeffer wrote from his prison cell in Germany, just before his execution: I’m still discovering, right up to this moment, that it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith. I mean living unreservedly in life’s duties, problems, successes and failures, experiences and perplexities. In so doing, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God. Join us for the discussion of this courageous man (even if you have not read the book!)

“Catholicism: A Documentary Video”

This production has been described by noted columnist George Weigel as “the most important media project in the history of the Catholic Church in America.” Father Robert Barron narrates ten episodes focusing on the whole range of Catholic beliefs, traditions and culture. Marie and Stephen Brown have generously offered to host in their home theater gatherings of twelve or so members of St. John’s parish to view individual segments and participate in a discussion. For information and reservations contact Marie Brown at


Lenten Lectures With Father Bryan Hehir

Vatican II: The Fiftieth Anniversary
What Difference Has It Made?
Monday, March 19 at 7:30pm in the Church

It is for more than nostalgia that we commemorate Vatican II. Understanding what happened in Rome a half century ago can give us a good perspective on the challenges facing the Church today and the critical decisions that lie ahead. Father Hehir’s lectures will help us understand better the implications of this historic event. All Welcome!

Saint John School
“March Madness” Auction
March 30, 2012

Let’s Make This A Slam Dunk For Our School! Our auction will be held on Friday March 30th at the Wellesley Country Club.  All alumni parents and parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Sponsorship opportunities are available. There will be silent and live auctions, hors d’oeuvres, buffet dinner, and much more! Please contact for more information. Thank you for your support.

Holy Hour for Life – Sunday January 22 at 3pm

Please join us as St. John Parish joins with nearly 200 other parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston for a Holy Hour for Life to be held next Sunday, January 22 at 3pm in our Chapel on the vigil of the National Day of Prayer and Penance. The bishops of the United States have established January 22 as a particular day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life.