Monthly Archives: November 2013

Collaborative FAQ 18: Will There Be Training?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 18: Once our Collaborative with St. Paul’s begins, will there be any training or guidance for the Pastors and other individuals on how to keep things running smoothly as a new Collaborative? 

Yes. After a Collaborative Pastor is appointed, his training begins right away. Collaboratives will typically start in June of each year, and training will begin that fall for the combined Pastoral Council, the two Finance Councils, and the two School Boards. Early in the following year (January or February), the Pastoral Teams will begin their training, which will be focused on the New Evangelization, Catholic Leadership, and the mechanics of Collaboration.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to: 

For more information and to the view this entire series of “Frequently Asked Questions” please visit the St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News page on our website.

Gift Cards and Advent Wreaths from Trees & Trimmings!

Trees & Trimmings 2013GIFT CARDS: Giving gift cards for Christmas? Buy them via Saint John and support Saint John School at the same time! Available before and after masses this weekend.

ADVENT WREATHS: Our fresh and beautiful Advent Wreaths will be available for purchase next weekend, December 1st (first Sunday of Advent), after the 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses, as well as the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, November 30th.  No preorder necessary!

SANTA’S BAKESHOP: Trees & Trimmings loves and needs donations of homemade baked goods for Santa’s Bakeshop — bake your favorite treat or classic family recipe! Look for the Bakeshop Flier in today’s bulletin for delicious baking ideas and suggestions. Please drop off all baked goods at Philbin Hall on Friday, December 6th.  If any questions, contact Amy Kane at or Mariela Baker  Thank you!

RAFFLE: “–In the Garden” a signed, framed print by former Saint John parishioner E. Joseph Fontaine, will be our showcase raffle item this year. Tickets will be available after select Masses later this month and at T&T on Saturday December 7 until 4:00 p.m. Please contact Christina McCormick at with any questions.

Questions about Trees & Trimmings or for volunteer opportunities, please contact Marie Carroll at or Kati Bannish at

November 24: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC LogoAFFC BLOG: For the month of November, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing SAINTS. Please visit our blog, Faith Matters, to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information. “Like” us on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

EVENING FOR WOMEN: This year’s theme, Becoming a Space for God… A Journey Into the Heart of Life invites us to travel down new avenues of seeing and hearing to experience the grace in everyday life. Through reflection, prayer, sharing, with a fabulous potluck, we’ll travel this road together every first Tuesday evening. Our next gathering is December 3, 6:30pm. Starts in the Social Hall. Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND All Welcome! (Bring a favorite Fall recipe!)

November 24: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, November 24
Grade 3 Mass 9AM
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grade 3 Parent Visit
Grades 9, 10 High School Retreat 1:00 – 6:00 PM, Church Social Hall

Next Week:  No classes. We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

This Weekend November 23-24: Special Collection for Retired Sisters

Retired Sisters CollectionThis weekend, November 23–24, the Archdiocese of Boston will take up the Collection for Retired Sisters. This collection provides needed financial support for Sisters, now retired, who have served the Archdiocese in countless ways through the ministries of education, health care, and social service. Please give generously in recognition of the Sisters’ many years of dedicated service. Your contribution does make a difference. Most senior sisters worked for years for small stipends, leaving a substantial gap in retirement savings. The funds raised through this collection help meet day-to-day needs for retired Sisters, such as prescription medications, nursing assistance, health care, and more. Through their prayer and ministries, Sisters can be found wherever Jesus is found—not only in parishes, schools, and hospitals, but also in their service to the poor, the lonely, and the oppressed. We are all beneficiaries of the devotion of the Sisters to the life of the Church.

To learn more about the ways you can help support our Sisters, please contact Sr. Marian Batho, CSJ, at 617-746-5637 or email

FAITH MATTERS: The Canonization of Saints

Saints_CanonizationWhat does the Catholic Church mean by “Saint”? The Catholic Church calls some people “saint” in an official way because they offer exemplary model to the rest of us as to how to be open to God; how to say “yes to God. At first saints were proclaimed by popular acclamation. When a holy person died, the people of the local area would begin calling him or her a saint and, over time, these saints were understood to be particularly good witnesses to living the Christian life. Continue reading

Collaborative FAQ 17: What’s the “Blueprint”?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 17: Once our Collaborative is formed with St. Paul’s, is there a “blueprint” of how we’re supposed to operate?

Yes. After our Collaborative is formed and is up and running, the Pastor will appoint a team to write the Local Pastoral Plan for our Collaborative. The Plan will contain the details of how St. John’s and St. Paul’s will engage in the work of the New Evangelization (reaching out to Catholics who are not currently active in the Church and welcoming them back to the active practice of the faith). Our Local Pastoral Plan will contain the details of how we will run our programs, how we will promote vocations, and how we will engage in radical hospitality. The Local Pastoral Plan will also contain specific goals and how we will measure movement toward these goals. The Local Pastoral Plan will be different for each Collaborative and will be approved by the Archbishop.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to: 

For more information and to the view this entire series of “Frequently Asked Questions” please visit the St. John – St. Paul Collaborative News page on our website.


This Weekend: Special Collection for Super Typhoon Haiyan Recovery

Typhoon_HaiyanCardinal Sean has authorized a special collection to be taken this weekend, November 16-17, in all parishes of the Archdiocese in support of the relief efforts in those areas of the Philippines and Vietnam that have been devastated by the recent Super Typhoon Haiyan. All monies collected will be distributed from the Archdiocese to Catholic Relief Services. This special collection will assist persons directly impacted by this storm as well as the rebuilding of the Church in the affected areas, so that the Church may be restored in her ability to serve the people.
At Masses this Weekend: Please give generously to our Special Second Collection at all masses this weekend. (Checks should be made out to “St. John the Evangelist Parish” with “Super Typhoon Haiyan Recovery 2013” in the memo.)
To Donate Online via ParishPay: Click this link and choose “Typhoon Haiyan Recovery” under One-Time Donations. (Please Note: You do not need to be a regular ParishSoft user to make a one-time donation – anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card.)


A Special Mass for Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan
Saturday, November 16, 6:30pm at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross

The Filipino Apostolate of Boston, in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Boston and the different local Filipino organizations and communities of Boston and nearby areas, has scheduled a special Mass to offer prayers for the repose souls of those who perished in the storm and for the strength to bring the needed healing to the injured. During the Mass, a collection will be taken to assist our Filipino brothers and sisters affected in recovering from this natural disaster. All are welcome to attend. (Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111)
Statement from Rev. Cyriac C. Mattathilanickal, MS, Chaplain, Filipino Apostolate of Boston:
“I am calling on all Filipinos to join His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’ Malley and the Archdiocese of Boston to unite, pray, and help our brothers and sisters in the Philippines… Let us stand in solidarity with these brethren and pray for God’s healings in the midst of all grief and loss. We will emerge stronger than the typhoon for our faith is greater. May San Lorenzo Ruiz and Pedro Calungsod, the patron saints of the Philippines, intercede for us. May the Blessed Mother, Mama Mary, draw us closer amidst our loss and grief.”

Residents walk on a road littered with debris after Super Typhoon Haiyan battered Tacloban city in central Philippines

Christmas Wish – It’s Not Too Late!

Christmas Wish and TreePlease consider participating in this year’s Christmas Wish Program. Your involvement means a great deal to over 400 children who depend on our community’s generosity and kindness to help them receive needed clothing and a special Christmas Wish gift. We invite you to participate by:

* Sponsoring a family or child (fulfilling their desired clothing and gift requests) * Donating to the program * Helping us shop for children who have not been matched with sponsors * Helping with gift preparation

Please visit our Christmas Wish page today for more information and to sign up to help and/or make a donation online. Paper forms and contributions should be returned to the Rectory Office as soon as possible, but please know that it is never to late to get involved! Thank you in advance for your kindness!

We also invite you to complete an applicant form, if you find that your family needs assistance this holiday season. Please call the Rectory with any questions 781-235-0045.

For more information: Please contact us:
Liz Corcoran ( or Sarah Connolly at the Rectory (

November 17: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, November 17
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Grade 9 Class 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Grade 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Class 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Wednesday, November 20
Grades 1- 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45 PM
Grade 3 Parent Visit
Next Week: Sunday, November 24
Grade 3 Mass 9AM
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grade 3 Parent Visit
Grades 9, 10 High School Retreat 1:00 – 6:00 PM, Church Social Hall

Faith in Action
Many, many thanks to the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students who so generously donated warm hats for the men at the St. Francis House day shelter in Boston. We collected well over 100 hats. During the Friends for Good segment of the evening, students wrote personal notes wishing the men good health in the coming cold months and attached them to the hats.