Important Message from Bishop Nestor

St. John’s was so happy to hear from Bishop Nestor, a message delayed due to danger and turbulence. Bishop Nestor shares what our extraordinary 2014 Lenten Gift of last year is making possible… certainly some NEW HOPE!


B.P. 1728 BANGUI
République Centrafricaine

24th, February 2015

The crisis the rebels from the Seleka coalition started in December 2012 has plunged the whole Central African Republic in a complete state of chaos. That military crisis often presented, for some unknown reasons, as religious crisis opposing Christians and Muslims, has damaging consequences on the whole country and its population. The toll of destructions is horrendous: perpetration of criminal acts and violation of basic human rights. The Catholic Church has greatly suffered from this crisis: profanation of our churches, destruction of many parish houses and convents, acts of vandalism against most of our religious infrastructures (healthcare and education centres, development structures…).

The diocese of Bossangoa whose pastoral charge has been entrusted to my care has not been spared. In fact it has greatly suffered. Through the concern shown by Fr. Thomas Powers and the generosity of the parishioners from Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Wellesley, the proceeds from your Lenten project have been gladly allotted to the rehabilitation of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Batangafo. That town is located in the North-Eastern part of my diocese.

Following my kidnapping in that same town as I was taking back the pastor and his assistant on 16th April, 2014 and due to greater insecurity in the area, the project could not take place at the Immaculate Conception Parish in Batangafo. I transferred it to Bossangoa mostly to the parishes of Our Lady of Ouham and Saint Charles Lwanga. Bad roads and scarcity in the building materials have caused some delay in its implementation. I am grateful for your thirty five thousand ($35.000) US dollar donation which enables me to rehabilitate those two parishes.

Bischof-Nestor-Désiré-Nongo-Aziagbia-von-BossangoaOn the behalf of the beneficiaries, I wish to record my gratitude to you for your kindness and your generosity.

Most Rev Dr Nestor Désiré NONGO AZIAGBIA SMA
Bishop of Bossangoa, Central African Repubic

Parish House

Parish House








Carpenters at work

Carpenters at work








Parish House apartment

Parish House apartment

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