Share Your Acts of Mercy

Acts_of_MercyPope Francis’ Year of Mercy calls us to know mercy and show mercy in a very intentional way. We are always doing acts of kindness and we’d like to raise awareness of this gift of mercy by having a Mercy Basket! We will have a table set-up with paper hearts and pens in the front foyer of the Church (or you can print your own at home using the “Printable Hearts” link to the right!) During the week adults and children can write down their acts of mercy on a heart and then on each weekend, place it in the basket that will be next to the offertory table at the back of the Church.

During Mass each week throughout Lent, we will carry the Mercy Basket up to the altar with the bread and wine presenting them as gifts of ourselves. So take time throughout this week to be mindful of ways you show mercy to others . . . through forgiveness or through acts of kindness to others in need.

The Adult Faith Formation and Service Commissions of St. John Parish facilitate our journey into the Heart of Mercy.

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