April 6-7: Our 2019 Collaborative Lenten Gift Collection

As you know, each year in Lent we reach out as a community to one particular place of suffering, amid so many in the world, through our Collaborative Lenten Gift. This Lent, we open our eyes and hearts to the plight of those who are suffering right here in our own community – and who are so often unseen amid the abundance that surrounds us. With our Collaborative Lenten Gift, we reach out to help through our newly formed St. John-St. Paul Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

The Society is best described by their mission statement: A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with, and service to, people in need.

The Society offers tangible assistance on a person-to-person basis through local Conferences. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society so unique. The St. John-St. Paul Conference, which was established last year by members of both parishes, has already begun this work, with outreach and home visits to individuals and families in need in our community. Our Collaborative Lenten Gift will give the Conference a sound financial base from which to provide much-needed assistance.

A Special Second Collection will be taken up at all Masses in both parishes this weekend, April 6-7, for the St. John-St. Paul Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Checks should be made payable to your parish, noting “Lenten Gift 2019” in the memo. Donations may also be made online by clicking here, or mailed to or dropped at the parish offices. We will total the gifts received from all sources and present one check to the Conference.

The three Lenten disciplines recommended by the Church are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This is our opportunity as a Collaborative to show Christ-like love for our neighbors in distress, and for each of us to answer Lent’s clarion call to love extravagantly. On behalf of the Collaborative Service Commission, we ask that you be as generous as your means will allow. Thank you.

Easter Flowers and Music

easter flowersWould you like to make a donation towards our Easter flowers or Easter music in memory of a loved one during this holy season? If so, you may make a donation using an offertory envelope, the collection basket, online via WeShare, or by dropping your donation off at the Parish Office or in the mail. Please make sure to include the name(s) of those you want remembered in this special way. The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 8. Thank you!

The Wellesley Townsman: “Wellesley parishes form new group to help needy neighbors”

When a fledgling nonprofit comes knocking at your door or email account, it is often looking for a check to fund staff or office space. But a new volunteer group in town is searching for something more: neighbors in need…

Please visit The Wellesley Townsman to read more…

St. Patrick’s Day Thanks!

A grand time was had by all at the annual St. Patrick’s Dinner last Saturday. The throngs were sated by a traditional Irish boiled dinner, salmon, and loads of soda bread, as well as spread of scrumptious homemade desserts and Guinness. Al MacKay’s jigs and reels wafted over the crowd, and the lovely lasses of our own Goulding School of Irish Dance, based at St John’s, stole our hearts with the culture and rhythmic step of Ireland.

Many thanks to the St. Paul Social Committee and the many volunteers who helped make the night a success. We hope to see you all next year!

Saturday, March 30: Ministry to the Homebound – A Two-Hour Mini Retreat at St. John

In Luke’s Gospel Jesus sends seventy-two out in pairs to do the work of His mission. Jesus sent these lay ministers out with His authority, with a mission to care for His people, especially the sick. Nothing has changed since that time. Jesus is still very much with us, and seeks to send us out with a commission to spread His love to those who need it. Ministry to the sick and homebound is a unique, intimate and beautiful one.

Sr. Evelyn Ronan will join us for a spiritual journey through this ministry, followed by an informal discussion over breakfast. If you feel called to visitation of the sick and homebound please join us for an enriching morning.

Saturday, March 30 at 8:00am in St. John Chapel

Begins Monday, March 18: “Women Deacons: Past, Present and Future” at St. John

All parishioners in the collaborative are invited to study the work of Dr. Phyllis Zagano, PhD. In her recent book, Women Deacons: Past, Present and Future, Dr. Zagano explores the tremendous growth of the permanent diaconate, and the lingering questions about women deacons. She highlights the evident need for more women in ministry and its subsequent need for careful evaluation of historical roots, contemporary ecclesiastical realities and creative future possibilities for women in the diaconate. In August 2012, Phyllis was appointed by Pope Francis to the Papal Commission for the Study of Women in the Diaconate, which convened in Rome in 2016.

The 4-session study guide for this exploration was written by Sister Donna L. Ciangio, a Dominican Sister of Caldwell and the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark.

Mondays: March 18, March 25, April 1, April 8
7:00pm at St. John in Powers Hall

Our 2019 Collaborative Lenten Gift

Each year, through our Collaborative Lenten Gift, we reach out as a community to one particular place of suffering, amid so many in the world. Over the years, our reach has extended around the globe, as far as the Central African Republic and as close as the streets of Boston. This year, we will open our eyes and hearts to the plight of those who are suffering right here in our own community – and who are so often unseen in the midst of the abundance that surrounds us – and reach out to help through our newly formed St. John –  St. Paul Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Throughout Lent, here and in the bulletin, we will share this story with you – the story of the need, and the story of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – as we prepare for our collaborative-wide Special Collection on April 6-7. Throughout Lent, here and in the bulletin, we will share this story with you – the story of the need, and the story of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – as we prepare for our collaborative-wide Special Collection on April 6-7.  Please visit our 2019 Collaborative Lenten Gift page  for weekly updates.

Our gift will allow each of us to share in easing the suffering and to answer Lent’s clarion call to love extravagantly.


Reconciliation Service for High School Students – Sunday, March 17 at 4:00pm

We are offering a Reconciliation Service for all high school students on Sunday, March 17 at 4:00pm before the Sunday 5pm Youth Mass in the Chapel at St. John’s. There will be a short reflection and preparation time, followed by the opportunity to receive the sacrament of confession. Those receiving Confirmation this spring are especially encouraged to attend!

Lenten Letter from Cardinal Seán

This week, Cardinal Seán released a Lenten Letter to the Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Boston. The letter offers a reflection on the just completed Rome Summit to Protect Children and Minors, and includes an action the Archdiocese is implementing regarding reporting misconduct related to bishops.

Please click this link to read the Cardinal’s letter: Lenten Letter from Cardinal Seán

Ash Wednesday, March 6

Lenten CrossPlease see “Upcoming Events” for the complete Ash Wednesday schedule for the Collaborative. 
The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has a rich, full schedule of Lenten liturgies, programs and events – click here for more information: Lent 2019  Please join us on this Lenten journey!