Volunteers Needed – Help Decorate the Church for Easter on Saturday, March 30

easter-flowers-crossWe are looking for volunteers to help decorate the Church for Easter. If you are willing and available on the morning of Saturday, March 30, please contact the Rectory at (781) 235-0045 or st-johns@comcast.net.

A Special Invitation – Holy Thursday, March 28 at 7:30pm

footwashingAs you know, a part of this celebration is a sacred ritual, cherished for generations, a dramatization of Eucharistic love – Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Each year this serving love of Jesus is re-enacted to enable each of us to enter into it more deeply. If you would like to participate, there is a sign-up sheet in our Church ‘gathering space’.  We encourage you to consider sharing in this graced experience.  For those who volunteer, further details will be sent to you before March 28.  For more information, please call (781-235-0045) or email the Parish Office.  Thank you.

Schedule for Holy Week, The Sacred Triduum, and Easter Sunday

6:30pm The Light is On For You 
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Chapel)
7:30pm The Lord’s Supper Followed by Adoration until 10pm
12:00pm Walk with the Cross
Led by Religious Education Cluster Families – everyone welcome! (Church) 
3:00pm Stations of the Cross (Church)
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion
10am-12pm Confessions (Chapel)
7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil
7:30am Mass
9:00am Family Mass
11:00am Mass (Upper and Lower)

PLEASE NOTE: There is no 5:00pm Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday and no 5:00pm Mass on Easter Sunday.

March 24: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC LogoSunday, April 7:Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Centre at 7:30pm  Alice Rothchild, MD, co-chair American Jews for a Just Peace. Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Parish Justice and Peace Committee.
Wednesday, April 10:  Faith Maps Series St. John Social Hall at 7:00pm Shawn Copeland, Professor of Theology at BC and former President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, will speak in the Parish Social Hall on the German thinker Dorothy Soelle, whose Faith Map is described by Michael Paul Gallagher as providing a needed “…dimension of justice… and… theology of mystical resistance” to his book. Her talk will reference Soelle’s fellow German Johan Baptist Metz, whom Gallagher refers to as a member of Soelle’s “extended counter cultural family.”

For more information, please email us at AFFC@stjohnwellesley.org

March 24: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-ContemporaryThis Week: Sunday, March 24
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grade 7 & 8 Class 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Grade 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Grade 9 & 10 Class 7:00 – 8:00
Next Week: Sunday, March 31 – Happy Easter!

Every 9th and 10th grade student attending the full Friends for Good session will be credited with one-half hour of community service which may be applied to
the twenty-five hours required for Confirmation. Students will sign-in upon arrival.

Lenten Lecture with Fr. Bryan Hehir – Monday, March 25 at 7:30pm in the Church

Fr. Bryan HehirPlease join us on Monday, March 25 at 7:30pm in the Church for a  Lenten Lecture with Fr. Bryan Hehir:
Church and State: Here and Abroad
(Note Change of Date)

March 17: News from the AFFC

AFFC LogoMonday, March 18 – Lecture: The Challenge of Catholic Teaching on War and Peace in the Present Moment
Episcopal Visitor Lecture, Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy
Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, BC 4:30pm
Is war ever justified? What are its limits in an age of weapons of mass destruction? When is a nation obliged to end a war? In an America which is
embroiled in the longest war in its history, Bishop McElroy proposes that the Catholic tradition provides rich wisdom and challenges those who seek to
forge a pathway of justice in an age of terror.  FREE of charge – please register by emailing church21@bc.edu

Wednesday, March 20 – Book Launch: Encountering Jesus in the Scripture Presenters: Fr. Daniel Harrington, SJ & Christopher R. Matthews, Professors, STM
Theology and Ministry Library, BC, 5:30pm

Sunday, April 7 – Understanding the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Alice Rothchild, MD, co-chair American Jews for a Just
Peace; Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Parish Justice and Peace Committee
Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Centre 7:30pm

Pope Francis Installation Mass on Tuesday, March 19 – The Feast of St. Joseph

Francis IPope Francis will be officially  installed on Tuesday, March 19. CatholicTV Network will carry this event live at 4:30am ET, and will  rebroadcast it at 11am and 8pm.
The CatholicTV Network is available on Comcast Channel 268 throughout the Archdiocese of Boston and New England (in Plymouth and Amesbury, MA on Ch. 183), on Verizon FiOS Ch. 296, Charter Communications Ch. 101, RCN Ch. 85, on various other providers and on Roku and Google TV. Online coverage and a live stream may also be viewed at any time from any computer or device at www.CatholicTV.com.

CatholicTV to Broadcast First Mass and Installation of Pope Francis

Pope Francis First MassToday’s first Mass with Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals at the Sistine Chapel will be rebroadcast tonight at 8PM on the CatholicTV Network.  Commentary by President of the CatholicTV Network, Father Robert Reed, and Monsignor James Moroney will be provided.  Pope Francis will be installed officially on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. The CatholicTV Network will broadcast this event live at 4:30AM ET with rebroadcast during the day.

The CatholicTV Network is available on Comcast Channel 268 throughout the Archdiocese of Boston and New England (in Plymouth and Amesbury, MA on Ch. 183), on Verizon FiOS Ch. 296, Charter Communications Ch. 101, RCN Ch. 85, on various other providers and on Roku and Google TV. Online coverage and a live stream may also be viewed at any time from any computer or device at www.CatholicTV.com.

Parish Lenten Gift – Special Collection March 16-17

Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary’s Parish After Hurricane Sandy’s Destruction

Last Week_Graphic1Last Week_Graphic2 On the weekend of March 16-17, St. John’s community will collectively make an impact on the Midland Beach, Staten Island community, five months after Storm Sandy, they are still in the process of rebuilding their homes and normalizing their lives. This year, in solidarity with the staff and people of St. Margaret Mary Parish, we will collect funds to help rebuild homes of this community.  The parishioners suffered the full brunt of the storm as their homes were severely damaged by the storm surge and resulting flood due to their location on the island’s east coast. City officials estimate that 300 homes are still without power or heat, and another 200 homes are classified as uninhabitable because they were destroyed or rendered structurally unsound.

Our gift can allow a few families to stop living “on-hold” and make their houses into homes again.  A typical rebuilding effort to get a family back in their home with just the basics includes:

  • $3,500-$4,000 – Building Materials
  • $4,000 – Systems/Appliances
  • $2,000 – Furniture

Lent’s clarion call – to love extravagantly! As part of our Parish’s 2013 Lenten call Rebuild in Faith, let’s bring the warmth and love of our parish and homes to those attempting to Rebuild in Faith.  We ask that you be as generous as you can as we designate our second collection to this purpose.  (Checks may be made payable to “St. John Parish”; St. John’s will total all funds and send one check to St. Margaret Mary Parish.) You can also donate online via ParishPay – choose 2013 Lenten Gift under One-Time Donations. (Please Note: you do not need to have an account with ParishPay to donate online – anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card.)