December 9, 2012: A Message from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

AFFC LogoThe Adult Faith Formation Commission would like to expand its membership and we invite you to consider becoming part of this very important parish activity. The commission is responsible for planning and coordinating all efforts relating to religious education for adults. Our goal is to help members of the parish to expand and enhance their understanding and appreciation of the message of the gospels, to see faith formation as part of being a responsible Catholic.  The commission has been meeting monthly, except for the summer months, since its creation. Much of the work, however, can be done by individuals and sub-committees and coordinated informally by email and telephone. We would be more than happy to talk to potential commission members – in person, by phone or by email.  Please drop us a note at

Saint John’s Music Annual Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 9 at 2pm

Please join us on Sunday, December 9 at 2pm in the Church for traditional and contemporary Christmas music performed by St. John’s adult and youth choirs, instruments, soloists – and our audience! Featuring the “Puppet Nativity” from the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, sharing a wonderful telling of the Christmas story.  Admission is free.  St. John’s is located at the corner of Washington St. and Glen Rd. Parking is available in the school lot on Ledyard Street and the Church is wheelchair accessible.

Volunteers Needed! Wednesday, December 19 at 9am to Help Decorate the Church for Christmas

We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the church for Christmas. If you are available, please meet in the Social Hall at 9:00am on Wednesday, December 19.
We would love to have you!

Thank You from Anton’s Cleaners and Bristol Lodge

Thank you so much for your support! St. John’s has donated over 200 coats for two consecutive years and that makes a big difference in our annual coat drive. Our distribution partners in your area include the Wellesley Housing Authority, Circle of Hope (Needham), and The Second Step (Newtonville). After the coats have been cleaned at Anton’s Wellesley location, the distribution partners pick up however many coats they need. This is our 18th year of Coats for Kids and we appreciate all that St. John the Evangelist has donated along the way!
– Stephanie Littlefield, Anton’s Cleaners

I wanted to let you know how much we look forward to the Thanksgiving feast provided by the parishioners from St. John the Evangelist. The food was delicious and, in addition to serving over 90 guests, there was enough to go around for ‘seconds’. It was a great day and thanks so much. Have a wonderful Christmas.  – Mike Hannon, Bristol Lodge

December 2, 2012: News from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

AFFC LogoSunday, December 2, 7:30 p.m. – Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Vatican II: Fifty Years Later, The Advent of the Year of Faith
Fr. Robert Imbelli, Associate Professor of Theology, Boston College

Tuesday, December 4, 6:30 p.m. – St. John’s Church Social Hall
Evening for Women: Swinging Wide the Door of Faith
Let’s begin our Advent Journey with a focus on two women, Mary and Elizabeth, who opened the door of faith and swung it wide! Come join us with a favorite winter recipe for pot-luck, as we share the Advent road into those deep places where God will lead us. All welcome! Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan SND

Thursday, December 6, 7:30 p.m. –  Parish Center
St. John’s Book Discussion Group: Making the Eucharist Matter
by Frank Anderson.

Sunday, December 9, 7:30 p.m. – Sacred Heart Parish, Newton
Heating or Eating? Low-income Workers Need Both
Dawn Hymers, Operations Manager, Eastern Service Workers Association
Established in 1977, Eastern Service Workers Association is a free and voluntary membership association run by and for Boston’s service workers,
temporary, domestic and other low-income workers and their families.

December 2, 2012: This Week in Religious Education

This Week:  Sunday, December 2
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Grade 2 Church Tour
Grades 9 – 10 Teen Mass with St. Paul’s students 5:00pm
Grades 9 & 10 are expected to attend this Mass to which the 9th and 10th grades from St. Paul’s have been invited. Attendance will be taken. Grades 7 & 8 are encouraged and most welcome to attend the Mass; however, no class is scheduled for these grades.

Wednesday, December 5
Grades 1 – 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45 PM
Grade 2 Church Tour
Grade 4 Parent Visit

Next Week: Sunday, December 9 
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 AM

Advent Wreaths Available This Weekend, December 1-2

This Sunday, December 2 is the first Sunday of Advent.  Fresh and beautiful Advent Wreaths from Trees & Trimmings will be available after the 5pm Mass on Saturday, December 1, and on December 2, after the 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm Masses.  No pre-order necessary!

Please Join Us For Our Parish Thanksgiving Mass – Thursday, 8:30am

Happy Thanksgiving!

Trees and Trimmings
Saturday, December 8 – One Day Only!

Our annual holiday market Trees and Trimmings is on December 8th – SATURDAY ONLY!  Please plan your weekend so  we will see you on Saturday, then you will have Sunday to deck your hall with your fabulous tree, wreaths, roping and greens.  Red and White Poinsettias will be available at Trees & Trimmings this year. They are as lovely as ever, and no pre-orders needed.

“Rose Mallows”   a signed, framed print by former Saint John parishioner E. Joseph Fontaine, will be our showcase raffle item this year. Tickets will be available after select masses later this month and at Trees & Trimmings until 4pm.  Please contact Christina McCormick at with any questions.

Kid’s Corner will once again offer a boutique filled with Christmas gifts for parents, siblings, and grandparents. These items will be priced so that kids can afford to buy them. Our annual Toy Raffle is also a big highlight for the children. This year we are featuring an iPod Touch, a Wii U, a gift certificate to Little Bits, an American Girl Doll, and other exciting items. There will also be craft projects, and don’t forget about SANTA!

Tree Pickup Service: Enjoy a restful Christmas, and with a $25 donation let us pick up your tree after the holidays and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF on Jan. 5th for you! Please note, you must be a Wellesley resident. Find all the details here.

Questions about Trees & Trimmings or for volunteer opportunities, please contact Marie Carroll at or Kati Bannish at


The Genius of Bernard Lonergan – Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30pm

The Adult Faith Formation Commission presents a talk by Professor Fred Lawrence, Boston College Theology Department and founder/director of the Lonergan Workshop, on Wednesday November 28 at 7:30pm in the Social Hall.  Born in 1904 in Canada, Bernard Lonergan, S.J. was a twenty-four year old student of philosophy in England when he discovered John Henry Newman’s Grammar of Assent. He reportedly read it six times, thus setting out on a lifetime journey to show how we justify judgments of truth in areas that are not just empirical, such as faith. Often referred to as the most significant philosophical thinker of the twentieth century, he finished his intellectual apostolate as Distinguished Professor of Theology at Boston College. Today, decades later, Lonergan studies continue to flourish, as the Boston College Lonergan Institute fosters the ever-growing interest in this remarkable scholar and his seminal works.