From the Service Commission: Christmas Wish Volunteers Needed

The Christmas Wish effort is gearing up and we are looking for new and continuing volunteers to administer this growing program.  The program supports families in St. Johns as well as families in Brockton, Lowell, South Boston, and Roxbury by providing Christmas gifts to about 400 children in need. We are looking for volunteers to assist in any number of ways: coordinating wish lists from the various parishes, matching children to sponsors, shopping, coordinating shoppers and sponsors, processing contributions, and collecting gifts. Please consider giving even a small amount of time to the program as we enter this time of giving.  We will meet on Tuesday, October 11 at 9:00a.m. at the Rectory.  If you have questions or cannot make this time and would like to help, please feel free to contact Kathy Maher at or Liz Corcoran at

From the Parish Liturgical Commission 10/2 – The New Translation of the Roman Missal

The St. John Liturgy Commission has been working to coordinate the introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal, which will take place on November 27, 2011. The Mass has not changed. The words alone have changed, and while many of the changes are significant, the underlying structure and intent have not.  One of the places you will see change is in the liturgical music. The music for the Gloria, Sanctus and Memorial Acclamations will be familiar, with a few changes to the wording. Beginning on the weekend of October 15/16 we will begin singing some of the revised musical settings. Watch this space each week for explanations of various revisions, along with links to resources for further information.

PLAN TO ATTEND  Fr. Greg Hoppough’s presentation on Monday evening, October 24th, right here at our parish, for an opportunity to learn more and ask any questions you have. If you have any questions, contact any member of the Liturgical Commission: Steve Brown, Pat Colton, Pat Fiege, Svea Fraser, and Jerry Kehoe.


The following is based upon Roman Missal Formational Materials provided by the Secretariat of the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2010

1. Why is there a need for a new translation?

Pope John Paul II issued the third edition of the Latin text of the Roman Missal during the Jubilee Year in 2000. This new addition included many new texts requiring translation. In addition, the experience of the years after the Second Vatical Council gave rise to a desire for more formal and literal translations of the original Latin texts.

2. Who is doing the work of translation?

The process of translating liturgical texts from the original Latin is done by several groups. The International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) prepares English translations of liturgical texts on behalf of the conferences of bishops of English-speaking countries. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the other member conferences receive draft translations od each text and have the opportunity to offer comments and suggestions to ICEL. Then ICEL proposes a second draft, which each conference approves and submits to the Vatican for final approval. Each conference reserves the right to amend a particular text.  At the Vatican, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments examines the translated texts and grants permission for their use. Currently the Congregation is aided by the recommendations of Vox Clara, a special committee of bishops and consultants from English-speaking countries who outlined principles and rules for liturgical translation.

3. What’s new or different about the revised translation?

The style of the translation of the third edition is different. In accord with the rules for translation established by the Holy See, the revised translation follows the style of the original Latin texts more closely, including concrete images, repetition, parallelisms, and rhythm. The English used in the Mass texts is more formal in style. Where possible, the texts follow the language of Scripture and include many poetic images.  In addition, the third edition contains prayers for the celebration of recently canonized saints, additional prefaces for the Eucharist Prayers, additional Masses and prayers for various needs and intentions, some updated instructions for the celebration of the Mass.

A good article on the subject can be found at:

Evening for Women Begins Its 14th Year…

Tuesday October 4th at 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  This year’s theme:  A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel.  Through prayer, presentation and sharing, we will ponder how the core of faith is Love offered and accepted; how God invites us to imagine our lives as grounded in a Love beyond all imagining. Each month, come join us for this graced evening and bring one of your favorite recipes for a wonderful Pot Luck!  All are welcome!  Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan.

Anointing of the Sick
This Saturday, October 1 After 5pm Mass

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered after the 5pm Liturgy on the first Saturday of the month. Those who are chronically ill, are having treatments, or will be having surgery are invited to come receive this source of strength, healing and grace.

Pancake Picnic Thank You!

Last week’s celebration was a great success and was an event that was  enjoyed by all! Our thanks is extended to Susan Calcio and the many volunteers who worked with her to make this event happen. We would also like to express our appreciation to Steve and  MaryAnne Ulian who began this tradition a few years back, and to all of you who helped support this celebration. We look forward to doing it again next year!

Blessing of the Animals

On Sunday, October 2 at 1pm, please join us behind the Church for St. John’s Blessing of the Animals.  All loved animals are welcome – real, toy and photo!  For their safety, all real animals should be leashed or in a carrier. Please consider donating gently used blankets and towels for local animal shelters.

Poetry and the Catholic Imagination: A Reading and Talk with Paul Mariani

Please join us on Tuesday October 11 at 7:30pm in the Social Hall for a reading and talk with author and professor Paul Mariani.  Paul Mariani is University Professor of English at Boston College. He specializes in twentieth-century American and British poetry, biography, religion and literature, and creative writing.  Professor Mariani has published over 200 essays and reviews and is the author of sixteen books, including six volumes of poetry: Timing Devices, Crossing Cocytus, Prime Mover, Salvage Operations: New and Selected and The Great Wheel.

The evening will focus on Deaths & Transfigurations, a provocative collection of spiritually searching poems that develop themes of personal loss – the deaths we experience – as well as the quest for new life (“transfigurations”). Copies of the book will be available.

For further information please email:  St. John the Evangelist Adult Faith Formation Commission

Religious Education Starts This Sunday 9/18!

Religious Education classes for all grades will begin this Sunday September 18th. Classes for Grades 1-6 begin on Sunday 9/18 (10am to 10:45am) or Wednesday 9/21 (3:30pm to 4:45pm).  Classes for Grades 7-10 begin on Sunday 9/18  (6pm to 8pm).   Please visit the Religious Education page to download detailed information on Opening Day Procedures and a list of Important Dates.

Opening Day Procedures for Grades 1-6

  • All parents and students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School to receive classroom assignments.
  • Assignments will be posted on the wall in alphabetical order.
  • Parents should accompany their children to their classrooms, which will have class lists posted.
  • Parents, please introduce yourselves to your child(ren)’s teachers.
  • Volunteers will be available in the corridors to help guide parents and students to classes.
  • If you have not filled out a registration form and/or have not paid your registration fee, please report to the registration desk in Philbin Hall.
  • Students will be dismissed to the coned off area in the parking lot to be picked up unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.
  • As a reminder, dismissal times are 10:45 am on Sunday and 4:45 pm on Wednesday.

Opening Day Procedures for Grades 7 – 10 

  • Students meet Sunday evening from 6 – 8 PM
  • All 9th and 10th grade students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School for room assignments.
  • All 7th and 8th grades students should report to the Parish Center located across the parking lot from the school for room assignments.

Volunteers Needed – Pregnancy Help Program

We need volunteers for the Pregnancy Help Program, an outreach service to women and families experiencing crisis pregnancies. The program offers new baby clothes, a counseling staff and help with locating jobs and housing for those families facing financial crisis. The volunteer commitment involves taking baby items from the Natick office and delivering them to the Brighton office near St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Typically this is done on alternate Thursdays since the clients visit the office on Fridays. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Pat Kelleher at 781-237-4616.

Join the Parish Choir on September 11th

ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, you are invited to join the Parish Choir as we prepare music for that day’s 11 a.m. Mass.  In remembrance of the tenth anniversary of the tragedy at the World Trade Center, the choir will prepare a moving rendition of the popular On Eagles’ Wings. Rehearsal will begin at 9 a.m. in the Music Office; please join us.