Fr. John Connelly to be Honored at the Elizabeth Seton Residence Annual Dinner on Thursday, October 11 at 6pm at the Wellesley Country Club

From Elizabeth Seton Residence: 

Reverend John J. Connelly of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Wellesley Hills is a long-time friend and supporter of the Elizabeth Seton Residence. In addition to celebrating mass for the Sisters of Charity in the Mount St. Vincent chapel, Fr. Connelly’s sisters, Mary and Helen called the Elizabeth Seton Residence home in their later years and are fondly remembered by all.

Born and raised in St. Peter’s parish in Dorchester, Fr. Connelly attended the Boston Latin School and Boston College before entering the US Army and serving in World War II. Ordained in 1950, he went on to complete his graduate studies in Rome, Italy and then embarked on a teaching career that spanned over three decades. In 1983 Fr. Connelly was called to serve at the Sacred Heart parish in Newton where he was the beloved Pastor for thirty years until his retirement in 2013. He is now a senior priest in residence at St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley Hills.

We are honored to recognize Fr. Connelly for his outstanding service to the shared communities of Newton, Wellesley and the Elizabeth Seton Residence. We hope you will join us in making this a special and memorable evening as we celebrate our friend, Fr. John J. Connelly.

Please visit Elizabeth Seton Residence for more information or to purchase tickets online.

Our New Collaborative Sunday 5pm Mass Schedule

As young Christians… you are not only a part of the future of the Church; you are also a necessary and beloved part of the Church’s present! You are the Church’s present!

Pope Francis, Homily at the Closing Mass for the 6th Asian Youth Day, August 2014

Pope Francis reminds young Christians – and all of us – that young people are not just a part of the Church’s future, but an important and much-needed part of the Church’s present. Here at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, we are conscious of this reminder as we work together with our young people to renew and strengthen their connection to God, the Church, their parish and wider community, and to each other.

To this end, we have launched a Collaborative Sunday 5pm Mass that will be a more deliberately youth-centered liturgy, with our high-school-aged young people central to and actively involved in all aspects of the Mass. From the music, to the homilies, to the Spirit-filled sense of vibrancy and joy, we are prayerfully approaching a liturgy that will touch the hearts and minds of our young people and all who come to celebrate the Mass and grow in faith together.

This new Sunday 5pm Mass will be a truly collaborative liturgy, rotating from week to week between St. John Church and St. Paul Church. On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month, the Sunday 5:00pm Mass will be at St. John, and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, the Mass will be at St. Paul.

Schedule for September: 
Sunday, September 9 – St. Paul Church
Sunday, September 16 – St. John Church
Sunday, September 23 – St. Paul Church 
Sunday, September 30 – 
Collaborative Outdoor Mass/Special Mass Schedule

The full schedule for the year is available on our website  – you can add the schedule to your iPhone or Google calendar so you always know where the Mass is week to week.  (More information will be available soon about signing up for reminder emails and texts.)

All are encouraged to experience and support this new initiative with their prayers and their presence.

Remember, you can always attend the Masses within the collaborative that best meet your needs and schedule, and still support your home parish. Simply place your envelope (or check  made out to your home parish) in the collection at Mass and it will be sent to your parish. Envelopes for both parishes will also be available at the back of the churches so you can direct cash donations as well.

Now would be a great time to consider Online Giving. Online giving makes donating to your home parish simple and easy, regardless of where you are or the time of year, and this in turn provides your parish with more consistent and stable contributions. Please visit your home parish’s website (St. John or St. Paul) to sign up or for more information.

Candlelight Vigil Tonight – Monday, September 10 at St. Paul

Tonight, Monday, September 10, we will gather at 8:30pm for a Candlelight Vigil at St. Paul Parish (in the event of rain, the vigil will be held inside the church.)  Together we will sing and pray first and foremost for the victims and survivors of sexual abuse, and also in support of our faithful priests.  Events will be held at both parishes throughout the week. Please click HERE for a complete listing of all events.

“Out of the darkness is born the light…”

The faith community of St. John-St. Paul is experiencing an upheaval in the wake of the clergy sex abuse crisis. We are brokenhearted at the alarming reports that continue to engulf our Church. We are outraged, concerned, overwhelmed, and grieving over the revelations of the past month. However, with Jesus Christ as our example in times of great trial, we will not lose hope. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we come together as a community of faith to begin the work of healing, restoration, and reform.

As always, the survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of the clergy are at the forefront of our prayers.

Next week, beginning on Sunday, September 9, will be a week consecrated to the immediate critical care of the faithful Catholic community of the St. John – St. Paul Collaborative. The week opens with a vital opportunity to listen to one another and share what is in our hearts and minds concerning the events that have rocked our Church in the past weeks. Please join us on Sunday, September 9, from 12:30-2:00pm in Powers Hall at St. John the Evangelist Church for Laity and Clergy Walking Together.

The following evening, Monday, September 10, we will gather at 8:30pm for a Candlelight Vigil on the lawn of St. Paul Church. Together we will sing andpray – first and foremost for the victims and survivors of sexual abuse, and also in support of our faithful priests.

Events will be held at both parishes throughout the week, including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Lectio Divina, Stations of the Cross, and Contemplation of the Rosary, all in support of survivors of sexual abuse.

Please click HERE for a complete listing of all events.

Update from Sunday, September 2: Fr. Hehir is Well

We wanted to let everyone know that Fr. Hehir is fine – back home with us in Wellesley and back at work! 

Thank you all for your concern, and please keep him in your prayers – and know that you are always in his.

Our New Collaborative Sunday 5pm Mass Schedule Begins this Sunday, September 9 with Mass at St. Paul

As young Christians… you are not only a part of the future of the Church; you are also a necessary and beloved part of the Church’s present! You are the Church’s present!

Pope Francis, Homily at the Closing Mass for the 6th Asian Youth Day, August 2014

Pope Francis reminds young Christians – and all of us – that young people are not just a part of the Church’s future, but an important and much-needed part of the Church’s present. Here at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, we are conscious of this reminder as we work together with our young people to renew and strengthen their connection to God, the Church, their parish and wider community, and to each other.

To this end, beginning on Sunday, September 9, we are launching a Collaborative Sunday 5pm Mass that will be a more deliberately youth-centered liturgy, with our high-school-aged young people central to and actively involved in all aspects of the Mass. From the music, to the homilies, to the Spirit-filled sense of vibrancy and joy, we are prayerfully approaching a liturgy that will touch the hearts and minds of our young people and all who come to celebrate the Mass and grow in faith together.

This new Sunday 5pm Mass will be a truly collaborative liturgy, rotating from week to week between St. John Church and St. Paul Church. On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month, the Sunday 5:00pm Mass will be at St. John, and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, the Mass will be at St. Paul.

Schedule for September: 
Sunday, September 9 – St. Paul Church
Sunday, September 16 – St. John Church
Sunday, September 23 – St. Paul Church 
Sunday, September 30 – 
Collaborative Outdoor Mass/Special Mass Schedule

The full schedule for the year is available on our website  – you can add the schedule to your iPhone or Google calendar so you always know where the Mass is week to week.  (More information will be available soon about signing up for reminder emails and texts.)

All are encouraged to experience and support this new initiative with their prayers and their presence.

Family Mass Music Starts Up Again on Sunday, September 9

Children and adults blend voice and instruments to praise the Lord and enrich our Sunday 9:00am Family Mass with upbeat, child-friendly, hand-clapping hymns. During the school year, we rehearse each Sunday morning at 8:00am in the Music Office on the lower level of the church to prepare for that day’s 9:00am Mass (no need to commit to every Sunday.) We also prepare special liturgies for Grade Level Masses, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Pentecost. All ages, Grade 1 and older, are welcome! We are always seeking new singers and instrumentalists to join our ranks. For more information please contact Maria Wardwell at 781-237-2148 or

Youth Ministry News

All high school students are invited to join our Collaborative Youth Ministry Program, which is being reinvigorated with new staff, new ideas and new initiatives in tandem with the updated Confirmation Preparation Program!

Luke Delvecchio

Jimmy Hastings

First we would like to re-introduce our Youth Ministers who started as members of the St. Paul Youth Group and evolved into Youth Ministers – Luke Delvecchio and   Jimmy Hastings. Both are parishioners in the Collaborative and their tireless dedication and enthusiasm has continued to keep the St. Paul Youth Group alive and well!

Brenna Wertzberger

We would also like to introduce you to Brenna Wertzberger, a student in the BC Theology program, who has joined them as a Youth Minister.

Luke, Jimmy, and Brenna will all be Collaborative staff charged with empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. This empowerment will include (but not be limited to!) Mass participation, service within and outside the Collaborative, and activities to foster community.

For more information, please email



Video Message from Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap
Archbishop of Boston

A message from Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM. Cap. Archbishop of Boston from Archdiocese of Boston on Vimeo.

Welcome to Our New Director Of Finance and Operations, Jackie Welham!

Dear Friends,

It is with a mixture of sadness and gratitude that I announce that Tricia Fraser, the Director of Finance and Operations for the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, left her position as of July 1 to pursue a new and exciting opportunity. Tricia has been named Vice President of Finance at St. John Seminary in Brighton. I am most grateful to Tricia for her tireless dedication to the collaborative over the past three years in this important strategic role. Our gratitude, thoughts and prayers go with her as she embarks upon this new adventure.

I am at the same time delighted to announce that Jackie Welham is our new Director of Finance and Operations, effective August 6. Jackie comes to us with an impressive career in accounting and finance as well as a passionate dedication to the mission of the Church. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of Notre Dame and with a MBA with a concentration in Accounting from Babson College. Her initial professional position was with Coopers & Lybrand (“C&L”), where she obtained her CPA credentials. While at C&L, she specialized in utilities and in not-for-profits. She left C&L in order to take a job at one of her audit clients, Phillips Academy, and then spent eight years at Harvard University. After leaving full time employment, she consulted at various institutions, including several Harvard University departments (e.g. Financial Administration, Risk Management and Audit Services, and the Harvard School of Public Health), Simmons College, and Bethany College.

Jackie is an active participant in her home collaborative of St. Anne-St. Catherine, located in Littleton and Westford. She has served on the St. Anne Finance Council for sixteen years and on the Parish Council (first St. Anne and then the Collaborative Parish Council) for four years. She is a lector and a Eucharistic Minister, and has recently joined the Ministry of Hope. When not working, she enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her husband, Tom, and children, Elizabeth and Tommy.

We are thrilled to welcome Jackie to this key position in our collaborative. She is looking forward to getting to know the St. John and St. Paul community. Let’s extend a warm welcome to Jackie as she begins her new position!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Jim